I was looking at some 1940's school uniforms and found some ideas for Jill's uniform. Anyone have any ideas for her Narnian traveling dress?
I wasn't sure if Jill would be wearing a skirt, jumper, or dress. I'm not sure what the "age level" is for the type of uniform.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
Does she wear a dress in the book? I thought she wore her British clothes? Either way, cool question -- I may be back later if I can find a dress that looks like it may be suitable. There's also the dress she wears at Harfang.
Hmmm I forgot about that.... the fact that she puts her uniform back on...that would be really boring though. No Narnian Dress?!?!?!? Please No!! I hope they will give her a dress so she doesn't have to stay in British clothes!!
I can't wait to see how they make her harfang dress...it will be very vibrant, I'm sure!!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
All right, I've done a little research...
I'm sure she'll wear a Narnian dress at some point! After all, Susan and Lucy both did in the first two movies. Even if Jill doesn't wear a traveling dress, I'm sure she'll have a Cair Paravel gown and a Harfang dress.
If she does wear a traveling dress I would imagine that it would probably be something like Susan and Lucy's in LWW (perhaps Susan's green?):
http://costumes.narniaweb.com/pevensies ... ucamp5.jpg
http://costumes.narniaweb.com/pevensies ... ucamp6.jpg
I also looked at Eowyn's dresses from LOTR. Those seem too fancy for my tastes when it comes to Jill, though... Sorry I couldn't really find anything more original.
I'll keep looking around though.
I like ur idea 4 her school uniform, only I think that it would be more bland, so I would go with grey, and she would prbly wear a forest green jacket or shawl too, I think.
For her harfang dress a kind of silky material, pink, red or green,and a reasonably simple syle, like Susan's dress.
and her Narnian Dress.... the length should be about mid-calf, loose, and I think it would b dark blue and/or green
Well, for all we know, the costume designers may completely change Jill's outfits.. maybe none of the costumes in the books will be present in the movie.. if we ever get that far.. O.o Let's hope so..
ya know, this could also be a great topic for someone planning to make a costume for Jill.. It could give them some ideas.. :S
"Who knows what I could bring, flying high upon a wing.
I believe that anything can be a princess thing."
- Princess Sofia the First
I always thought that at the beginning, she would wear a schooldress similar to Lucy's at the start of PC, that was rather wrinkled from her fights with the bullies.
I would think that at Cair Paravel, she would change out of her uniform and don a Narnian dress. Then end up wearing it for the feast, and most of the film, until she gets to Harfang.
Then, at the end of the movie, her dress (from Harfang) would be clean and brilliant when she and Eustace give the bullies a taste of their own medicine.
Just my thoughts.
I <3 Asa Butterfield
I only take orders from one person.
That would be me.
-Han Solo-
I agree with you Georgie fan, but I always thought she'd change again for the end of the film(Caspian's 'goodbye') and Rilian's coronation by wearing a fancy clean new dress. And then back to her school clothes, but this time they'd be clean and neat.
*We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star...*
~Merry Christmas From Lostin1800~
I'd rather like Jill to be in something Narnian on the journey... simply since it'd be lovely to see her in costumes instead of her regular school clothes... though I'm afraid I've tread on forbidden ground by wishing her to be in Narnian clothes when Lewis has her in her English clothes...
Is this a site for The Silver Chair? or what about The Last Battle? Costume/calormene armour ideas for that might be interesting =)
I love your choice for her uniform A_Narnian_Ship!! : D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
In my opinion, the dress on the right suits Jill more- although it is a little bit grown up for her! Maybe something like Lucy's schoolgirl outfit in PC? With a long-sleeved shirt and jumper? Then at Cair Paravel, she could change into a royal-looking dress (gold?), then change into either a simple traveling dress or her school outfit. You know, in SC it mentions that Jill wears shorts! I could really imagine that. Then, of course, Jill's calf-length cloak, which should be a dark blue. In my mind, it just wouldn't work otherwise. I have always imagined Jill's Harfang dress to be lime green- I don't know why. Then she wears that until she goes back to Cair Paravel. Then she could wear something nice for Rilian's coronation and going back into our world. Maybe a crimson color? She wears that for the fancy-dress balls. Then she changes into school clothes again- a different outfit, probably.
Pray for Skandar member! PM Benjamin to join!
I saw the film on Opening Day!
When all else fails, read the Instructions!
Keep in mind that Jill and Eustace's school is co-ed. When reading the book, I always got the impression that their school is the type that would have the same uniform for boys and girls so the shorts would make sense.
And she definately does get a Narnian dress. When she and Eustace arrive they are given clean clothes and have dinner with Trumpkin and the others. After dinner Glimfeather tells her to get changed into "traveling clothes". So she puts her uniform and a cloak on.
When she, Eustace, and Puddleglum leave the underworld I'd guess that the Narnians would give them fresh clothes. (after all that crawling through tunnels they'd be pretty dirty )
How do you think the costumes Jill has will look?
-school outfit
-Narnian dress #1(in beginning)
-traveling outfit
-Harfang dresses(nightgown and other dress)
-Narnian dress #2 (at coronation of Rillian)
made by katherine
I think, based on the costumes we saw in Voyage, that the Narnian dresses will have a more Telmarine-ish flavour.
But I also think a Narnian dress for Jill will have similarities to Susan's Purple dress from PC and Gael's dress in VotDT.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hmm...now that this is open again, perhaps I shall do what I did w/ LotGK in her thread! Stay tuned.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Lucy of Narnia, that was a good way to do that
made by katherine