So which outfit of Susan's is your favorite? Please vote and explain why you chose that one.
I selected Susan's battle dress from PC. The green archery dress from LWW was a very close second, but red battle dress won my vote. The color is so rich and the skirt so full, I would happily wear a dress such as that every single day.
“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot
I love the chain mail on it. It looks really cool.
I like the adult Susan's dress. I like purple, maybe because of that, I choose this dress.I like the pattern, so cheerful but also show how gentle Susan is. The second one is Susan's purple dress (still about purple!)
I positively love the coronation dress from PC! I love the reformation time period. I don't think we saw enough of yet another Isis Mussenden masterpiece. I was dissapointed it wasn't at the exhibit because I wanted to make it, but oh well. The archery dress was a close second and I had so much fun making it!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
I chose her coronation dress as well. I loved it! That one an her Farewell dress were my two favorites. They were both gorgeous dresses!
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I love the chain mail on it. It looks really cool.
I think it's cool, too. It's the only truly feminine-looking armor I've seen in a movie (to date). And don't forget the boots - they are the epitomy of versatility, but still girly.
“To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.”
― Elisabeth Elliot
I love the Coronation Gown she had for LWW best, I guess second best would be Coronation Dress for Prince Caspian and Third her Farewell Dress for Prince Caspian.
I voted for Susan's archery dress from LWW but i also love her coronation dress from LWW! Her archery dress is so pretty but it is also simple, and i tend to like things like that. and her coronation dress is just soo pretty, lovely colors and those sleeves!! I guess her farewell dress would be my thired choice.
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Hmm.... they're all so gorgeous! I was having a hard time choosing between the Battle dress, the Farewell dress, the Battle dress, and I love the Archery one for casual-er, but I voted for the Farewell dress. [Or was it Battle dress? I can't remember! ]
I think I'm losing my mind but at least I'm having fun in the process!
-Rachel Schneider
Wow....... this is a really, really hard one! Although it was super hard to choose, I have to go with Susan's Battle dress. Her Archery gown, LWW Coronation gown, and her Farewell gown are all tied in second place.
Susan's battle dress is AMAZING! The dress is such a pretty deep shade of red and I love how the skirt on it is so full to make it really fun to twirl in and feminine, but also has splits in the front so a horseback rider like me can easily still ride a horse in it!
The gold detaling on the skirt is very pretty too.
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
I love her coronation dress in PC, but I also like her green archery dress just because they're both really pretty.
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I chose the LWW coronation dress. I liked the simple cut of the dress along with the embroidery. I also really liked the blue color.
I voted the Farewell dress as well. Everything, the colors, the cut, made it look splendid!
I love Susan's battle dress! it's really pretty, and I love how the skirt is the same shade of red as the boy's battle outfits, so they all match!
my second favorite would have to be her coronation outfit from LWW! it's gorgious! I love the shades of blue and the sleeves.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are