^ ditto! I LOVE Lu's! (in fact, her whole outfit! ) And Prince Caspian's looked better on him than on Miraz, but it never looked right to me because...
SOMEONE MADE A CAPTION OF HIM AS A BURGER KING! They said 'the king who wants you to have it your way' or something, and I thought they'd changed his crown or something, so now every time I watch PC it's like...Burger King Crown!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
I really liked all of the crowns in LWW. If I had to choose one, I think it would be (characteristically) Edmund's. I don't really know if Eustace and Jill need proper coronations. After all, they have crowns in the end, and as Aslan said:
"Once a King or Queen in Narnia, always a King or Queen."
Another consideration is that, while Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy were given a coronation, they were actual Narnian rulers. Jill and Eustace were not. I think Lewis failed to give them a coronation on purpose. Do we Earthly "Kings and Queens" of God's Kingdom receive crowns before we reach Heaven? Not unless we're also Kings and Queens (specifically rulers) here.
Just my 2 cents.
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
^Good point, they weren't meant to rule, Aslan gave them the crowns as an honor or gift, not a symbol of Queen or Kingship.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
When were they given crowns? They are just friends of Narnia like Diggory and Polly weren't they?
Comfort child we are between the paws of the true Aslan.- King Tirian
If this is the real world the the play world a great deal better- Puddleglum
Eustace, Jill, Diggory and Polly were all given crowns when they arrived in Aslan's Country at the end of the Last Battle.
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
*mental head slap* Oooops should of thought of this I suppose, "there stood 7 kings and queens" stupid me.
Comfort child we are between the paws of the true Aslan.- King Tirian
If this is the real world the the play world a great deal better- Puddleglum
Well, we all make mistakes.
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
SOMEONE MADE A CAPTION OF HIM AS A BURGER KING! They said 'the king who wants you to have it your way' or something, and I thought they'd changed his crown or something, so now every time I watch PC it's like...Burger King Crown!
I might have seen it before, but I don't remember. Did you happen to have a link?
That's hilarious.
Great thoughts, The Just King. I can't wait to see what the crowns look like in The Last Battle. I wonder if they will bring back the Pevensies' old crowns for when
av by dot
Hopefully they will!
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
I'm hoping they do too, TJK. I was kind of disappointed that the crowns didn't appear in PC & VDT. Actually, what do you think happened to the crowns after the Pevensies chased the White Stag and got back into England? Do you think they were lost? Or were they found along with the Pevensies' four gifts from Father Christmas?
av by dot
I hope they return for LB!!
And I think it was just a picture of PC riding his horse but it said that.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
One would suppose that their crowns were preserved in honor, along with all the junk they had in those chests!
Gentle, Magnificent, Valiant and Just. To these I pledge my allegiance.
Will Poulter IS Eustace
Member of the Edmund Club. PM me to join!
Do you remember in PC the dresses that Lucy held up? I'm positive it's the one they were wearing at the hunt so maybe their clothes, crowns and horses were left but even if they weren't "nothing good was destroyed in that world" so they would have to come back (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE!)
Comfort child we are between the paws of the true Aslan.- King Tirian
If this is the real world the the play world a great deal better- Puddleglum
I really like Lucy's crown in LWW. I love how it looks like leaves, and I love silver!
Design by Narnian_Archer
My Portfolio website
Lucy's and Edmund's crowns were definitely my favorites; especially since they were silver.