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[Closed] Costumes of Calormen

Weapon Master
NarniaWeb Newbie

Okay, let's talk Calormen. I thought this would be a very good topic to discuss because the Calormenes form a critical part of the Chronicles, as one of the main opponents to the Narnians. As far as costumes, I think the Middle-Eastern influences of Colormene culture should be the main basis, with garments such as long robes, turbans, cloaks and trousers for riding. For the wealthy, I think the robes should be brightly colored with lots of ornamentation and embroidery, and be made of silk. For peasants, I was thinking rough wool or linen in colors like brown or gray. Overall, I think Lewis describes the clothing and weaponry of Calormen very well, and there is no need for great deviation. But this is just my view. Please, everyone, contribute you ideas!

Topic starter Posted : September 10, 2009 9:44 am
Lady Éowyn
NarniaWeb Regular

I like your thoughts! The Calormen culture and "look" was certainly well-defined by Lewis, so hopefully that will be fun to see in film.

And actually, we've already seen two people who are probably Calormen traders at the Narrowhaven set (Gumpas did say they sell slaves to Calormen, mostly).

Here's one, and here's the other. Other men in the same set of pictures wear turbans, but their costumes are totally different, and Telmarine-influenced, so those are probably Lone Islanders.

I really like the colors in those outfits, especially the last one. Check out those striped trousers, too! ;)

Posted : September 10, 2009 4:25 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

i love those! (minus the sunglasses, of course) :)

i have somw designs for aravis i'd love to post. umm... :- anyone know how? still getting used to the new format...

"Come," said Aslan ," let me breathe on you. Are you brave again?"

Posted : September 14, 2009 4:57 pm
Lady of the Green Kirtle
NarniaWeb Regular

I like the idea of Middle Eastern influence, but I also imagine some Indian influence as well (with bright colors and such), especially among the wealthier people.

That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. -Puddleglum

Posted : October 1, 2009 1:38 pm