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[Closed] Susan - Anna Popplewell

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I'm afraid of that, aragorn2! Though I enjoyed her better this way, I was disappointed that they didn't show at ALL any hints of her turning away, like there are in the books. And it would be horrid if they had her come to Aslan's Country, so hopefully (sad though it will be) they'll start showing it in VoDT.

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Posted : October 18, 2010 6:14 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I hope film makers dig deep into Susan`s psyche/arc . Perhaps we will see the beginnings of how she starts to distance herself from her siblings as her faith in Aslan diminishes over time. Also I would like to see the impact of her fading faith and how it affects her siblings. These are good elements for exploration in the movies. The whole nylon and lipstick scene never satisfied me. There should be something bigger and more powerful than that. I hope she doesn`t go to Aslan`s country. I hope she mourns her siblings and the lost paradise. Yes. I know that sounds cruel.

There was a small foreshadowing in PC. Remember her talk with Lucy and Susan asks why she didn`t see Aslan. Lucy says : " Maybe you didn`t want to." To Peter she says : " You weren`t looking." This simple statement says a lot. At least for Peter the desire to see Aslan is still there.

Posted : October 18, 2010 7:09 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I can imagine all the "controversies" that would go on with Susan's character when and if LB is released. I just hope that the film makers have the guts to stick to the book anyways.

I think it would be good as well if they explained furthur why Susan doesn't make it to Narnia. I thought Lewis did a good job with it. He didn't say it outright, but f you think about it more, she is just like the dwarfs who didn't WANT to believe in Narnia.

But for modern audiences, I think showing her tease her family and friends about believeing in Narnia, etc, would be helpful. They can show her try to be "grown up" but really look very silly doing it.

Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
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Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : October 19, 2010 11:20 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

To be honest, I wouldnt mind them filming an entire movie about the decline of Susan's life. It would be interesting, though more of a drama than a Narnia movie.

Winter Is Coming

Posted : October 19, 2010 11:44 am
NarniaWeb Zealot

There was a small foreshadowing in PC. Remember her talk with Lucy and Susan asks why she didn`t see Aslan. Lucy says : " Maybe you didn`t want to."

That's what I thought too! Especially when Lucy asks if Susan's glad to be in Narnia, and Susan replies "while it lasts". It shows she's starting to get closer to our world than to Narnia.


Posted : October 19, 2010 3:35 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

To be honest, I wouldnt mind them filming an entire movie about the decline of Susan's life. It would be interesting, though more of a drama than a Narnia movie.

That's kind of interesting. Maybe after VDT something like that could be produced but I wouldn't like it done by the same production. For one thing, Narnia is a children's series and Susan's decline seems like a more mature theme. I don't know if they would want to associate the current Narnia film with one like that.

I think they will also take HHB as an opportunity to furthur expand on this. I mean if it ever gets made. :-s

Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
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Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : October 19, 2010 3:47 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Since we were discussing the fall of Susan I decided to post a video someone created on this topic. Its well put together but very sad. Its a very intense point of view. Here`s the link.

... re=related

Posted : November 4, 2010 2:28 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I can't say that I particularely liked what C.S. Lewis did with Susan's Character. I wish she could have redeemed herself in some way. I love Susan.

I hope that they do her justice in HHB (again, assuming it gets made). I really enjoy her role in that book.

Posted : November 5, 2010 7:30 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Wow that was emotional, MaidenofNarnia! She has some pretty good facial expressions! I'm looking forward to see how the movie makers will handle Susan's "fall". I think Josh had a good idea w/ dramatizing it, but I doubt the producers will go down that path.

I saw the movie....and was disappointed

Posted : November 11, 2010 4:04 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

^^ I do like Susan and also the one who portrays her Ms. Anna. Though I'm so sad that she wasn't able to be with them when Aslan closes the real Narnia and Susan was left behind. Anna played her role very well here..:D

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Posted : November 13, 2010 10:32 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

If HHB ever gets made I really hope that they give Anna Popplewell a large role. I love the inclusion of Susan, Lucy and Edmund in that book.

Posted : November 15, 2010 8:53 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I`m stepping back to Susan`s character in the Last Battle for a bit. It`s a interesting display of foreboding seeing this picture with everyone wearing Narnia clothes but Susan. It gives a nice visual sense of what is to come. However the character placement seems off. Peter should be standing closer while Susan is far away.This may be old news but I just wanted to post it.

Posted : November 18, 2010 2:25 am
NarniaWeb Zealot

I have a feeling there's going to be some major indicators in VDT as to what happens to Susan's character by the time LB takes place... I wonder how the filmmakers will handle it? :-


Posted : November 28, 2010 7:16 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

To see that picture kinda makes me sad :-s *tear* It's sad that she stops believing. To bad....... :-s

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Posted : December 4, 2010 7:33 am
NarniaWeb Regular

If HHB ever gets made I really hope that they give Anna Popplewell a large role. I love the inclusion of Susan, Lucy and Edmund in that book.

PeterCharn, couldn't agree with you more!*tears*

The best is always the next.

Posted : December 6, 2010 1:28 am
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