I didn't much like how they made her doing alot of fighting in Prince Caspian. Susan never seemed like the sort of girl to go out into battle.
I absolutely agree. Susan was never the kind of character to go into war. Anna somehow pulled it off though, and I give credit to her for doing so. On the whole, I think Anna did good with the messed up Susan role she was given. It was not her fault the character was so tweaked. The only part where her acting could not save her was during the Susan kissing Caspian scene. That part was so far from the characters themselves and the books that it just did not turn out well.
I liked Susan till I saw Prince Caspian. (Though I thought she was a bit irritating at the beginning of LWW, but she shapened up.) I won't slam the character, but I will say that I do not like her after the second movie.
~Though you may want one thing, God's plan may be something entirely different, and it is always better His way.~
while Susan never is in any battle in PC in the book, I really like how she gets to fight in PC in the movie! I just like how she is both gentle and strong at the same time.....just my two cents!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Liberty Hoffman, I agree with your two sense completely! That's exactly how I see her. Gentle and strong! I didn't really like the ending of the book, the girls frolicking along in the hills with Aslan while the boys risked their lives to save Narnia. I like it when the girls on invovled, but still stay girls.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
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Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I love Susan! And Anna Popplewell does a great job portraying her I find it very sad that she quits believing in Narnia
I know that she is supposed to represent those who fall away...but if there is one thing I'd be ok with them changing in the movies it would be having Susan come back! I know there is the possbility of her becoming a believer later so if they decided to stay with the book and have her not come back at first maybe they could just make sure it's very clear that she does turn her life around after loosing her siblings.
She is most defiantly my favorite girl character
credit to Check every wardrobe for the Siggie
credit to Princess Anna for the Avatar
Sorry but there's no way they could show her coming back to faith. It isn't in the books. Lewis left it open because that is what it is like for a person who is still alive - they still have the chance to change their mind.
It will "definitely" be as Lewis wrote it, in this regard.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I love Susan, and Anna. I was so sad when I read the last battle and she wasn't in it.
You can't help feeling stronger when you look at a place where you won a glorious victory not to mention a kingdom, hundreds of years ago.
Coracle, I think it would be nice to see that Susan still has the choice. I've spoken to many people who feel that her not being present in LB means that she hasn't the option her family have taken, not that she still has time to make her decision. Personally, I'd like to see her thinking about it.
Plus, I think it would be really great if they could get everyone back together for the final film - even if Anna's only there for a tiny scene.
Liberty Hoffman, I agree with your two sense completely!
That's exactly how I see her. Gentle and strong! I didn't really like the ending of the book, the girls frolicking along in the hills with Aslan while the boys risked their lives to save Narnia. I like it when the girls on invovled, but still stay girls.
^^ yes! in both PC and LWW, Lucy and Susan are off on romps while battles rage on.....I never liked the romp in PC in the book! I am glad that Susan can get into the battles!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I absolutely love Anna Popplewell as Susan, I don't think I ever really loved the character until I saw her play it. And I must admit I'm among those who love her in the battles, though it's not in keeping with the books. She's such a great actress too. I've no doubt she'll be in more movies, though I imagine she's the type who will finish with her studies first. I was sad too that she turned away from Narnia in the Last Battle but I think it was a good thing too by CS Lewis. To get the point across to us about people turning away from God. I mean it seems crazy that someone who'd actually been to Narnia could say it was all games. But it's like that in life when people who've been Christians turn around and say there is no God. I imagine though the filmmakers will include her in a scene in LB, though back in England. A, because they seem to love having all the children in the films not just some of them. B, because they have to show somehow that she no longer believes in Narnia and the most realistic way of doing it is having her say it or whatever. It wouldn't be as effective to have Peter say, "It's a shame Su doesn't believe in Narnia anymore, eh guys?" It would just sound silly, so I think she'll be back. That is if they ever do it.
Go Marina Erakovic!
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I've always really liked Susan even though she did turn her back on everyone. I like to think that she did make it to Narnia to be with her family. I mean with C. S. Lewis leaving it open like that she probly does make it. I hope. She's one of the Queens of the old times. She has to make it!!!
If you're a girl Christian Star Wars fan check this place out! http://thelakehouse.bigforumpro.com/
(Siggy by theprincessspy!)
Is Anna going to be in the beginning of VDT or not at all?
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anna was a good choice to play susan
I think Anna did an amazing job in LWW, as well as PC. I also think she is a fabulous actress, as well as a beautiful and kind young woman.
When I went back and read The Last Battle for the second time, (my mother read it to me when I was little, so I didn't remember it very well) I was sad that Susan had lost her faith in Narnia. I also think it was a necessary that she lose her faith, because I think it would be too cheezy. C.S. Lewis's books reminded me of the Bible, and that sort of thing. I believe that if Susan hadn't lost her faith, then that connection would have been lost. If you think about it, we all lose our way, wherever we may be going. (I'm terribly sorry if I offended anyone on this thread. Believe me, it was unintentionally done.)
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I totally agree with you there JillPole. If he hadn't have done so perhaps no one would question them all being there and it would be your typically fairy-tale ending story. Hopefully some people have questioned where they're going for eternity because of this ending. I still like to hope/believe that Susan would've been affected by her family's deaths that she would have turned around her life. Because of course something we don't really dwell on is that she lost all her close family members: mother, father, brothers, sister, cousin even and the professor, who she may still have something to do with. If I lost all those people in one day, I would feel crushed and that I was left with no or almost no family but God to depend on. Those are just my two cents worth on one of my favourite characters/cast.
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
Is Anna going to be in the beginning of VDT or not at all?
I wish I knew! waiting to find out is driving me crazy!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are