Agent Carter's second season will be two episodes longer than the first. If I remember right, season two will take place in LA. I'm hoping we get to see Howard and Peggy founding SHIELD this season or at least the groundwork for that.
It's been a very long time since I was on the boards. But, I was wondering if anyone has watched "Daredevil" on Netflix.
*emerges from hibernation and pokes head out of the ground* I heard someone mention Daredevil. I binge-watched all thirteen episodes in two days back in April and it was definitely worth it. It's dark (yes, darker than Arrow, but also so much more worth it*), and the violence is extreme at times (there were at least three deaths that I was unable to watch), but the darker tone is in keeping with the comics. On the whole I thought the show was solid, well written, well acted (with a great cast), and the fight choreography was stunning. They also did a brilliant job of deconstructing some age-old hero tropes that should have died years ago, and I could not be more happy about that (
Long story short, this show is easily one of my favorite things the MCU has produced so far, and I am highly anticipating season 2. The introduction of The Punisher and Elektra should be interesting, even though I am slightly concerned about the change in showrunners.
(*Arrow and I have officially broken up and I could not be more disappointed with how this show turned out.)
Shows that I'm anticipating this fall are Agent Carter, Supergirl, The Flash, and Person of Interest (which is probably on its final season and won't be returning until mid-season at the earliest. I'm not pleased.).
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me
This week season 3 of When Calls The Heart was confirmed. The third season's premiere will be a two-hour Christmas special and then the rest of the season will start airing sometime in February. It will be a ten hour season like season 2. I am so excited for more WCTH! Although I am not sure about the Christmas special, how well that will tie into the end of season 2. I guess time will tell.
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Christ is King.
Just finished watching the Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell miniseries last night. I didn't get to see it when it was on BBCAmerica, but I snatched up the DVDs as soon as they appeared at work. It's been long enough since I read the book last that I mainly remembered the major plot points, so I enjoyed the miniseries more than perhaps I might have if it were fresher. I did notice they skimmed pretty heavily, but given the amount of material they had to cover in seven episodes, I suppose it's not terribly surprising. But I did think it was really well done and it just makes me want the sequel to the book even more.
NBC has been promoting its upcoming reboot of Heroes, called Heroes Reborn. (I liked the original series at the beginning, but it stumbled in later seasons).
There's a trailer for the new show and a half-dozen short webisodes. Apparently it's 5 years after the end of the first series, which ended with Claire Bennett showing her special abilities to the world, and now "evos" must register with Homeland Security in a sort of dystopic future.
The new show combines the return of familiar faces from the original and some new characters. I'll probably check out the first few episodes and see how it goes.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'm looking forward to Zachary Levi playing one of the antagonists this time around. With them bringing back Hiro, I'm curious as to how they're going to balance the powers. I think the massive power imbalance between people like Hiro, Peter, and Sylar and then people like Claire really crippled the show's ability to have a logical plotline. Well, that and the fact that Sylar didn't die at the end of the first season and eventually took over the show.
We've just caught up on the last episode of ABC's Forever. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm glad they wrapped up the major storylines. I think it would have done well in a second season if it had had a consistent airing schedule and a little more solid writing in the filler episodes. It was still an enjoyable watch. I'd liked to have seen more development of the mythos, but what they introduced was about the level I'd expect in a first season.
That's good to know. I've actually avoided watching the last episode because then that means I have to accept the show is over. Well, that and I was just busy and never got around to it.
So, the fall season begins and I realize that the only show I'm actively watching is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, because all the other shows I've watched (Arrow, Once Upon a Time) I'm very far behind on, or the new season hasn't started yet (Person of Interest - I'm also very far behind here, but at least now I have time to catch up). I have a rather tentative relationship with AoS right now - on the one hand, I think this season has started in an intriguing direction. On the other hand, I'm still rather mad at it for how last season turned out. The end of last season, sadly, kind of felt like they were making it up as they went along, some of the "plot twists" felt contrived for shock value, and I'm convinced (Maybe it's a little weird to have spoiler tags for a show that's significantly older than I am, but I wish I hadn't known about some of the cast changes before I started watching it, so I won't ruin it for anyone else.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
I heartily ditto your thoughts on M*A*S*H, Rya. I watched a lot of it in syndication during high school, and you're in some of the best seasons, now.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm curious - can you easily watch Heroes Reborn if you haven't seen Heroes?
I think so. I've only watched the first two or three seasons of Heroes and so far I've been able to follow along pretty well. They've done a good job of introducing new characters and when they bring up old characters it's usually explained how that character was relevant. However, I definitely recommend watching the webisodes Dark Matter. They bridge between the two series and set the stage for the start of Heroes Reborn.
I have a rather tentative relationship with AoS right now - on the one hand, I think this season has started in an intriguing direction. On the other hand, I'm still rather mad at it for how last season turned out.
The end of last season, sadly, kind of felt like they were making it up as they went along, some of the "plot twists" felt contrived for shock value, and I'm convinced So here's to hoping for some lighter weekly adventure stories, with some good character arcs!
Is anyone looking forward to Supergirl* starting at the end of the month? From the previews it looks like it could be quite fun and lighthearted (which would be reallllllly nice**).
*I think I asked about this show last time? Yeah. Oh well.
**For a while I've stayed away from superhero movies and shows because they usually are pretty dark and heavy. Marvel kinda hoodwinked me with Avengers and AoS by baiting the fluffy before springing everything else.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
I have been watching Agents of Shield, and can agree with the comments made.
While I can understand the producers wanting to connect the "Marvel Universe" with all the characters relating to each other in both the movies, and Television, much like the comics do, I think they should do better in making those connections.
I would also like to see a more weekly format. They can keep bringing up a backstory of some sort that slowly develops into a season ending cliffhanger, but the individual episodes need to be able to stand more on their own.
Rya, I'll echo daughter of the King's comments about Heroes Reborn. Watching the first season or two of the original would be helpful, as it introduces you to many main characters, the storytelling methods used, and the background world. The Dark Matters webisodes are a good bridge between the two series.
I'm a bit annoyed at the new series' treatment of Molly Walker.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Though definitely not for anyone under 16 years of age, I have been re-watching the tv series The Borgia's.
Today my family is going to catch up on tv shows we missed this week. We're watching Agent Carter, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow. I'm pretty excited!
My biggest disappointment in life is that I am the only one in my family who didn't see a Narnia movie in the theater. Even though I love it the most and they will all admit that. But at least I share a birthday with C.S. Lewis.
Will anyone else be watching Hallmark this Sunday to see the return of When Calls The Heart? There are so many story lines in season 3: Jack and Elizabeth, Lee and Rosemary, Abigail and Bill or Pastor Frank, Pastor Frank's past, what Gowan is going to mess with next.... So much to look forward to.
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Christ is King.