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Stealing this from Weta's Facebook site....

:D :D :D

I wonder if there's any possible way we might get the teaser trailer today....

Posted : December 14, 2011 8:25 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

AKEE! :D I'm soo excited! And getting the trailer today would be absolutely fabulous. ;)

Posted : December 14, 2011 9:15 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Lately I have been watching the Lord of the Rings movies. I have never seen them before because I have not been able to find them anywhere. My teacher let me borrow them. They are the extended editions, so it's taking me a loooong time to get through them. I really like the movies (I just finished The Two Towers and will probably watch Return of the King this weekend) and I will try to read the books if I can find them. I admit, the whole time I've been thinking of the youtube video "They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!". I think one of my favorite things about the movie is that they used the Pauline Baynes map as an actual prop.

Posted : December 14, 2011 2:14 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

I think one of my favorite things about the movie is that they used the Pauline Baynes map as an actual prop.

Pauline Baynes made that map? I hadn't heard of that before.

~Riella =:)

Posted : December 14, 2011 2:22 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Ah, not Pauline Baynes. I believe Christopher Tolkien, Tolkien's son, created the more extensive maps of Middle-Earth.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : December 14, 2011 2:28 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

The Hobbit trailer will be two minutes long. :) ... t-trailer/

~Riella =:)

Posted : December 14, 2011 3:54 pm
SO mod; WC captain Moderator

SPOILER!!! 😀 (<- clicky on the smiley) :D/

Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0

Topic starter Posted : December 15, 2011 9:11 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Today I learned Tolkien typed the Hobbit and LotR with 2 fingers. He was also kidnapped in South Africa, and the Hobbit and LotR are both required course books at Liege University.

no longer active. every once in a while ill pop back for the memories. good to see a few recognizable names 🙂

Posted : December 15, 2011 12:18 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

The Trailer Details!!!! :D : ... -revealed/

I personally think Peter Jackson will release the trailer online Monday (December 19) in honor of The Fellowship of the Rings 10th Birthday for all the fans! :D
I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm very, very, excited to see the dwarfs, especially Thorin (Richard Armitage) and Dwalin (Graham McTavish)
I'm a really, really big Graham McTavish fan!!!
He plays two of my favorite video game characters from Uncharted 2 and 3! :D

By the way, where do you guys think the first film will end?
I always thought it would end with us seeing the Barrels floating down the river toward Lake Town! :)


The Trailer will be online Tuesday, December 20th!!!!!!: ... re-dec-20/

Edit 2:

New picture of Bilbo!: ... nescan.jpg

The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis

Posted : December 15, 2011 3:28 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

TORN says the trailer will stream live that night and again the next day.

Does that mean if you don't watch it live, you miss out? :-

And will it stream online or on USA Channel?

~Riella =:)

Posted : December 16, 2011 2:30 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

It means you have to see Tintin to see the trailer on the big screen! :)

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : December 16, 2011 2:41 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

It means you have to see Tintin to see the trailer on the big screen! :)

I'm talking about the internet stream. Not watching it on the big screen.

I thought at first that once the trailer was released online, it would be available for everyone from then on on Youtube, etc. But it says that the live stream will only last 15 minutes... Does that mean you have to catch it at a certain time or else not at all? :-

And where do we see it? The announcement was kind of confusing. Especially since the message came from a TV station instead of a website. Is it on TV instead of the internet?

~Riella =:)

Posted : December 16, 2011 2:55 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Sorry, I'm not sure, mate. I just want people to see Tintin! ;)

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : December 16, 2011 4:43 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

And where do we see it? The announcement was kind of confusing. Especially since the message came from a TV station instead of a website. Is it on TV instead of the internet?

I could be wrong, but I think the message came from USA Today newspaper article.
Since it said it will be streaming live, I'm assuming that means it is online, I'm sure they will announce where online you can watch it soon. :)

The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis

Posted : December 16, 2011 6:37 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I would imagine that the trailer will appear online streaming Tuesday night, and that at some point on Wednesday or Thursday, a downloadable version will release online. They just want you to watch it at "their place" first. It's like when the Hunger Games trailer premiered on Good Morning America; they got all those people to tune in to their show (and watch their ads) just so they could see the trailer. And then a downloadable version was released a few hours later.

Posted : December 17, 2011 5:25 am
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