@Gymmie That's kinda what I thought at first..... but it seems that they showed a lot more in the LotR teaser than they do for most teasers...... so maybe, just maybe, they'll show something more.
I can't wait! I hope it plays in front of Game of Shadows, cause I'm going to see that.
in Wall-mart I saw lord of the rings Pez toys. I am so exited about the trailer
daughter of the King: yeah I want all of the book in it. Are they going to cut the name too. And call it Lord of.
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
Very excited about this news! YES!
Actually, I remember waaaay back in the day when LotR:FotR was still in production, we got our first teaser trailer one year prior to the movie being released in theaters. So I'm trying not to get my hope up, buuuut, the one year to go mark is next month.
I WIN!!!!
I'm so excited!!
I wonder what movie it's going to be in front of. Probably Tintin.
Yes indeed you were! And I'm definitely glad you were!
Well being right about a trailer maybe you'll be right about Tintin
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
This article on TORN says the teaser will be in front of Sherlock Holmes. Here's the link: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/11 ... t-version/
It should've been in front of Tintin, being a Jackson movie and all.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
It should've been in front of Tintin, being a Jackson movie and all.
Maybe it will be. The Narnia trailer was in front of more than one movie when it came out, right?
As Sherlock Holmes premieres before Tintin here in the States, I have no doubt it will be in front of both movies.
Two weeks and counting til the Hobbit teaser.
This may have already been discussed but I haven't been on here for about a year.
I would like to know what other Tolkien fans think of the photos of the dwarves in full costume.
I really like just about all of them except for the thin dark-haired one(Kili or Fili) very undwarflike
That was supposed to have a photo
You can see them on The Hobbit FB page
I've seen a lot of people talk about the character Tom Bombadil in the past, coming up with theories about who he might be, and possible answers concerning his mysterious qualities and presence in the book. So I decided to write down my own take on it and just finished an essay concerning the character. If anyone’s interested, just PM me and I’ll be happy to send you a copy.
@Ithilwen: Great essay, really enjoyed it! Thanks for posting it!
Can anyone else believe that in one week The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring will be 10 years old!!!!
I swear it feels like yesterday that I was sitting in that theater!
I can't believe I've been a Lord of the Rings fan for half of my life.
It has become a tradition for Me and my sister to re-watch The Trilogy on the days they were released, this year though we are making a seed cake for the 10th anniversary!
How cool would it be if they released The Hobbit teaser trailer on the day The Fellowship of the Ring turns 10! That would be Awesome!!!!!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Posted by TORN on FB:
A butterfly just whispered that a Hobbit trailer is attached to TinTin, Dec 21 in USA.
That sounds awesome!! I sure hope this butterfly is right!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
I love butterflies! TORN, I'm disappointed, you should know better. It's Tintin, not TinTin. I hope that same butterfly makes it's way to Australia.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Thanks, starkat. I was leaning towards seeing TinTin already buit now there is even greater motivation.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.