Ithilwen, I don't speak Elvish, I just read a bit. BUT! If you could post a link or PM me I'll see what I can figure out for you.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Ithilwen, I don't speak Elvish, I just read a bit. BUT! If you could post a link or PM me I'll see what I can figure out for you.
What I need even more than the translation is just the Elvish words in the song written down for me, so I can read it. I need to know the Elvish words in the song for a project I'm working on.
The lyrics of the song were written in Elvish and sung by Merethe Soltvedt, in the song Ocean Princess by Thomas Bergersen/Two Steps From Hell. The part I'm referring to is at 1:26 - 2:16 of this video:
All help is appreciated.
@Ithilwen: Oh I Love that song, and I love TSFH! I didn't know she was speaking Elvish in the song! I thought for some reason most of the singing in Trailer Music was Latin.
What do you guys think of this? Has anyone read the book?
I personally would rather see a movie based on Tolkien's life then a fictional story about him.
Here is the Link:
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I've always said Fee-lee and Kee-lee as well.
I know this is from a little while ago, but I just thought of this:
I knew a girl growing up named Keiley, pronounced like Mel and I (and I'm sure others) pronounce this dwarf's name! Because of this, the name has a feminine side to it for me.
But something I didn't want to point out for those who might have missed it, was TORn posted a video interview with Luke Evans a couple days ago where he talks briefly about Bard. Kind of cool.
Thanks for posting that, fantasia. I watched it and it's good! I think Luke Evans is going to be a great Bard.
I just started reading Fellowship of the Ring yesterday!
It's really great! I'm only on the third chapter and I'm already enjoying it immensely!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it, Narnian Wolf! (LotR is a really good book! ) Is this your first time reading it?
I've finished the trilogy last month as well, was 2 years ago since the last time.
This week i've re-read The Hobbit: Graphic Novel, by David Wenzel. I really recommend it, very faithfull to the book, practically everything is included and well drawn and painted.
Regarding you rereading LotR, Rilian The Disenchanted: That's cool! Did you by any chance enjoy it more or get more out of it this time?
Regarding you rereading The Hobbit: Graphic Novel, by David Wenzel: We have that too! I haven't looked through it very much, but I have a bit, and what I've seen looks very good, like you said!
Riella, I looove that song! Even though I really have no idea what they're saying in the words, I have fallen in love with the music! The melody, the chords, the constant chanting, the triplets near the end... everything is just gorgeous, but in such a momentous, adventurous way! I really can't help you with what the words are, but I just wanted to say how much I adored the music!!! Thank-you for posting it!!
"Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby's wife, fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings, but quickly, simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest."
(The Magician's Nephew, Chapter 11)
Real life daughter to johobbit!
NW niece to ramagut.
NW Hobbit cousin to coracle.
Yes, this is actually the first time I've read it! I finished Fellowship in 7 1/2 days and now I'm reading The Two Towers!
I'm really enjoying them a lot!
Hopefully I'll be able to watch the movies soon!
I've seen the movie...
LWW - 17+ (lost count)
PC - 7
VDT - 5
I loved them all!
Riella, I can't stop listening to that Ocean Princess song! It is amazing!! (I hope you can get the lyrics translated soon, by the way!
Yes, this is actually the first time I've read it!
I finished Fellowship in 7 1/2 days and now I'm reading The Two Towers!
I'm really enjoying them a lot!
Hopefully I'll be able to watch the movies soon!
I'm so glad you're enjoying LotR! Where are you in The Two Towers? Have you seen any of the movies yet?
"Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby's wife, fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings, but quickly, simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest."
(The Magician's Nephew, Chapter 11)
Real life daughter to johobbit!
NW niece to ramagut.
NW Hobbit cousin to coracle.
Riella, I can't stop listening to that Ocean Princess song! It is amazing!!
(I hope you can get the lyrics translated soon, by the way!
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Two Steps From Hell is a wonderful music company. I can recommend some more songs by them, if you'd like.
According to TORN, filming has begun again!!!
Riella, I can't stop listening to that Ocean Princess song! It is amazing!!
(I hope you can get the lyrics translated soon, by the way!
Yes, this is actually the first time I've read it!
I finished Fellowship in 7 1/2 days and now I'm reading The Two Towers!
I'm really enjoying them a lot!
Hopefully I'll be able to watch the movies soon!
I'm so glad you're enjoying LotR! Where are you in The Two Towers? Have you seen any of the movies yet?
I think I just finished the battle of Helm's Deep. They're about to go to see Saruman.
My brother and I are watching the 1978 animated FotR, but I haven't seen the real movies yet. I really want to though. My mom is thinking about letting me watch them with my cousin in January when we visit them.
I've seen the movie...
LWW - 17+ (lost count)
PC - 7
VDT - 5
I loved them all!
@Narnian Wolf: LOL I remember me and my sister watching the animated movie because we were going crazy waiting for The Two Towers to come out!
Being only eleven at the time, waiting a whole year seemed like an eternity!
I'm so glad your enjoying reading The Lord of the Rings!
If your mom let's you, you have to watch the movies!
They are incredible, I Love them so so much!
@Nellie of Narnia: I'll ditto what Ithilwen said about Two Steps from Hell! They are Awesome!!!
I have a ton of their music on my Ipod, great, great music!
It is going to be all Middle-Earth next year for me and my sister!
I'm planning on re-reading all The Lord of the Rings, my mom is going to read The Hobbit out loud because my sister hates to read, so both her and my mom will finally be able to read it before they see the movie.
And my sister and I are going to be replaying all of our LOTR video games!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I'll admit that I'm just starting reading The Hobbit. I like it a lot so far, and hope to like it as I go on. I've already noticed similar feelings I have when I read the Narnia books. Yes, I know C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were friends, and influenced each other greatly. Maybe when I read the books a few more times, I'll start following news for the anticipated two part release of the film.
I haven't read any of the books from LotR, though I've caught little bits of the movies when ever they show on TV, thanks to older siblings who have read the books. And I've seen a talking Gollum toy that looked cool, but my dad said no...
If I like The Hobbit a lot, I'm thinking about seeing the movies everybody is talking about. I wonder what the films will be rated? I've heard that The Hobbit is a much lighter book than the LotR trilogy, but then again, I've only read one chapter.
hey look! you can bring Gandalf to your town! ... t-fandalf/
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Two Steps From Hell is a wonderful music company. I can recommend some more songs by them, if you'd like.
Do their other songs sound similar to this song, or are they quite different?
I'm so glad you're enjoying LotR! Where are you in The Two Towers? Have you seen any of the movies yet?
I think I just finished the battle of Helm's Deep. They're about to go to see Saruman.
My brother and I are watching the 1978 animated FotR, but I haven't seen the real movies yet. I really want to though. My mom is thinking about letting me watch them with my cousin in January when we visit them.
That's so cool! So by now, you must be nearing the end of the third book, and almost at the fourth, where you'll get caught up with Frodo and Sam! I'm so excited for you because it's just really cool when you know someone who doesn't know the story of LotR at all, and is just discovering this amazing story for the first time!
How are you liking the animated LotR? I think it's pretty well done, but just be fore-warned: it doesn't make it to the end of the story; it kind of stops right in the middle of The Two Towers! Are you purposely waiting until you finish reading the book to watch the newer movies, or have you just not "got around" to watching them yet? In either case, I hope, and I think, you'll really enjoy watching them when you do. There are some things that the movie-makers have changed from the book, but, overall, I think they did a splendid job of putting the book onto film!
It is going to be all Middle-Earth next year for me and my sister!
I'm planning on re-reading all The Lord of the Rings, my mom is going to read The Hobbit out loud because my sister hates to read, so both her and my mom will finally be able to read it before they see the movie.
And my sister and I are going to be replaying all of our LOTR video games!
Have a fun Middle-earth year, 7chronicles!
I'll admit that I'm just starting reading The Hobbit. I like it a lot so far, and hope to like it as I go on... I haven't read any of the books from LotR, though I've caught little bits of the movies when ever they show on TV, thanks to older siblings who have read the books... If I like The Hobbit a lot, I'm thinking about seeing the movies everybody is talking about. I wonder what the films will be rated? I've heard that The Hobbit is a much lighter book than the LotR trilogy, but then again, I've only read one chapter.
I'm glad you're enjoying The Hobbit, Louloudi the Centaur! If you continue to like it, I think you'll love LotR! Here's evidence why - from a post I made in this thread on July 19:
Regarding The Hobbit as compared to LotR: after I read The Hobbit, I thought, "That was the best book ever; there can't be a book better than this!". When I mentioned these thoughts to my dad, he said, "Just wait until you read The Lord of the Rings!". So then I did read LotR, and guess what? I liked it even more, and I had the exact same feelings about it that I had had for The Hobbit!
Yes, The Hobbit is lighter than LotR. For example, there are a good many humourous parts in the former, whereas there aren't as many in the latter. But it's still an awesome book! I'm really looking forward to The Hobbit movies!
"Polly knew at once that it was the Cabby's wife, fetched out of our world not by any tiresome magic rings, but quickly, simply and sweetly as a bird flies to its nest."
(The Magician's Nephew, Chapter 11)
Real life daughter to johobbit!
NW niece to ramagut.
NW Hobbit cousin to coracle.
I'm guessing that The Hobbit will be rated PG-13 in America but that it will be a bit lighter in content than The Lord of the Rings. The Hobbit has too much violence for a PG movie.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I'm so glad you're enjoying LotR! Where are you in The Two Towers? Have you seen any of the movies yet?
I think I just finished the battle of Helm's Deep. They're about to go to see Saruman.
My brother and I are watching the 1978 animated FotR, but I haven't seen the real movies yet. I really want to though. My mom is thinking about letting me watch them with my cousin in January when we visit them.
That's so cool! So by now, you must be nearing the end of the third book, and almost at the fourth, where you'll get caught up with Frodo and Sam! I'm so excited for you because it's just really cool when you know someone who doesn't know the story of LotR at all, and is just discovering this amazing story for the first time!
How are you liking the animated LotR? I think it's pretty well done, but just be fore-warned: it doesn't make it to the end of the story; it kind of stops right in the middle of The Two Towers! Are you purposely waiting until you finish reading the book to watch the newer movies, or have you just not "got around" to watching them yet? In either case, I hope, and I think, you'll really enjoy watching them when you do. There are some things that the movie-makers have changed from the book, but, overall, I think they did a splendid job of putting the book onto film!
I'm really enjoying the animated one! I didn't really like how Sam and Aragorn were portrayed, but besides that I've really enjoyed it! We've been crawling along because I'm still in Two Towers and I really want to read the book before I see the movie, but I really have liked it a lot! My brother has already seen it and he did too!
I finally got to the chapter called 'The Taming of Smeagol'. I'm really excited to read it!
I'm hoping to watch the newer movies soon, I've been asking my mom but I think I'll have to wait until January and watch them with my cousin if I'm allowed to.
I've seen the movie...
LWW - 17+ (lost count)
PC - 7
VDT - 5
I loved them all!
I don't like the animated version at all. I don't like rotoscoping and I don't know, it was just bad. The Balrog looked ridiculous and Aragorn looked like HeMan.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11