Interesting, because what little we've seen has made me more excited. I've waited so long to see this movie and it's finally happening. Seeing just those little snippets of iconic scenes has made me even more excited to see the movie. They still have a lot to reveal though: Smaug, Laketown, the Mirkwood Elves, Dol Guldor, et cetera.
Like, the part I really wanted to see was the Riddles int he Dark scene where Bilbo finds the Ring and all of that. So far, I only saw where they filmed it. But still, something changed, and now I'm not so excited anymore. It;s ruined now, no longer mysterious and epic.
I don't want this to come across sounding mean in any way shape or form, and I apologize if it does. But imho, it doesn't matter whether you see that clip now or the month before the movie releases, if by seeing clips like that it ruins the movie for you, you probably shouldn't watch any spoilers.
I remember waiting seemingly forever until we saw Dragon Eustace. And there were also many famous non-CGI parts in other movies with which the filmmakers kept audiences waiting to see.
I'm going to guess that it's going to be a very long time before we see Smaug.
But really, everybody is entitled to their own opinion here. My own personal belief was that both Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader were poorly marketed overall and shouldn't be compared to the Hobbit marketing.
What I will agree with, is that by releasing this must stuff this early, and knowing they'll have to build on that to hold fan interest, they running the risk releasing too much stuff before the movie's out.
But I'm pretty confident in these filmmakers based on how well LotR turned out. We shall see.
I hardly remember the scenes / locations that we have seen. We saw only a few seconds of Gollum or rather Andy S. in his motion capture suit. Didn't we see some of the Riddles in the Dark location etc. in LotR anyway? I don't remember what we saw in the first production video.
I think they are doing a good job of marketing. Of course I'm very inexperienced in movie following so I'm not sure how much my opinion counts. The Hobbit will be the second movie I've followed in any depth.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Everybody's wish is granted. Here's Fili and Kili! ... 1e454c7f80
Two of the youngest dwarves, Fili and Kili have been born into the royal line of Durin and raised under the stern guardianship of their uncle, Thorin Oakensheild. Neither has ever travelled far, nor ever seen the fabled Dwarf City of Erebor. For both, the journey to the Lonely Mountain represents adventure and excitement. Skilled fighters, both brothers set off on their adventure armed with the invincible courage of youth, neither being able to imagine the fate which lies before them.
I really like the "young dwarf" look. My only complaint is that they sure don't look like brothers to me.
ETA: I think I'm gonna be in the minority on liking these two. All of my friends think they look like elves and are too attractive.
Which I totally understand.
I really don't like the look of Fili and Kili. Well, let me rephrase that. They do not say Middle Earth dwarfs to me. The one on the right (Kili?) looks like an elf with a beard in dwarf style clothing
. I don't know why but a blonde dwarf seems odd to me.
Aren't dwarfs supposed to have long beards? I seem to remember something about that being important to them ...
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I like the dark one (Kili?), Fantasia.
I'm not sold on the one with the Legolas-hairdo. I thought dwarves didn't get along with elves.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Aren't dwarfs supposed to have long beards?
Yes. However, I'm looking through the pictures, with the exception of Dori, the length of the beards seems to be directly proportional to the age of the dwarf.
With people always wishing dwarves well with 'may your beards grow ever-longer' I can definitely deal with the shorter beards on the younger dwarves. I do wish though that Fili and Kili's beards were ever-so-slightly longer to start with.
*continues to wait to see Bombur and Balin*
*raises hand* I'm definitely one who does not care for the look of these two. They appear more like somewhat attractive Elves. My favourites so far are definitely Oin (first typed that as 'Oil'
) and Gloin.
Fili and Kili do look youthful, but I wouldn't say they look especially related. Also, they're both too thin. Granted, they are young, but still ... they're dwarves! And I know it's just a still, but I'm not fond of that cutesy grin on Fili's face.
Whoa, good observing about the beards being in direct proportion to their ages, fk. As you say, we'll see if this holds up with the upcoming groups. Verrry interesting!
Ach, soooooooo excited for these films! How we can wait another 17 months, I have no idea.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to keep all of the Dwarves straight. Perhaps I'd better start now trying to memorize.
I'm having a hard time remembering which ones we haven't seen yet...
The only one that should be easy should be Gloin, I think.
Perhaps they will be introduced to Bilbo in the beginning in the family pairs that we are seeing now. That might help people watching the movie for the first time!
I don't really mind the way most of the Dwarves look except for Fili and Kili. In my opinion, and I guess I'm not the first one in this thread to think so, they both look way too much like elves. But I don't think we have to worry, I am sure this won't have any impact on the general unfriendliness between the dwarves and elves!
In regards to other topics in this thread, I consider seeing the dwarves ahead of time to be spoilers, but not very significantly. Same with their back-stories, which I don't remember from the book. When we get the first glance of Smaug, however, I will be running screaming for cover so I don't see him until the movie.
I'm having a hard time remembering which ones we haven't seen yet...
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and last but not least, Thorin Oakenshield.
I just can't make up my mind what I think of these two. I like the young look but at the same time they just don't look like Dwarves. Kili's beard is hardly there and Fili's hair...I do like the character description though. I had nearly forgotten what happens to them at the end.
*now joins FK in wanting to see Bombur and Balin*
I think I'll have to get used to the "younger" dwarf look. All have been older in Narnia and LOTR movies to date. But the dwarf height (or is it lack of? ) should help when they appear on-screen.
(If that makes any sense.)
I'm having a hard time remembering which ones we haven't seen yet...
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and last but not least, Thorin Oakenshield.
Worth repeating and thanks for the update, Watchful Admin.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
Whoa...super young dwarfs. That's going to take some getting used to. The blond one (Fili?) looks okay; maybe a little too blond, but I can get used to that. The dark one (Kili?) has a few problems, not the least of which is his very Pantene-like hair. That stuff is more shiny than mine!
I wouldn't have as big of a problem with it if it were rougher; maybe it looks different "in person" and it's just the photo that gives off that salon quality. Also, I don't like that he has only stubble. I get that he's young, but given that dwarfs are genetically dispositioned to have a LOT more hair than humans, even a very young dwarf would be able to grow a better beard than that, unless he's supposed to be like, ten.
So far, the looks of the dwarfs have surprised me a little, but I don't DISLIKE them. They are different than I imagined, but I'll reserve final judgement till I can see them outside a studio photoshoot.
I'm having a hard time remembering which ones we haven't seen yet...
Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Dwalin, and last but not least, Thorin Oakenshield.
Aha! For some reason I thought we had seen Thorin already but now I know we haven't. As for Bifur, Bofur, and Dwalin, I forgot all about them.
Can't wait!
(Especially Thorin, naturally.
The dark one (Kili?) has a few problems, not the least of which is his very Pantene-like hair.
That stuff is more shiny than mine!
I wouldn't have as big of a problem with it if it were rougher; maybe it looks different "in person" and it's just the photo that gives off that salon quality.
That made me smile. The Dwarves must make sure their hair looks nice while off on an epic quest!
Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur have been released....
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