^^ Where does that leave Benedict Cumberbatch? Playing Smaug after all?
There was also an interview with Andy Serkis.
http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/06 ... bbc-radio/
^^ Where does that leave Benedict Cumberbatch? Playing Smaug after all?
At this point are there any other characters (from the actual book ) left???
Oh, btw, where in the appendecies is the Dol Guldor plot mentioned??? I went to read it the other day but couldn't find it...
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
They're reporting that Bard's been casted... not sure what to think of him yet... and I haven't seen any of his movies either
Yeah... the poor mods had to listen to me gush uncontrollably about this 40 minutes ago.
I stumbled across Luke Evans quite a while back because he's in another remake of The Three Musketeers that I had been following (until I saw the trailer for it ). I had never heard of him before so I checked out all of the movies he had been in and watched a few of the trailers (none of which I liked the look of, but the bits of his acting I saw were fine).
But I liked the look of him and thought he'd make a splendid Rilian should they ever get around to making The Silver Chair.
Needless to say, I'm quite stoked that he's been cast as Bard. I think he looks perfect!
And yeah, since the original rumor about Benedict was for Smaug, I'm guessing that's who he'll end up playing/voicing.
I'm so excited! I'm very happy with Luke Evans! He played Apollo in the Clash of the Titans remake (he one said like three words though), and is playing Zeus in the upcoming movie Immortals!
And as everyone could already guess, Benedict Cumberbatch has been confirmed for the role of Smaug!
Here is the link!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
about Cumberbatch (plus the sound his full name is awesome!
), and he'll be working via motion capture too! I'll say again that I was very drawn to him in Amazing Grace, his voice, his mannerisms, his very believable portrayal of Pitt the Second. What a huge privilege for him to land this part, that apparently he's been wanting for years ... ever since the films began being rumoured.
And, what's this? Benedict is also voicing the Necromancer??!! I think I missed that bit of news. (Wee warning: just saw now that one of the comments below that article is inappropriate.)
I don't know Luke Evans at all, but he certainly looks "Bard-ish", plus I'm getting carried along with fantasia's enthusiasm.
Also, soooo tickled pink about the final titles. And verrry happy they switched 'em around.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
soooo Benedict is doing the voice of Smaug...
http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/06 ... cromancer/
aaahhhhhhhhhhhh I am honestly having serious doubts about this film
but then again, I was not following production for the LOTR films (because I was too young at the time ) so maybe this is just me reacting too soon...
I like Benedict as an actor, don't get me wrong, but I just can't imagine his voice working for a dragon.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Okay. So, Cumberbatch is the Necromancer. But... isn't the Necromancer kinda... Sauron? I mean, that was always the impression I got... unless I was just confused. Which wouldn't be the first time.
Or is Benedict Cumberbatch, in all seriousness, playing Sauron?
Also, if Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Smaug and the Necromancer, has anyone thought of the possibility that Jackson might make Smaug and the Necromancer the same... only the viewers don't know it at first? Like as some kind of surprise twist?
I am finally getting time for a 'ketchup' post. Going back to page 61 ...
I recently acquired an interest in Tolkien merchandise, and am compiling a list of to-read books about/concerning/regarding Tolkien, LOTR, etc. ... Does anyone know any others?
Also, what are the most famous/well-done audiobooks?
Along with the seven you listed, all of which I recommend, here are some other choice Tolkien books from my library:
*The History of Middle-earth volumes (12 in total)
*J.R.R. Tolkien Handbook by Colin Duriez - a companion piece to Foster's Complete Guide to M-e
*The History of The Hobbit by John D. Rateliff - 2 large volumes
*The LotR Location Guidebook by Ian Brodie
*The Annotated Hobbit by
*The Tolkien Reader, which has JRR's wonderful "On Fairy-Stories" essay included, along with Leaf by Niggle; Farmer Giles of Ham; The Adventures of Tom Bomadil original poems, and, of course, Roverandom and Smith of Wooten Major are always fun, inventive reads
And one of my personal favourites (well, they all are, but this is exceptional), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Humphrey Carpenter.
Other suggestions on our bookshelf:
*Tales from the Perilous Realms and Unfinished Tales
*Bilbo's Last Song, illustrated by Pauline Baynes
*The Poems of The Lord of the Rings, illustrated by Alan Lee
*Letters from Father Christmas
*The Children of Húrin (edited by Christopher Tolkien), illustrated by Alan Lee
(The six above are all by JRRT)
*J.R.R. Tolkien A Biography by Humphrey Carpenter
*Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship by Colin Duriez
*The Inklings by Humphrey Carpenter
And another 'must-have': The Atlas of Middle-earth by Karen Wynn Fonstad
And thanks to the Advanced Search here, I found another list, and yet another (May and October, 2010, respectively). These are more related to the spiritual aspects of Tolkien's legendarium. (And I see now a lot of those are repeats. )
As for audio books, the BBC The LotR and The Hobbit are superbly done. In fact, Ian Holm plays Frodo in the former! It keeps mixing me up hearing his voice as the younger Baggins.
A few years ago, a magnificent musical of The LotR came to Toronto. Purchasing the CD of the music is definitely worth it. As are Howard Shore's beyond magnificent Complete Recordings of each of the films.
I ordered the LOTR Calender with Artwork by Jef Murray (which can be found here -- http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/04 ... -calendar/ ), and it arrived in the mail today!
It's signed by him on the December page, and all of the artwork is absolutely beautiful! I especially love the pictures of Erebor and Smaug, as well as the beautiful painting used for the January page. I recommend it to anyone.
Huge Ditto to that! Jef has done entirely new drawings for this calendar and they are all treasures—very evocative! We had the privilege of getting to know Jef at a Tolkien conference back in 2003, and he has been a solid and strong supporter of the Silver Leaves journal ever since. A practicing Catholic, his faith permeates all he does, and he gives the glory to God for the talent he has been given.
Okay. So, Cumberbatch is the Necromancer. But... isn't the Necromancer kinda... Sauron?
Also, if Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Smaug and the Necromancer, has anyone thought of the possibility that Jackson might make Smaug and the Necromancer the same... only the viewers don't know it at first? Like as some kind of surprise twist?
I don't think so. At least, PJ better not do this. For one thing, Smaug
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I don't think there's any chance PJ would have the Necromancer and Smaug be the same person. He might not have the respect for the books some would like him to have, but i'm pretty sure he'd have to be insane to do that.
Exactly how reliable is deadline.com supposed to be? As far as i can tell, that's the only site reporting this - all the others are repeating their story. Not that that makes it inaccurate, but i'm cautiously waiting to hear confirmation from the production company itself.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Yeah... the poor mods had to listen to me gush uncontrollably about this 40 minutes ago.
It wasn't quite that bad. (Well, almost.
But it was worth it to find out about Bard. I really like him in the book and Luke Evans has the right look for me as well.
Benedict Cumberbatch I have only seen in the Amazing Grace movie and was very impressed with his performance. And he does have a very good voice. Looking forward to his take on Smaug.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
Oh, btw, where in the appendecies is the Dol Guldor plot mentioned??? I went to read it the other day but couldn't find it...
If you haven't found it yet, I think what you're looking for is in Appendix A, part III Durin's Folk (page 400 of my trade paperback edition)
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Bah! I was holding out for Alan Rickman as Smaug!
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Benedict Cumberbatch I have only seen in the Amazing Grace movie and was very impressed with his performance. And he does have a very good voice. Looking forward to his take on Smaug.
Likewise! His voice was one of his many good qualities that really grabbed me in AG. And, GB (always good to see you, btw), Rickman would have made an amazing Smaug, yes! Except I do wonder if his voice would have been too much associated with Severus Snape.
Mel mentioning the Appendices reminded I need a re-read of those. Fascinatingly interesting, they are!
And back on page 65 ...
Peter Jackson just announced OFFICIALLY that Orlando Bloom will be returning as Legolas. Out of all of the returning cast that don't appear in the books, he's the one I'm most happy about. As a resident of the Mirkwood elves, it makes perfect sense for him to be there.
Yes! In fact, I think it would have been very odd if they hadn't called back Bloom. Not that I'm a huge Leggy fan , but it will be cool to see him in his home setting with his Elven-King dad.
Oh, btw, where in the appendecies is the Dol Guldor plot mentioned??? I went to read it the other day but couldn't find it...
Alongside Mel's comment, there is a fair bit of info on the White Council and Dol Guldur in The Silmarillion, right near the end of the last chapter, "Of the Rings of Power".
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Thanks Mel and Jo I was able to find it in the appendices (but i'd have to get the silmarillion from the library for that part )
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
Dittos for GlimGlum's remarks on Evans and Cumberbatch.
Bah! I was holding out for Alan Rickman as Smaug!
How about a full-cast audio version of the Silmarillion with Rickman as Glaurung?
(Which reminds me, I still need to read The Children of Hurin...)
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton