A video interview with 14 of the actors of The Hobbit! -- http://www.3news.co.nz/The-Hobbit-media ... fault.aspx
Warning: Language.
We've been having some rip-roaring debates at The Hobbit Forum about the new character Itaril. Like a number of you here, folks are against the addition of a character.
I, for one, am not at all bothered. I mean it's not like she's going to tag along for the ride with Bilbo and the Dwarves . Clearly she's only going to be in the "Elf Parts" of the story. There are more than just Thranduil and Legolas of the Mirkwood Elves you know! It only makes sense to flesh out the roles of some of the Elves. And in particular to add in more Female roles in an otherwise Dude-only story
A lot of people only watch the movies. They don't read the books. Of course all the book fans don't care and will see The Hobbit anyway. But for film-only goers, in this modern world, people want to see a movie with characters they can relate to somewhat...this means a few female roles of course.
We know Galadriel will be back of course, but she's a little high-and-mighty; not particularly easy to relate to. It's plausible that Arwen might have a cameo when they are at Rivendell, but Aragorn would be a 10 year old kid at that time, so no romance there yet.
If the Itaril part does involve a romance, I have to say that I would prefer someone a bit older than Saoirse Ronan . Since the rumours began months ago, I always pictured Itaril more like Kate Beckinsale--and being an Elf Warrior as Thranduil's guard--in Underworld mode
. So my only problem at the moment is that Ronan is a bit too young for that role.
Of course, I suppose it's plausible that she WONT be playing the rumoured Itaril, but that they might up young Aragorn's age a bit to his mid teens, and be casting Saoirse as a young Arwen (it hasn't actually been confirmed that Saoirse will be playing Itaril yet as far as I know). But book Arwen was born in 241 of the Third Age and it isn't until about 3018 in the Third Age when LotR was taking place. So they would seriously have to mess with canon to make her a teenage Arwen.
If she is playing Itaril and there is a romance involved, it would more likely be with Legolas, an already established character . They would still have to "age up" her appearance a bit though.
On another note: one thing should please Canon fans: The Dwarves will be singing .
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
I think an additional character could be done well; the story is being stretched out over two films, and i was very satisfied with what Peter Jackson & Co. did with The Lord of the Rings. And i have to say, i don't mind the idea of there being more female characters. However, this could also very easily be abysmal and ruin the whole film. Personally, i feel confident enough about this to wait and see before making any determinations, positive or negative.
This is not intended to imply in any way, shape or form that anybody who is suspicious of this change is being overly negative and needs to have more faith in the filmmakers. Different strokes for different folks, after all. It's just that in my personal visualization of a "Hobbit" movie, i don't have any problems OR beginnings of joy at this particular "change".
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
I'm fine with additional characters. I mean, we already knew they were adding an extra plot to the movie -- the council and everything. So additional characters pretty much follows with that. Plus, Peter Jackson is an amazing director. I mean, I wasn't a fan of everything he chose to put in LOTR, but it was still an overall fantastic movie. He has good judgment. I'm sure there will be some things in the movie I won't really like that much, but I don't think he would do anything to wreck The Hobbit.
That surprised me that they're keeping the songs. Not sure if that's good news or bad news. I know the songs were in the books. But when they put songs in movies, a lot of times it makes it seem like a cheesy musical. I hope they don't seem out of place.
I wouldn't worry too much about it being a "cheesy musical" ala The Wizard of Oz. Look how the songs in LotR were handled. They will be integrated into the story, and not be song and dance numbers. I'm sure instead of Tra-la-la-lally, that the Elf songs will be sung in Elvish so as not to sound outlandish. Likewise, with the Dwarves I expect PJ to make it natural like "drinking songs" (Dwarves love their grog ).
And remember how Gandalf was humming The Road Goes Ever On, Merry and Pippin singing and dancing on the table during the drinking scene, Aragorn singing while on the trail, Pippin singing for Denethor, Elvish chorals etc. I think PJ will do the same sort of natural integration of the songs into the films. Which is one of the pluses of PJ taking the helm as director again. He'll make sure that the continuity of presentation between The Hobbit and LotR will be preserved.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
^^ Yeah, exactly. I trust Peter Jackson pretty well with movies. And yes, the songs in LOTR were great and not out-of-place at all.
I guess I just felt a little worried because the songs in The Hobbit seemed a bit sillier to me. There was more of that "Tra-la-la'-ing as you said. Hopefully, the lyrics will be altered a bit, or sung in another language, like you mentioned.
I'm actually looking forward to the Dwarves getting drunk and rowdy at The Unexpected Party and singing "chip the glasses, and crack the plates, that's what Bilbo Baggins hates" while tossing around Bilbo's kitchen-ware.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
I'm actually looking forward to the Dwarves getting drunk and rowdy at The Unexpected Party and singing "chip the glasses, and crack the plates, that's what Bilbo Baggins hates" while tossing around Bilbo's kitchen-ware.
Me too! I was thinking about that as I read the book for the second time. I can't wait to see how Martin Freeman acts in that part -- his panic'd expressions as Bilbo and everything.
I'm also really looking forward to two other scenes.
One is the Spider scene. It will be really interesting to see Martin Freeman play the hero role in an intense action sequence like that. I don't think he's ever done that before.
The other scene is Riddles in the Dark. For one thing, it's probably the most famous scene in the book. And for another it'll be fantastic seeing Martin and Andy working in one scene together. They've both been tied for favorite actor with me for a long time, so having them together... It's so awesome.
yes indeed. I think we are very fortunate that Freeman got the part. He looks close enough to a youngish Ian Holm, and he has that comedic talent to make it work. He's long been the front-runner for the role at many Tolkien sites since plans to make The Hobbit were announced.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Ian Mckellan and Andy Serkis have arrived in New Zealand now.
It's so exciting that the filming of the movie is no more than a month away. I can't wait to see what martin freeman looks like in his Hobbit getup.
Ian McKellan said he saw a 3D Bilbo. I wonder, did he mean a 3D model, or an actual picture of Martin as Bilbo in 3D?
*pops in with a randomish post*
It looks like FoxTrot is starting up Tolkien themed strips again:
By the way, does anyone know if there is a FoxTrot collection that includes the LotR themed ones? I would love to have those.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I just wanted to drop by and give my big thumbs up of approval on the Hobbit film titles.
The Hobbit: There and Back Again
The Hobbit: An/The Unexpected Journey
Though I'm hoping that the latter title is the first movie and vice versa.
I hope those are the titles. They are so very The Hobbit-y titles.
Not to mention that I like them better than Hobbit 1 and Hobbit 2.
Well, if Bilbo's journey is split into half to go in both films, I'd bet that you're probably right, fantasia_kitty. The titles would fit better that way.
Pattertwigs Pal, I found this on Tolkien Gateway. It's a start, anyway. I think my all-time FT LotR favourite is this one!
Totally, fantasia! That was exactly my thought when I read the titles on TORn: they really need to be switched. 'Though aside from this, I like 'em—verrry much!
*johobbit gives her stamp of approval* (Not that I have any say ... )
Some exciting news from my end: I just saw the long list of insightful questions that is being sent to Doug Adams (The Music of The Lord of the Rings) for our upcoming issue of Silver Leaves, a Tolkien-based publication. We're still hoping to get Howard Shore, himself, at some point. *crosses furry hobbit toes and fingers too*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Hey Jo, you and I were just talking about this the other day!! The LotR box set will soon be available on Blu-ray.... the EXTENDED EDITION copies!!!
http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2011/03 ... ital-copy/
For me personally, I'm not sold on the sheer awesomeness of Blu-ray. Yeah, it's better, but I'm perfectly content with my DVDs, so unless they include something I can't live without, I'll probably skip these for now. Still, it's cool they're finally making them available and I know a lot of people who will probably get them.