^^ Maybe all the delays is what caused the ulcer!
Does anyone know the official filming date yet? Has Valentines Day been confirmed?
Yeah, Ithilwen. I sure wouldn't be surprised if the brouhaha back in the fall contributed to it big-time?
At one time, February 21st was the starting date; later it was Valentines Day, but now, with yet another delay, who knows. Hopefully filming will only be put off by a couple of weeks, max. I guess a lot depends on how PJ fares.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Ithilwen we didn't know previously, and we definitely don't know now!
Sir Ian McKellen said 21 Feb was his start date.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Some videos:
Ahaha, great Inception music with LotR visuals! It fits rather well, for a trailer-type format.
So, it looks like casting director, Ros Hubbard, has basically confirmed Saoirse Ronan (see down near the bottom). If this is true, she will most likely be portraying the Elf-maiden, Itaril. I don't mind mild changes like this ... as long as they stay mild and do not overly detract from Tolkien's story!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Now THIS is new to me because I had heard that Christopher Lee would NOT be returning because of his poor health. But it seems now like he will be?
In a word: yay! I was so disappointed when I heard he wouldn't be coming back. Anyone other than him playing Sauruman would have been just wrong.
re: Hugo Weaving as Elrond--I thought he was okay. Not entirely like what I thought he should be but not bad. He's a good actor, but I never had a "wow, that's Elrond!" moment with him like most of the other characters. I think that's mostly the way the part was written though. However, I would be disappointed if he did not return simply because I think not having character continuity would be distracting.
Yay for Beorn casting! I was afraid he might be cut.
Poor PJ. All those delays and now this.
If this is true, she will most likely be portraying the Elf-maiden, Itaril.
Meh. Does there have to be a new female role? I'm female, and I don't mind if there isn't. Besides, since they added the Dol-Guldur story-line we get Galadriel. I say just give Galadriel more screen time and skip the non-canon characters.
I really like SR as Itaril. First time I ever saw her. She is very pretty and looks very elvish. I only wish it was me, haha. Anyway, I bet she is Itaril. Or some other part they're hiding from us...
Anyway, they NEED to cast Andy Serkis as Gollum. No one else could do the part. Same w/ the others, of course, but I'm partial to AS. Smeagol/Gollum is an awesome character.
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
^^ They actually confirmed Andy Serkis as Gollum a few weeks ago.
WAHOOOOO!!! Yay, yay, yay! Riella, how do you always make my LotR related wishes come true?? lol
So now all I'm nervous about is that they give my Frodo enough screen-time (but in a story-right way) and that Itaril is done right!
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Meh. Does there have to be a new female role? I'm female, and I don't mind if there isn't. Besides, since they added the Dol-Guldur story-line we get Galadriel. I say just give Galadriel more screen time and skip the non-canon characters.
I'm with ya'! Thing is, they're probably going to add/change some things (sadly, that's almost a given), and I would rather see small additions, than changes in major characters as seemed too prevalent in The LotR films. But I agree! Give us more canon, please, PJ!
TORn has been posting the confirmed points when it comes to The Hobbit films. One I found especially interesting is this entry—what do we know will be included in the movies? At one time they were talking about telling the backstory of Aragorn and Arwen (when they first met in Imladris). I'm really glad they're doing Thrain's story: it's a fascinating—albeit tragic—one. And it'll be awesome to see Gandalf's journeys to Dol Guldur, the White Council, plus some of Sauron's history (btw, we think of him as the terror of Middle-earth, but he was only a servant of the terrible Melkor).
Did y'all know an online Silmarillion course is available? A good friend of mine is involved and she says it is amazing with such stimulating discussion. I would have loved to have been a part of the course, but time didn't permit right now.
I had the privilege of attending an LotR marathon yesterday (from 12 noon to 10:15 p.m.) with a number of other Tolkien fans. What a treat! It was wonderful (to say the least) viewing this powerful story on the big screen again ... back-to-back-to-back. Aside from the beloved tale, the cinematography and music alone were worth the trek into the city. ♥
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I suspect Jo will be excited about this. http://www.thedunedain.net/4/post/2011/02/author-doug-adams-will-be-guest-on-dunedain-radio.html We've also got the director of Born of Hope lined up to appear sometime soon.
I am! I look forward to that podcast. Thanks, Booky! That's great you were able to get both Doug Adams (Howard Shore's 'shadow') and Kate Madison. And quite interesting, as we have interviews with both of them for our upcoming Silver Leaves journal issue.
Doug's blog is a favourite of mine. He's so kind, articulate, humorous, and hard-working. If you look on the right, you'll see scrolling photos of when some of us fans received our copy of The Music of The Lord of the Rings back in October. Five of mine are on there: three with the book in nature settings; two of me holding it. Amazing book, it is ... one I will always treasure. 'Tis such a wealth of material and confirms again how Shore so nobly reflected in his Middle-earth music the complexity with which Tolkien wrote.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
*comes in for a catch up*
Wait...I thought filming was supposed to start at the end of this month?
As for the new female role, I'm not too keen on a completely made up character. How is this going to tie in to the overall plot, I wonder? Is there very much known about this yet?
Christopher Lee is returning as Saruman, I take it? I really liked his portrayal of Saruman in the LotR films. I'm verry happy about this!
Filming was originally to begin on February 14th, then 21st, but as PJ was hospitalized for awhile recently with an ulcer, the date has been delayed.
No, not much is known about Ronan's role as Itaril. I'm just hoping it doesn't interfere too much with the original tale. Supposedly she's the love interest of one of the Woodland Elves. Who knows ...
Good to see you again, Lady Galadriel!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Isn't she a little young to be playing a love interest? Not sure I like the idea of some sort of romance being shoe-horned in. Hopefully her section of the film is small if it's an entirely new subplot.