I just got caught up with this tread. I was about ten pages behind. I'm glad things are moving forward. Before following VDT and semi-following the Hobbit (meaning all of my information I get from here and not a LOTR forum), I didn't realize how much drama there is surrounding the making of a movie.
I'm very glad Ian McKellen will be back.
Making the Hobbit without him would be like making VDT without Georgie. I'm glad Andy Serkis will be back as Gollum. He did an excellent job. I'm actually listen to the Screwtape Letters when I drive places right now. If I didn't know that Screwtape and Gollum were voiced by the same person, I would be certain they were done by different people. He is great in both roles.
And now I had better get to the unexciting work of finishing washing the dishes.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
fantasia_kitty said,
Now I don't want to sound mean here, but Hugo Weaving as Elrond was the only casting made in the LotR movies I was really unhappy about.Really? I loved him as Elrond. Maybe that is because I had watched the movies before reading the books.
I loved him as Elrond too! And I read the books first.
Appearance was the first issue I took with him. Usually I don't judge by appearances in movies and TV, but Elrond is described in the book as being incredibly beautiful/handsome, and in my humble opinion, Hugo is just not that attractive.
Again -- You don't think Hugo Weaving is handsome?!?! (As you can probably tell, I do
) (But that's not the reason why I like him as Elrond)
I couldn't separate his role in LotR from the Matrix. So whenever the line "You have only one choice. The ring must be destroyed" is delivered, all I hear is "Mr. Anderson. We've been expecting you." Same voice, same intonation, same inflection, same everything. Mr. Smith comes to Rivendell! I sit through those scenes either nearly dissolving into giggles or with my face in my hands.
That explains some Youtube videos I've seen comparing Elrond to a secret agent... I never understood those before... lol.
I've never seen the Matrix, so I was able to watch without getting them mixed up. Do you think that might be why you didn't like him as Elrond? What part of the way the character was written in the movie wasn't like the character in the book?
I loved Hugo Weaving as Elrond. I always saw Elrond in the books as both kind to those in need, and very business-like and stern during matters of solemnity. And I saw both those qualities in the movie -- the kindness Elrond shows to Frodo when they first arrive, and his manner of conduct during the council. I hope they get Hugo Weaving back for The Hobbit.
I have to say I am really happy about all the cameos that are hapenning. If they bring the Hobbits back, it will probably be for only one short scene at the beginning, and another at the very end, as they listen to Bilbo begin to tell the story, or however they are introducing it. So it probably won't be enough to take away from anything else. And I was so hoping to see Elijah, Sean, Dom, and Billy again in their respective characters. If they do it that way, it would be reminiscent of The Quest of Erebor in The Unfinished Tales, where all the Hobbits are gathered round Gandalf as he tells the opening of The Hobbit from his own point of view. I wonder if that's where they got the idea?
what I'd like to know is why they are putting characters from LOTR in this movie even though they are not in the plotline of The Hobbit.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
what I'd like to know is why they are putting characters from LOTR in this movie even though they are not in the plotline of The Hobbit.....
For two possible reasons --
1. Because cameos are AWESOME, and the audience loves those characters and long t see them again.
2. Although it is not in The Hobbit the way J.R.R. Tolkien told the story, it might be required for the way Peter Jackson is telling the story. As I said above, he might be arranging it so that Bilbo is telling the sotry to the hobbits. Which I think is a great way to introduce it. Otherwise it might seem a little confusing to those who haven't read the books, and don't understand yet that it is a prequel movie. It is also reminiscent of The Quest of Erebor, as I also said above.
That explains the presence of The Hobbit. As for other characters like Saruman, Galadriel, and Legolas, they were actually doing things of importance during the time The Hobbit took place, so it is accurate to have them in the movie.
Sorry for the double post. I got permission from a mod first.
I had a LOTR question. I've been seeing in almost every fanfic I've run into as Pippin and Diamond having an arranged marriage. Sometimes Merry and Estella too. I know it's just fanfic, and therefore not canon, but it seemed like an odd coincidence to me that so many authors would portray it in the same way. So I wondered if there was any basis to it at all. Is there any mention -- in LOTR, The Hobbit, The Sil, The Unfinished Tales, The Histories, or The Letters of Tolkien -- to suggest that some Hobbits had arranged marriages?
Not in anything I've ever read. In fact, I can't really think of any instances of arranged marriages in Tolkien's books among hobbits.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I wish I had more time to comment on the last couple of pages now, but two semi-quick things:
Thing one: I wasn't fond how PJ chose to portray Elrond. He almost seemed wimpy, at times, and not the noble Elf character of JRRT's. I'd seen The Matrix once, as well as read take-offs on Elrond as Mr. Smith, especially when he comes, hooded and cloaked, to Dunharrow (which never occurred in the book) to give Aragorn his re-forged sword: apparently, in one memorable take, Weaving had put his dark Matrix glasses on, so when he removed his hood, Viggo, deeply into the emotion of the scene, saw ... Mr. Smith, and burst into gales of laughter.
Good one, Hugo!
Anyway, I couldn't seem to take PJ's Elrond seriously much of the time, and it seems like the few films I've seen Weaving in, he always has the same five expressions and tone of voice (kind of like a masculine version of Keira Knightley ).
(Thing 1 & 1/2 ): Speaking of Elrond, I'm still wondering how they will mesh the light-hearted, almost silly, Elves of Rivendell in The Hobbit with the previously shown much more serious and staid Elves in The LotR ...
Thing Two: For anyone who has been concerned about Frodo's role in the upcoming films, here are some reassuring words from Wood, himself. Mind you, this isn't PJ speaking, but ever since hearing the news of Frodo's involvement, I have full confidence that the integrity and spirit of Tolkien's world/story will not be compromised by this minor inclusion.
And on a fun note, since I had great fear and trepidation as The Fellowship of the Ring was in the works, and tried to ignore it as I was so nervous what would be done with this beloved story, I wasn't able to enjoy the excitement and long build-up beforehand, but now that I have come to trust PJ (for the most part ), it is thoroughly enjoyable and very exciting to follow these two Hobbit films from Day 1 onward, participating in the journey until the releases.
EDIT: Ithilwen, I know of no place where Tolkien indicates hobbit marriages are arranged. Interesting that it is so present in fanfic, though.
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7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
If any of you are on Twitter, I really recommend following @ShireReckoning.
They tweet the events of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, tweeted at the date and time they occurred, using Oxford, England local time. It's very cool to follow the events of the story in your Twitter feed.
I'm not on Twitter, but now I wish I was ... just for that. (Can't add anything else to my online schedule, though.)
More from Elijah Wood, but nothing that hasn't been said before. (I wonder if he'll have those same big, bluuuuee eyes when he's, like 90. )
Also, will Saoirse Ronan appear in The Hobbit films? She has worked with PJ before (The Lovely Bones), and he spoke highly of her, as she did of him, so I wouldn't be surprised. I think Ronan would make a lovely Elf, 'though she still seems quite young to me, possibly because she plays a teen in each of the films I've seen her in. But she doesn't seem to have that ageless look that a Tolkien Elf-maiden needs. Yet I guess makeup, etc., can go a long way.
One of my (many) interests in these films is the locations: where in NZ will they be filming, I wonder? Aye, I wonderssss. To me, the South Island, especially for miles around Queenstown, holds some of the most glorious scenery in the world. And look! That's right where they're scouting!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Michael Persbrandt is gearing up for his role of Beorn! So, Beorn will have a Swedish accent ... cool!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
I got my copy of Tales From the Perilous Realm yesterday. I haven't started reading it yet, but I've been flipping through it and drooling over Alan Lee's gorgeous illustrations.
^^ Congrats, Booky! That's a great book. I love my copy. Yes, the illustrations are absolutely amazing. Did you get the same copy I have -- hard back, dust jacket, picture of a dragon looking down on a man?
So I here Martin Freemen is going to play the honourable Bilbo in The Hobbit. I think he's perfect!
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
Yep, that's my copy. I've been looking for the individual books for ages, not realizing they had been released in one edition. Then one of my LotRO kinmates mentioned it and I snapped it up while textbook shopping.
Oooh, I'd love to purchase that edition, Booky. It looks gorgeous! I do have a trade paper copy of TfrPR, and it's only great to read ... but nothing to look at.
Yes, Katana, we're all pleased as punch about Freeman playing Bilbo!
Well, it looks like the beginning of filming may be delayed a tad as, sadly, PJ was hospitalized for a stomach ulcer. The operation went well and he is expected to make a full recovery. Boy, oh boy, it seems The Hobbit's pre-production has been fraught with delays over the months.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0