I bought a new Tolkien book yesterday called Unfinished Tales, and it's very interesting...
But I saw something in it that confused me a lot. In one part it says that, during the time that The Hobbit began, Bilbo Baggins had become "rather greedy".
This was very confusing to me. I just read the beginning of The Hobbit, and there doesn't seem anything particularly greedy about him -- lazy, definitely. Fond of food, yes. Unwilling to leave his comfortable house, certainly. Afraid of adventures, completely. But greedy? If anything, he seemed the opposite -- giving away all his food to strangers, even though he had been really wanting to eat it himself. And then later on in the story, And again later, And in Fellowship of the Ring, it says Bilbo spent most of his wealth on gifts for other people, not on himself.
That doesn't sound very greedy to me. One of the things that made Bilbo my favorite character was his non-greediness. So, to read that in Unfinished Tales was very confusing to me (not to mention unpleasant, considering his non-greediness is what made me like the character in the first place).
I wonder why Tolkien wrote that in Unfinished Tales? Was it just a mistake, or bad choice of words? It was, I think, from an early draft, after all. And it was not included in the book (although I think it was left out for a different reason). Do you think that's why, or do you think Tolkien had some reason to write that?
I think that Unfinished tales have some inconsistencies because Tolkien never completed them in his lifetime. They were edited by his son and published after he died.
Maybe that is one of the inconsistencies. I haven't read myself. I have read the Silmarillion, and I loved it. Is it worth reading Unfinished Tales?
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Is it worth reading Unfinished Tales?
I think so! I've only read parts of it so far (the parts with Bilbo in it, haha), because those were the parts I was most interested in, and because I've only had it less than a day. But what I have read of it is very good. (My favorite part being, of course where it mentions Bilbo as a little boy Hobbit. Aww... lol)
I have heard that the Unfinished Tales have some contradictions and inconsistencies with the other books of his.
Does anyone know if the Silmarillion is available as a audio book? If so, do you have any recommendations as to which version is good (if there is more than one version available)?
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Apparently, it is -- http://www.amazon.com/Silmarillion-J-R- ... 0553456067
I haven't heard any of them, though, to know which one is the best. But they do exist!
All of a sudden there is so much going on for Tolkien fans! I really hope that The Hobbit is kept in New Zealand. It just wouldn't be the same if it wasn't.
I've often wondered how Christopher Lee will reprise his role as Saruman at the age of 88!!
Does that mean he is reprising his role after all?
But I saw something in it that confused me a lot. In one part it says that, during the time that The Hobbit began, Bilbo Baggins had become "rather greedy".
This was very confusing to me. I just read the beginning of The Hobbit, and there doesn't seem anything particularly greedy about him -- lazy, definitely. Fond of food, yes. Unwilling to leave his comfortable house, certainly. Afraid of adventures, completely. But greedy? If anything, he seemed the opposite -- giving away all his food to strangers, even though he had been really wanting to eat it himself.
Well, I believe that Bilbo
Well, I believe that Bilbo
Maybe that is what the Unfinished Tales are talking about?Spoilerwanted to keep the Arkenstone at first, even if he gave it up at the end. Also, he didn't want to tell the Dwarves of his ring.
Hmm... I don't know... I'm thinking it's just like what the others said, that it was just an inconsistancy.
He did want to keep it, like you said, but I think anyone would have wanted to keep it. And techinically he was entitled to it, since the dwarves said he could pick what he wanted as his share. I don't think Tolkien put that in the book to show greediness in Bilbo's character. Especially considering all the "Anti-greedy" things he put in to show how giving Bilbo was.
As for the ring, Especially since Unfinished Tales is talking about Bilbo at the beginning of The Hobbit, before he finds the ring...
Hmm, I think you're right. Well, those are the only examples of greed I can think of Bilbo possibly having in The Hobbit, so it's probably an inconsistency then.
Apparently, it is -- http://www.amazon.com/Silmarillion-J-R- ... 0553456067
I haven't heard any of them, though, to know which one is the best. But they do exist!
Thank you very much!
I hope it stays in New Zealand as well. It worked out so well for LotR.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I am so happy that Martin Freeman got the part!
But I was just thinking how unfortunate it was that they included that flashback in LOTR, showing Ian Holm as Bilbo finding the ring. That'll look very odd after The Hobbit comes out. I wonder how much Martin Freeman will look like Ian Holm once he's in the makeup and outfit, etc.?
yay! Sir Ian Mckellan will be Gandalf! I am happy now!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So excited about Gandalf!!! Yes! Ian Mckellan is Gandalf, he really is.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
But, back on topic.Who else are you curious who needs yet to be cast?
*the three trolls—Tom, William, and Bert
*the Elvenking (and will Legolas be standing at his side in a cameo?)
*the Master of Lake-town
*Bard (really like the man, who displays so much inner strength)
*and the rest of the dwarves!Very exciting days for Tolkien fans, these.
Yes, a Lady of the Shire would know about and be interested in these things.
(Hi LOTS )
Since I finally read The Hobbit for the first time earlier this year, I now have a greater interest in the two movies to be made. What a co-inky-dinky.
Peter Jackson was great on casting for LOTR movies so I am sure he will do a great job on that aspect of The Hobbit. But where will it be filmed?
I must read the book again because I am forgetting some of the characters.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
Where are the Dwarves' multicoloured Beards?
Tolkien wrote the Dwarves with colourful Beards.
Good gracious, I can't believe I had forgotten all about this bit! Wouldn't you know, though, it takes another Beard to remember the Dwarves'.
GB. Big thanks for this reminder! And as I read that first chapter, I see that only the first few dwarves were mentioned as having coloured beards. Hmmm. (EDIT: *notices coracle mentions this above too*)
I wonder if Peter Jackson will keep that or change it? Probably change it. It's fine for a children's fantasy storybook, but a little odd for a huge movie blockbuster.
Agreed. Visually, I think it would seem almost too fanciful.
I haven't read Unfinished Tales in quite awhile, but I definitely remember it being worth the read, especially if you have already enjoyed The Silmarillion, Valiant.
Awww, Bilbo as a wee lad? Hobbit children are just too cute!
Yes, a Lady of the Shire would know about and be interested in these things.
Hello, Glimmie! And yes, I certainly am—how in Middle-earth did you guess? So glad you've read The Hobbit now, so that you can more anticipate the films.
Here is a very recent update on the ongoing filming saga for The Hobbit. This article covers the WB executives' meeting with the NZ PM, John Key. And in a related note, it appears the rallys held in NZ on Monday was very successful, in terms of nothing getting out of control, whilst the thousands of folk attending showing their passion and determination to have the movies made in their gorgeous country.
Hmm, this is interesting: JRRT is the third highest top-earning deceased 'celebrity'. (I put this in quotations, for Tolkien did not like himself to be seen as such, which is one of the many things I so appreciate about him ... his hobbit-like humility.) I don't give anything about the amount of money his Estate is earning: what appeals to me is the fact his wonderful books are still selling like hotcakes.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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