Yes a Tolkien section!!!!! Forgive me, I haven't read through all the posts in this one, but when exactly is The Hobbit coming out? It'll be so amazing!!!!
And if anyone assaults Dol Guldur, it should be Galadriel! She's the one with the real mojo in those parts, being the second oldest Elf in Middle earth.
I agree.
I couldn't agree more Greenleaf. I've always thought that there was a major shift in tone in The Hobbit following Bilbo's escape from Smaug. The Death of Smaug and the concluding scenes seem to presage the more somber tone of LotR. And of course, there is a serious undercurrent throughout, that isn't sometimes as apparent under the humour.
I have to agree as well. The beginning parts of TH are very clearly humorous: the way Gandalf speaks, the dwarves' song about "smash the plates, that's what Bilbo Baggins hates, so carefully, carefully with the plates!", Bilbo's horror at having left and forgotten a pocket handkerchief, and not least of all, the elves in Rivendell! But about the time of Smaug, it takes on a much more serious/darker tone. (I can't see how one couldn't, when talking about a dragon.
I am usually surprised when people call The Hobbit a children's story, actually. I guess it is a story children may like, but it can be scary at many points if one is really getting into the story (for example, when Smaug assaults the town, and also during the dwarves' mad scramble to get inside the mountain before the dragon arrives)!
However, when compared as a whole with LOTR, I would definitely say that TH has more lighthearted elements (but it can be frightening). It will be interesting to see how it is handled during production.
Yes a Tolkien section!!!!! Forgive me, I haven't read through all the posts in this one, but when exactly is The Hobbit coming out? It'll be so amazing!!!!
I think 2011 at earliest. Considering that it seems to be early on in production, most likely 2012 or 2013.
Maenad: ooh that's awesome! it does look like The Shire!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Yes a Tolkien section!!!!! Forgive me, I haven't read through all the posts in this one, but when exactly is The Hobbit coming out? It'll be so amazing!!!!
Welcome newbie! "When" ... about 5 seconds after we locate the bean-counters and knock them down and sit on them. They're driving us bonkers.
In the meantime, check out Jo's Silver Leaves for hot-off-the-presses critical news & reviews on Tolkien. Douglas Gresham (C.S. Lewis' stepson) is one of the contributors.
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I am usually surprised when people call The Hobbit a children's story, actually. I guess it is a story children may like, but it can be scary at many points if one is really getting into the story (for example, when Smaug assaults the town, and also during the dwarves' mad scramble to get inside the mountain before the dragon arrives)!
However, when compared as a whole with LOTR, I would definitely say that TH has more lighthearted elements (but it can be frightening). It will be interesting to see how it is handled during production.
Tolkien made it as a story for his own children - and I think it's OK for children's stories to be scary. I guess he read it to them himself - scary stories are easier for children to handle when adults are reading to them.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Tolkien made it as a story for his own children - and I think it's OK for children's stories to be scary. I guess he read it to them himself - scary stories are easier for children to handle when adults are reading to them.
That's interesting, I didn't know he made it specially for his children!
Some kids are scared by things easier than others. Some can be terrified by the White Witch, you know.
In fact, when I tried to listen to an adult read TH when I was younger, Gollum really made me nervous.
I'm not saying it's wrong for children's stories to be scary. As children grow older, they don't have to read only sweet fairy tales with hardly a hint of danger. I'm saying that I think while TH (I like to abbreviate 'The Hobbit' that way) is "lighthearted" compared to LOTR, it takes on a scarier tone later in the book. Like in the Battle of Five Armies, it seems to have taken on an ominous tone that I don't know children would like. Maybe some would.
Tolkien surely knew what his kids would like to hear about.
This is my attempt to weigh in on the discussion about various elements in TH being "whimsical". Maybe I've gotten more onto another topic though.
Have any of you read Lewis' essay about writing for children? He encouraged a bit of fright in childrens' stories.
I think part of why people feel The Hobbit is less grave than LOTR is the simple fact that it's a smaller story. In LOTR the fate of the world is at stake, while The Hobbit is essentially a treasure hunt adventure about an ordinary little guy stepping outside of his comfort zone, seeing the world, and realizing his potential and who he is. (After all, the Bagginses have that Tookish side... )
I just found this awesome video: ... jmwC9ZDzTg
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Yessssss! A Tolkien page! Hello! Well, it looks like NW has a pretty good handful of Tolkien fans, experts, and geeks. In response to other peoples posts, I think that in the Hobbit, evil is less involved, as you know Sauron's power was still growing & hasn't come to a full climax yet. Evil doesn't yet greatly affect Middle-Earth. He was still in secret. Tolkien was a Catholic writer, so his works are very realistic, symbolic (not strictly allegorical, just applicable), & carry about themselves a sense of Christian beauty, the problems that happen in the world & diffrence between good & evil. Well, I'm finishing The Children of Húrin now, & then on to the Silmarillion. The Children of Húrin for me is a Middle-Earth historical tradgedy. It's refers to Man's mistakes, & bitter war. It shows that Man's pride causes calamities, because with pride, comes sin, and with sin, tradgedy & despair. (the devil's sin was of pride. Satan or the devil, was the greatest of the angels ,fairest, & brightest. But when it was time for him to be tested, he thought to himself he would become greater than God,etc. God asked who Lucifer (now Satan)(Lucifer means bearer of light) served, and Lucifer answered: I will not serve with all pride, along with followers.) Morgoth fell because of pride, & he was the greatest of the Valar. Well, I can't wait till to read the Silmarillion. I also know some Sindarin. I also can't wait till The Hobbit movies. I do wish that they would at least choose a new director. As long as they won't delay it AGAIN, and the MGM business will be done with. Sorry, if I was a bit random, but I had to edit my post and add more stuff.
-(Tom Hiddleston (2012), Kenneth Branagh (1989) & Laurence Olivier (1944) as Henry V)
sig: Narnian_Archer
King Caspian X fan and supporter of Lillian
A bit of fun and intriguing news, yet still a ways to go before finalization of these anticipated films. You know, one good thing I think has come from this loooong and uncertain delay, is that the saga has brought curious attention to the movies for the general public, and has the true fans champing at the bit for this wonderful tale to come to fruition on the big screen ... finally!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
And another one, rumour though it be. One can totally see this face in hobbit form!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Another Dr Who from the rumour mill . I think he'll be a better Hobbit than a Dr Who though (He and Peter Davison were my least favourite Dr Who's).
If he still looks anything like that picture, I think he'd be a great Bilbo.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
He does look somewhat like the actor who was Bilbo in LotR, just younger. I think he could be a good hobbit (though I've never seen any of his acting) .
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More rumors.......I'll believe it when we get the official announcement.
You know, one good thing I think has come from this loooong and uncertain delay, is that the saga has brought curious attention to the movies for the general public, and has the true fans champing at the bit for this wonderful tale to come to fruition on the big screen ... finally!
True, but still, I just want to shout "Hurry up already and get the movie made!"
wow! that guy would be a great Bilbo! yay! I hope he gets the part!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are