Good for you, Aslans_Jewel! That's an excellent and powerful book to get through—challenging at times, yet one of the best. It has become a beloved read of mine. When I first tried to read it in my mid-teens, I was rather stumped, so I waited a decade or so, and the rest is history.
Actually, I almost didnt get it because I had heard some scary reviews about the level, but I got it anyway to test myself and It hasn't really been too hard, just a chapter or two a night before bed, and on the long ones I try to start ear;y cuz those take a looong time xD, I finished Quenta Sillmarillion last night and Im starting Akallabeth today after I see Toy story 3 I have high hopes And Im going to try to finish the book by Friday before I go to a weekend long retreat
no longer active. every once in a while ill pop back for the memories. good to see a few recognizable names 🙂
johobbit: awesome! that looks so cool! wow, I really want to read that!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Eowyn's fight with the Witch King is better in the extended edition.
I know (I love the extra fighting stuff they show ), but it just misses's probably just me being weird though.
Actually, I think that was Arwen. I don't recall Eowyn sewing a banner, but Arwen did.
I can't believe I wrote down Eowyn
Sorry about that!
Lady Haleth, leader of the House of Haleth. She was major Warrior Woman.
Was she the one who became the leader of her people after her father and brother died in battle? I remember really liking her character, even though I can't remember the story very well
About the Hobbit, I'd say there are definitely parts that are whimsical, but parts that are serious too, especially near the end with Bilbo, the Arkenstone and the battle, and parts of Mirkwood too. The scene with the wolves comes to mind as being serious/whimsical though, because there's the fire and the Dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo hiding in the trees, but then the goblins also sing their song.
Haha Jo, I love that video! The little annoying looks all the characters give are hilarious The book you mentioned looks really great too, the cover is beautiful!
Huan was my favorite character too Aslans_Jewel, he's awesome (when I get a dog, I'm naming him Huan ). Haha, it took me forever to get through the chapters too, I kept having to re-read things that I couldn't understand and look back and see who's related to who...that's probably why it took me about 2 months to finish the book
I would've really liked Blomkamp to direct (I haven't seen District 9 yet, but I hope too) but this article says he wasn't even contacted...It would still be cool if he got picked though, especially since he's worked with Peter Jackson before (according to the article though, the studios want PJ to direct, which makes sense.).
Here's a funny comic that I found from
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
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Team Hoodie!!
Yes, Haleth was the one who became leader after her father and twin brother were killed. She is one of my favorite female characters from The Silmarillion, along with Luthien and Melian (which I think is one of the most beautiful names ever.)
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
About the Hobbit, I'd say there are definitely parts that are whimsical, but parts that are serious too, especially near the end with Bilbo, the Arkenstone and the battle, and parts of Mirkwood too. The scene with the wolves comes to mind as being serious/whimsical though, because there's the fire and the Dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo hiding in the trees, but then the goblins also sing their song.
I couldn't agree more Greenleaf. I've always thought that there was a major shift in tone in The Hobbit following Bilbo's escape from Smaug. The Death of Smaug and the concluding scenes seem to presage the more somber tone of LotR. And of course, there is a serious undercurrent throughout, that isn't sometimes as apparent under the humour.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
OH. MY. GOSH. "Gandalf, the eagles are coming!" That is soooooo me! I laughed so hard when I read that because that is exactly what I do all the time. "Hey, Danielle, doesn't that guy over there have Hobbit hair?", "Did you see that girl over there? She would be a great Elf!", "That guy talks like Gimli!"
I didn't watch the EEs but, when I get the movies I think I'm going to get those instead of the theatrical ones.
Where there are two Narnia Webbers there are three opinions.
haha adamie i'm just hoping someone will DIRECT The Hobbit..actually someone NEEDS to direct the Hobbit..
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Avvie by Rising_Star
I also kind of like the idea of Kenneth Branagh directing who I've seen mentioned on some blogs and forums.
I hadn't seen that. He's made some amazing movies.
Is he still playing the main part himself, or was that something he did only at the beginning of his career?
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
News to keep an eye on ... or two, as often as you can spare them.
Neither denying nor confirming this rumour; just passing it along. But if it proves to be true? WOOOOOOOOOOT!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Well, For the fans that's great, one vision for both franchises! WIIIIIHEEEE!
I loved the lord of the rings films, PJ will do an awesome job. I do feel sort of bad for him though. He didn't want to do it, because it would seem he is competing with his own, previous work.
But still, this is good news, and it does give us a lot of assurance!
but id MGM has no money, why are they continuing with The Hobbit? I mean, this is all taking forever
have they even found anyone for Bilbo yet?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
but id MGM has no money, why are they continuing with The Hobbit? I mean, this is all taking forever
have they even found anyone for Bilbo yet?
Well, they are casting right now, but we don't know any details. Surely we will know this within 1 or 2 months. What is sertain is that, now GDT is gone, they are trying to get things moving, else something huge like that could make a production that has not been green lit yet fall still. So they are doing everything they can to prevent that.
Not to curtail the discussion, but...I saw the Shire today.
This is the view of Herefordshire from the top of Great Malvern near Worcester, England. Apparently they inspired Tolkien to write about the Shire. I can completely see why.
That is beautiful. It does look very like the picture of the Shire on the front of my family's ancient falling apart copy of FOTR. I can just picture that countryside with hobbit-holes...
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot