What does it mean by “violent”? I have read a few reviews and it seems that it isn’t gory but, it shows people getting killed. If I could get a basic idea of what it is like, that would help.
They fight with swords, arrows, and axes, so while there's not a ton of blood, people get stabbed a lot. I don't know if that helps.
I would suggest starting with the Fellowship and seeing if you can handle it. The first half of Fellowship is more tense then violent. If you've read the books, then they should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect. They are good movies.
I've never understand why people use the term 'not for the faint-hearted'. Lord of the Rings is violent but we're not talking the graphic violence of the Saw movies, or even Gladiator. If you're the type of person that can't handle anything above puppies and rainbows, it would be best to give Lord of the Rings a miss. But if you don't have a problem with something a little more intense than Prince Caspian (LotR is a bit more violent and has blood), you should be fine.
One person I spoke to about this told me that it's a milder PG-13. And I've read that Prince Caspian was very close to PG-13. I think that's in line with what Warrior 4 Jesus is saying. So if PC doesn't bother you, then I don't think LOTR is too much worse.
If you're the type of person that can't handle anything above puppies and rainbows, it would be best to give Lord of the Rings a miss.
Bwahhhahahaha! Puppies and rainbows! Okay. That just hit me funny.
I have read the books, Lady Galadriel. My mom got them for my birthday about a week ago and I buzzed through them. I really enjoyed them and was immediately interested in the movies. I understand that they aren't going to be exactly like the books but, I'm always ready for a good movie. I'm also not afraid of spoilers. What is the romance stuff like? I'm not to fond of romance but, may put up with it if the exciting parts are good. Is it like PC? How many kisses appear in the three movies all together?
Where there are two Narnia Webbers there are three opinions.
I'm not too fond of romance, either. Hmm...I think there are maybe 4 or 5 kisses altogether.
ClvrEttinsmoorGiant, if you have read the books you should be alright. At the very least it will prepare you when to look away. I would start with the theatrical version because there is a little less violence. I tend to be very careful about what I watch. I don't like excessive violence. They find ways to show battles without showing too much. I tend to look away when Denathor (sp?) burns himself and when Boromir is being shoot with a lot of arrows. There is a part at Helms Deep where they focus on an elf being killed and that gets a little intense. It isn't so bad at the parts where the orcs and other evil creatures are getting killed.
Romance isn't the focus but there is some. There is only one place I can think of that it is ridiculous and one place where the kiss could have been a lot shorter.
The movies are good, although I would prefer that they be closer to the books in some places.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I thought the romance was handled very well. It wasn't too sensual or the least bit cheesy.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
I was pretty disappointed that Del Toro was stepping down...after hearing some good things about Pan's Labrynth I was looking forward to his directing.
ClvrEttinsmoorGiant- I'm in agreement with most everyone else, definetly more intense than PC, but not the violence of movies like Gladiator. There only one or two points that kind of creep me out, one at the very beginning of RotK (and that's not the violence, it's just kinda...creepy) and just before the siege of Minis Tirith begins (although since you read the book you could probably figure out what it is before it happens) other than that there's some blood, but nothing really graphic.
I agree with Warrior4Jesus about the romance (and I'm not a fan of romance much, unless it's part of the story and done well, not just thrown in), it wasn't overdone or underdone, and it was all really genuine IMHO. (and even though Arwen and Aragorn is the main romance, I have to say especially like the Faramir and Eowyn scene in the EE of RotK )
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The part on the walls? Oh, I love that part. My personal favorite of all the romantic scenes in the movies.
Yes, absolutely. Eowyn is far better than Arwen.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Ooooh! An Eowyn vs Arwen debate . For me it's Arwen, hands down
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Oh please, Eowyn is clearly superior here. She can swing a sword, can take down an oliphaunt singlehandedly, and best yet, she doesn't have pointy ears.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Eowyn versus Arwen? Can I say Galadriel?
Shadowlander, in the movies, Arwen can swing a sword too... (Or at least she acts like it.)
Arwen can call up Magic, and as LG says: certainly seems capable of sword wielding, the pointy ears are a positive , and can I say Arwen's Hotter
on Narniaweb? (and she cries really pretty too
Ah! it's all subjective, to each their own.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
ClvrEttinsmoorGiant, others have answered you well in regards to your queries about The LotR films. PJ handled Aragorn's and Arwen's romance very suitably, I thought ... gently, appropriately, and respectfully. (I'm not a big film romance person either.) *counts the kisses* Our daughter and I counted four: some shorter; some longer, but not extreme.
As for violence, it isn't gratuitous in the films, although, imho, the battles could have been somewhat shorter. There is one part in The RotK I usually fast-forward: when Marshmallow Orc (as we like to call him )
greenleaf, I too loved the EE scene with Éowyn and Faramir. Better than Aragorn's and Arwen's romance. The part on the walls, Booky, in the book; the part near the Houses of Healing in the film.
Interesting to hear thoughts for who should direct The Hobbit. Gandalfs Beard, when you wrote
Of all the directors on the list, Sam Raimi would be my first choice Johobbit.
I read this that I would be your first choice. Nope, won't happen.
And it's Éowyn all the way for me. She has spunk, courage, determination, and has been through so much in her short life. Not that Arwen isn't blessed with good characteristics: it's just that I find her rather ... boring. *imagine the word 'boring' as how Thomas Clarkson/Rufus Sewell drones it in Amazing Grace*
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