Ah, GB, I knew it was April Fools Day and you still scared me pretty badly with that announcement.
I guess I was fooled for about a grand total of thirty seconds.
Those are fascinating articles, johobbit. And I had thought The Hobbit was set for release in 2011 (and that the actors for Gandalf and Gollum were the 'only ones set to return'). And now we see how Tolkien wrote the scenes with Frodo and Sam in Mordor so convincingly.
From what I've read of the friendship between Tolkien and Lewis, Tolkien was much more critical of his own writing then Lewis was of his own. I think Tolkien had higher expectations of his stories. Plus, LOTR, as we all know, is much larger than CoN, and any writer can see it would be much harder to write. Still, it is interesting to see the similarities between Narnia and Middle-earth -- like the rings that make a person invisible and both worlds beginning by a song.
^^ without Lewis, Tolkien would have never finished writing LOTR!
thanks, Lewis!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*first post in this thread*
Tolkien is definitely one of my favorite authors! The Hobbit is my favorite book ever, and I can't wait to see what the movie is like! Anyway, I'm posting here to share an interesting link. It's an (old) interview with some of the stars of the LOTR answering this question: "While working on these films, did you learn a life lesson that would be valuable for teenagers today?" There are some really thoughtful answers, so if you haven't read it before...Read it here
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Mmmhmm, Liberty, The Hobbit is a grand book to read aloud!
I appreciated, especially, your last paragraph, Lady Galadriel. 'Tis true, from what I've read: Tolkien was almost obsessive in his writing. For example, if someone criticized something JRR had written (and he didn't take kindly to criticism, in general), if he did anything about it, he might have gone back and re-wrote the entire section or even chapter ... or more! Whereas Lewis would just change the paragraph/sentences surrounding the complaint, and was much more amenable to constructive criticism.
And yes, so cool about those similarities between Narnia and Middle-earth. I like particularly how both began with a song. The first chapter of The Silmarillion Ainulindalë, is still of my very favourite Tolkien chapters.
That's right, Liberty. Tolkien, himself, said this. Yet in no way did Tolkien do the same for Lewis in regards to the Chronicles. He felt that Lewis was using too many different mythologies and mixing them up in one story: not kosher with JRRT.
Welcome, HelloHurricane, to the Tolkien thread. Cool thoughts by the LotR actors: I recall reading that in the PluggedIn magazine a number of years ago (when the films were in their prime). Thanks for posting the link.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
^^ yes, I have read several articles and books that say how Tolkien didn't much care for Narnia.....it made me sad that he felt this way!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I found some information on the movie version of the Hobbit this morning.
A joint press release today from Warner Bros. and IMAX Corp. mentions the tentative release as being December 2013.
Producer Peter Jackson revealed last week that both scripts for the two-part adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy novel are finished. But he said that the movie hasn't been formally greenlit by the studio and that no actors have been formally approached yet.
Here's the link. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/entertainment/post/2010/04/the-hobbit-to-come-out-in-theaters-in-2013-/1
Haha, you beat me to it, narnian_at_heart. Thanks for posting this. Here is where I first saw it, linked by Doug Adams (Howard Shore's 'shadow') on his LotR music blog (second entry down: "The Hobbit in 2012/2013").
I still can't get used to PJ looking so thin compared to his former days. He's much less hobbit-y with this new look, methinks.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
soo...hi everyone! I read The Hobbit this past September I believe. I really liked the story but I found Tolkien's writing a little dry. I've been reading The Fellowship of the Ring since Halloween. I have two chapters left. I have been reading it on and off but it was b/c I found it very dull and boring after a while. I thought Tolkien's writing was too descriptive, of the surroundings and such. But my opinion has changed now. I was reading the chapter in Lotholorien and it was so beautiful. Something just clicked and now it's like his writing is poetry. I love it! I watched disc 1 of the first movie last night. It was very good and has given me new desire to finish the rest of the series
2012????? I suppose I'll live. At least its official this time. Or is it?
Sorry to dissapoint you but it's actually 2013 and the end of 2013 at that.
I still can't get used to PJ looking so thin compared to his former days.
He's much less hobbit-y with this new look, methinks.
I agree!
I have been reading it on and off but it was b/c I found it very dull and boring after a while. I thought Tolkien's writing was too descriptive, of the surroundings and such. But my opinion has changed now. I was reading the chapter in Lotholorien and it was so beautiful. Something just clicked and now it's like his writing is poetry.
That's exactly what happened to me! The first time I read it I was completely lost from after the Council of Elrond, and understood things on and off until after the Ring was destroyed (except the Rohirrim's charge of Pelannor fields...that and Eowyn confronting the Witch King were the parts I kind of "got" from the beginning, and I still love them. Actually, I made a list of my favorite movie scenes a little while ago and the Charge of Pelannor Fields ranked #1 ) but the second time I read through them they were a lot easier to understand, and, like you said, were beautiful!
@Daughter of the King and Narnian_at_Heart- I'm pretty sure the press release said the first half would come out in 2012 and the second half in 2013.
Oh, this is also getting me pretty excited... I wonder if we'll ever get the even bigger box set PJ talked about in the commentary? (Although I was watching the special features a few weeks ago, and didn't they burn most of the film of the unused footage?)
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The Hobbit is being released in 2012!!!?????????????????????????!
wow. I will be so old then.
GTG: finish FotR! you will not be disappointed! it's awesome! TTT is even better! and RotK is the best of them all!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
greenleaf23: that's kinda funny .
I'm almost done. 20 pages!
^^ 20 pages? come on, you can do it! the other two books wait! yay!
I still can't believe that they won't start filming The Hobbit until July! I want it soon! please let it be out before I'm 20!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
If MGM doesn't accept a bid soon, production may not start till next year. Jackson is now hoping to start filming by October or November, but can't make a commitment until he gets the Green Light. At least preproduction is being done on the Hobbiton sets, and the script for the second film is now completed.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan