^^ I read The Sim SO slow that I almost put myself to sleep but still could not make head or tail of it! my mom says it's not for everyone.....
I found all the LOTR books very easy to read! The Hobbit was a breeze, mostly, I suppose, because it was written for children. I love LOTR!
my favorite LOTR book and movie is RofK!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well this is some news even better than Tolkien day. Though company sources are being tight-lipped about when production officially begins, New Zealanders are starting work :
The article is apparently confirming that The Hobbit will be a 3D production also. And apparently MGM's financial woes are not a factor in green-lighting the project as has previously been assumed. Now all that remains is an OFFICIAL report .
PS: To those of you having trouble with the Silmarillion, I suggest reading it as you might read the Bible. Rarely does anyone actually attempt to read the Bible cover to cover (except for theological text nerds like me ).
Break it down and just read the chapters one at a time as stories in and of themselves, linked by an over-arching theme. If you do that, the individual stories will make sense and you'll be finished with the book before you know it.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Yeah, thanks Booky.
*highly dittos Lady Galadriel and Gandalfs Beard on reading The Silmarillion. (And just a wee note: its shortform, if any, is The Sil.) Take the book slowly—it is in no way light reading—and don't attempt it all at once, gracious! Plus, and I know I've mentioned this numerous times before, so forgive the repetition, but make a few notes. I found that helped in a big way, especially when it came to remember which Valar was responsible for what, and which Elf had what sons and daughters, and what line of Elves went West, who stayed back, and who never ventured anywhere ... Also, if you just can't handle it now, wait a few years, or even a decade or more. I didn't 'get it' in my teens, despite the pleadings of my brother. It wasn't until I was in my later 20s when I tried again ... and loved it.
LOL, GB, great minds think alike (my last paragraph).
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
In honour of the Hobbit news, I give you the following YouTube link. Enjoy!
That's a classic Booky! I posted that on the Hobbit Movie Forum last year. Funnier than Shatner singing Mr Tambourine Man.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Now that was an... odd song .
My advice for reading Silmarillion: just read it. It doesn't matter that much (at least when you first read it) who is who. Just enjoy the stories . It's enough to recognize who are Fëanor's sons or otherwise related to Finwë and who are the most important people in each part of the story. Later you can try to remember the people's names and their relations.
I never read the part that told about the valar (Valaquenta? something like that, I'm too lazy to check it now.) because I just wasn't interested, but otherwise the book wasn't difficult to read. It was translated in Finnish, of course, so the difficult parts may have been simplified in translation, I don't know.
(A bit off-topic: before I had read The Silmarillion, I thought that it's name was very odd. In Finnish, "an eye"="silmä" and a slang word for "(eye)glasses" is "rillit". I did have a vague idea that the book had nothing to do with eyeglasses, but couldn't help thinking that every time I saw the book's name
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English) http://mehinen.wordpress.com/
that was a weird song Booky! lol
The Hobbit in 3D? what on earth is everyone's obbsession with 3D? argh!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Ah, yes, the memories! Thanks for posting that link, Bookwyrm.
I think I may actually have that song on vinyl somewhere - from back in the days when it was quite a novelty to have Trek actors trying to sing.
Everything in that video - colors, hairstyles, clothes - is a snapshot back into my younger years. It's kind of hard to believe now, but back in the 60s and early 70s, Tolkien's writings were associated, to some degree at least (in the US) with the counterculture. In fact, my first exposure to the LOTR books was 'inheriting' them when my slightly-rebellious older brother joined the US Navy after graduating high school.
Funnier than Shatner singing Mr Tambourine Man.
True...but what about his live performance of Elton John's "Rocket Man"?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'm not surprised The Hobbit will be in 3D. The article discussing "Will VDT be in 3D?" mentions it as one of the possible contenders.
The Hobbit in 3D? what on earth is everyone's obbsession with 3D? argh!
What's wrong with 3D? As long as it doesn't have any objects flying at me (as if saying "This is 3D! Remember that!"), I'm happy with it. I've only seen one 3D movie, but the only downfall I know about 3D is that it makes some people sick, although it didn't make me.
Well this is some news even better than Tolkien day. Though company sources are being tight-lipped about when production officially begins, New Zealanders are starting work
That is quite neat. I love that they'll be using the same location for Hobbiton, so it will line up with the other movies.
In the inestimable newspaper The Sun, Robert Pattinson has confirmed he will be taking the role of Bilbo Baggins early this morning.
"It's a brilliant role for me." He is quoted as saying, "I can bring the Gothic charisma of Edward Cullen to bear on this part. My ability to perfectly capture Cullen's sullen stalker make me a natural to play a midget sneak thief."
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Mehinen, that's very interesting (and humorous) about the Finnish words!
*just does not care for 3-D*
Whoa, Gandalfs Beard. No thanks and no way would I go to see it if he was Bilbo. Can you imagine that face as a hobbit's? Thanks for the grand laugh, though.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
In honour of the Hobbit news, I give you the following YouTube link. Enjoy!
okay, that was disturbing.....I hope Ian Holm never sees that!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
For those of you that haven't been following the School Library journal 100 Best Children's Books list, here's the scoop:
Based on the submitted top 10 lists of a wide range of readers, The Hobbit is ranked at number 12!
EDIT: Oh, and y'all simply must check out the hobbit house linked to in the article. There's an interior shot that mimics the John Howe painting, and it is WOW. (Not to mention, it has a library too...)
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Oooh, I love that hobbit house, Mel! And there's another gal who has taken a year and made a precise and detailed miniature hobbit house: clicky and gaze in awe There are three pages, the latter two of which show the inside. Amazing and sooooo cozy! ♥
And now, a few links:
*Interesting interview with PJ re The Hobbit, dispelling some rumours, and where it's at right now
*Hobbiton being revitalized and some comments by Ian Brodie
*And a fun 10 things you should know about JRRT article
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
^^ wow! great finds Jo!
my dad is reading The Hobbit out loud to my sister, my mom and me.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are