Gymmie, I wouldn't buy an Oasis bead just yet. You won't be able to craft the OWN until you're a Baroness, and even then it's not an incredibly useful trap. It's more or less worthless in the warpath and the iceberg, so really the only place that you'll want to use it is Elub and the Seasonal Garden (and by the time you're able to craft it, you're done with those areas anyways).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I cleared wave 1! Now working on wave 2's scouts...
Long ways to go hear...
I'm so excited for the Guantlet trap... I'm guessing it has something to do with those tournament spoilers I've been hearing... Hopefully they're not planning on adding another Tier, as I still have to catch the last 3 new mice they added XD
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Hopefully they're not planning on adding another Tier
If they do. . . there will be a wail heard round the world .
I've been hanging out in the Market (I'm not really sure why ). Building up a hefty supply of artisan charms (almost 50 thus far). They're good for tournies
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Adding another Tier doesn't fit their description of "grab and go" so I very much doubt that's it. In fact, I was really surprised to see that trap and wonder if it's just a reward for the Gauntlet that has nothing to do with the new content they talked about on Friday. They had said that Jacob was doing an LE collectible item that tied in with it and if he did that one, I never saw a picture of it. So we'll see.
Anyone going to be around tomorrow for FBF? Cause I'm not.
Is it possible that the Gauntlet trap IS the LE item? I didn't really read the info much, but that's what I was thinking.
Oh, I got my Nugget mouse yesterday entirely by "accident" (meaning I wasn't even thinking about getting it). I'll take it, lol!
Good luck on wave 2 Wolf!
I have absolutely no idea what to do next. Been cooling my heels in Cape Clawed, working on bronzing a few of the local inhabitants . 470,000 gold... what's the next thing I should buy/do/go? This id really the first time since I started playing that I don't have a good plan in place.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
It would be great if they released a trap/base/charm that helped increase potion drops in the Gauntlet. Maybe this is something along those lines?
I am currently working on my third Warpath run and sitting at the end of the second wave with 0-0-0-18-15. While I haven't had as many long streaks as on my two previous runs, this one seems to be going more quickly. That may just be me being hopeful, though.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Well my first attempt at Drheller was a bust. I used the bottled cold fusion I received to buy one of those bomb thingummies (How the heck does "thingummies" get an A-OK from spell check?!?!?!?). Any ways, now back in there working through the 1st 300 feet again.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Back from vacation and one of the first things I did was watch the FBF I missed. Ok, so it wasn't the first thing, the first thing was unpack, but it was nearly the first. (Hey, it's a good thing to do when all one wants to do is sit.
) They were a bit vague this time around, but here's what I garnered.
~The new content (which is NOT a new area) is coming out very soon. Probably tomorrow or Tuesday.
~The new King's Gauntlet tournament is in testing and will also come out soon.
~The new LE Gauntlet trap (you were correct Gymmie) is also on the very soon list.
~The Living Garden will hopefully be coming out in the very near future as well. It sounded like they were hoping to get it out with lots of time before the Halloween event so the new contents don't overlap each other.
~The Prototype 400 Mouse (or whatever it's called) is not on the docket to come out in the near future. I guess Jacob was hoping to tie it in to a new Library assignment. Perhaps between Halloween and the other seasonal events?
~This Friday Jacob will be doing his FBF art edition and he may perhaps draw something for the Living Garden.
I think that was about it. Hope everyone had a good Mousehunting week.
I didn't do much aside from keep myself signed in and work my way through Wave 2 of the Warpath. But I'm thinking I'll move to the King's Gauntlet to gather a few potions for the rest of the day today... just in case.
I'm very disappointed with the new way that surveys are being run. It's nigh impossible to even get into one these days. My lucky golden shield is going to expire tomorrow afternoon Oh well. . .
My 2nd time through the Tunnels has been AWFUL. I had better runs with the Steam Laser Mk. 1.
I'll probably head back to the market to farm more artisan charms throughout the week, or I might head over to the warpath and try to finish a wave (it's a whole different game playing it in an almost completely passive fashion)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My lucky golden shield is going to expire tomorrow afternoon
The good news is, there's no real reason you "need" the Golden Shield right now.
Mine ran out a few days ago and I'm kind of waiting to see what this new content is before buying it again.
And the new content is the reason that I'm here.
I just noticed that the Forest Guild category of mice has a new as-of-yet-unknown Mouse. It's not listed on the locations tabs yet, but it is most effectively caught with a Tactical Trap. Should be interesting.
WOOO HOOO!!! Today I finally, finally, FINALLY got enough points for that blasted RhinoBot; the last of my Tribal upgrades. That definitely took long enough. I headed to Cape Clawed to get the three Rhino Horns that I need for my ERB in a few days, and now I'm in Derr to use up all the Crunchy that I stockpiled. I'm doing a Grand Tribal tourney tomorrow so I'll be putting all that Chieftain cheese and Havarti to good use.
So yeah, right now I'm using up all my Crunchy; I imagine that by the time I've gone through it all plus filled in the missing Havarti mice, I should have enough points for my ERB and ABT. Then it's off to the Acolyte Realm to hunt Acolytes and Chrono's!
SO HAPPY to finally be progressing in the game a bit, lol. I felt like I came to a grinding halt once I got to the Tribal Islands and now I can actually go after new mice with new traps. Should be fun!
Btw, what time in October exactly does the Halloween event tend to start? Right around Halloween, or a bit earlier? I ask because I completely drained all my gold buying blue prints, and I have a LOT of gold farming to do before event season starts. I'm completely stocked up on cheese and supplies so I'll be good for a long while, but I still need to get a couple million in gold before Halloween rolls around.
Yay Gymmie!! Congrats on your Rhinobot
Though I remember being stuck in the Tribal Isles, not because of the Tribes, but because of that stupid Dragon.
Btw, what time in October exactly does the Halloween event tend to start?
Not counting 2008 and 2009, they only released one special mouse for a couple days.
Oct 20, 2010 - Nov 2, 2010
Oct 19, 2011 - Nov 3, 2011
You won't need much gold for this event unless they change it from the previous couple years, because believe the base traps (Soul Catcher and Pumpkin Pummler) were free I think. (If I'm remembering wrong, someone tell me.) And then the blueprints for the Soul Catcher were 190,000g. The Cackle Lantern didn't need blueprints. It got pricey buying the rest of the crafting supplies to upgrade traps, but there's no rush on that, it can be done at any time.
I don't recall the rest of the stuff being pricey either because you typically buy everything else with event tokens which drop during the event (some gold is included, but it's minimal). The event areas are designed to make it affordable for all players including the super low-leveled newbies. The exception is obviously Ronza.
SO HAPPY to finally be progressing in the game a bit, lol. I felt like I came to a grinding halt ...
You will be passing me up soon enough. True, I play the game different. Just sayin
I do like the view in the Gauntlet. Very nice. Pretty. Shiny. In pursuit of Eclipse. Precious.
Been in the Gauntlet consistently the last 90 days. Overall total is likely around 150 days. 93 Tier 5 potions at the moment.
As for Halloween, I do recall it being a low cost event aside from Hunting Kits that can be purchased wit real world coin. Still have 218 Dark Chocolate Charms from last year along with Ghoulgonzola and Candy Corn cheeses.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Well, I'll just make sure I have a million or so gold by Halloween and then save up more for Ronza when I get a chance.
I may be progressing faster than you at the moment, Cep, but you're deep into the Gauntlet which is something I haven't even attempted yet. I really, really, REALLY hope that the new Gauntlet trap is something I can aquire outside of that area, because if it requires catching certain Tier mice then I'm done for.