I really like the area as well for just that reason, Varna. I'm not able to play actively most days now with my "new" job (no more office work ) so areas that don't need minding are really helpful. I'm hoping the new area(s) coming after event season are at least half so passive-friendly in their designs.
Also on a note of nice things from the QC area: I finally got the Most Wanted theme thanks to all the Fool's Gold from Nachous. I had enough to buy it twice over. Now back to grinding through Queen Quesada, while keeping my stores up for Easter. I'm curious to see what the birthday event has in store. I wouldn't mind something that kept the style of the cupcake events or last year's time travel theme, as long as it can be done without lots of checking in and changing things.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm trying to decide how to set up for the Egg Hunt this year. I'm ready to go in Queso Canyon, and that's the only new area from last year.
I think I have enough cheese to take on the new mice in the Lab and Mousoleum, though I should double check the Mousoleum to make sure I'm set up as well as I can be.
The other two mice to set up for are the Artillery Commander and Heart of the Meteor.
What else everybody?
Jotting this down here real fast because I keep losing track of the upgrades I want to do and the supplies required to do them.
Break Room, Level 4 - Requires 6 Pipes (yellow), 6 Rods (green), 18 Gears
Pump Room, Level 4 - Requires 6 Rods (green), 6 Gears, 18 Fuses (pink)
Total - 6 pipes, 12 rods, 24 gears, 18 fuses
Jotting this down here real fast because I keep losing track of the upgrades I want to do and the supplies required to do them.
A hunter on the MH Forum posted a picture of all the upgrade requirements. I'll quote his post, including the link to his picture - the picture was too large for the MH Forum, and it will be too large here, and it's less spoilerish to just post the link.
PSA: You can see all upgrade costs on the mobile app
Each room's level 5 upgrade costs 10 of each of the event's four resources.Screenshots:
It helped me to see the system in the requirements for each level and each room, seeng that the requirements are very well balanced throughout the factory.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
A hunter on the MH Forum posted a picture of all the upgrade requirements.
Actually, the problem was that I was distracted and every time I came back to figure out where I needed to be and what supplies I was saving for, I had forgotten from the previous time I had looked. So I wrote them down on the forum so I'd remember.
Currently lvl 4 in the Pump Room and Break Room. I plan on leveling both of them to five before leveling up the Mixing Room and QA Room (which are both level 2 atm).
Yes, one thing is knowing what you need for each level, another is knowing how far you've got towards what you need. And a list of what you've got is easier to maintain on this forum than anywhere on MH.
I've levelled up both Pump Room and Break Room to level 5, and I've reached level 3 in Mixing Room and level 2 in QA Room. I'll upgrade those last two alternately.
Then I've caught Vincent 3 times and bought the Journal Theme and the trap skin for the Infinite Labyrinth trap (using it at the moment, just for fun). Usually I buy all LE traps for collection (even though I have better traps of both power types), but as these Golden Punch Tickets require a boss catch each, I'll have a look at other useful stuff to buy with them first.
There are Baitkeep charms and Ultimate charms, both quite expensive, and crates of Ultimate Lucky Power charms, more reasonably priced - and some more charms that I'm not so interested in. I'll wait and see how easy it is to accumulate Tickets ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'm a bit behind the rest of you (I have two rooms at 5 and two at 4, but I'll be finishing them all up today) but it's all good...I've discovered that an event focused on SuperBrie doesn't excite me too much. But it's been nice passive play which is great since I've been so busy lately.
Looking forward to Easter, though. I watched the most recent FBF and the Devs are considering making big changes to Easter in the future (good changes, IMHO)...basically making new egg hunting all year-round or all spring, and only duplicates/charging during Easter. Something like that. I'm a big fan of that idea since it allows for adding HARDER eggs and would help players feel like it won't take multiple years of the Easter event to catch up with new eggs being added every year.
I've got the QA room to finish up. I lack 27 mixing rods. So I'll be in the mixing room till that finishes. I miss the cupcakes, but I can see how this works.
I wish they wouldn't touch the easter event. Making it a full spring event I get, but not all year. I need to get more of the charge charms this year. My stock of those are low. I've got a TON of the eggstra charms.
This event has been a lot more passive-friendly than it first appeared. I'm grateful for that. I still have two rooms to max out on levels but not sure how many more runs I'll go for.
I can see good and bad effects from that sort of change to the egg hunt. I'm not strongly opinionated either way, though.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
So apparently dusting off the Nannybot came in handy. I was having trouble catching the dinosuit mouse for the map. Pulled that out and it was catch #1. Not sure why I thought about that one. lol. Figured it was just random chance. It was still funny though.
I can't say this event is doing much for me, though the SB+ is nice. I thought today was the last day and then saw, no, it's next week.
And now I don't necessarily have my beloved Egg Hunt event to look forward to either. Oh well, I'll still prep for it just in case.
I'm about done with this one as well. It hasn't really done much outside of a couple of hundred SB. It's not really a good event to run for very long. They need to shorten it to two weeks or so.
I can't say this event is doing much for me, though the SB+ is nice. I thought today was the last day and then saw, no, it's next week.
And now I don't necessarily have my beloved Egg Hunt event to look forward to either.
Oh well, I'll still prep for it just in case.
Egg hunt this year is still going as planned...it's more the future of it? Don't worry; we're still getting eggs
Setting up officially for the Egg Hunt. Getting into the end of Wave 3 in the Warpath and the Meteor in Fort Rox. Need to max out my amplifier for Z's Tower. Also need to check the Lab and Mousoleum stats to see what I need to do there.
I was 4 catches away from reaching my 25th Vincent - and from buying another Baitkeep charm (I got 3 of them, and some Ultimate Lucky Power charms). For once I decided not to buy the LE traps, which I would never have used anyway.
I found that I had more fun doing event maps than doing event tourneys. At least in this event.
The rooms were useful for being able to concentrate on silvering just those mice that were missing - I now have 1 more mouse to silver in each of 3 of the 4 rooms. Plus I need to silver Vincent, of course. The other two new mice were possible to silver, and I did.
I was expecting the Factory to turn into the Vacant Lot when the event finished, but that didn't work. And right now nothing works, and perhaps we get some Glitchpaws later on ...
I did catch a Glitchpaw!
I now have 5952 SB+
I have also used the Hunter's Hammer on
278 Circuit Breaker Fuses
205 Mixing Rods
437 Pressurized Pump Pipes
492 Quality Cogs
and gotten 1412 Party Charms.
One of each of the Factory Parts are left lying around in my inventory just for fun for one year - if they are used again next year, any left over from 2019 will first be removed.
Factory Parts will only be there for one week.
Michele just said,
They will disappear from inventories when the factory disappears next Tuesday.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)