I've managed to get myself into a pickle on a Relic Hunter map. Right before I opened it, I caught two black widow mice in the Laboratory when I was catching the new mice there. Now I have a BW on this map, but my probability within the game is shot. I've been trying to catch it for three days now, and Kat and Dot have been super helpful trying to get it with me. But now we're into DHU territory because we SHOULD have caught her by now. I'm well over 300SB down, plus an additional 100 that I sent to Kat to make up for wasting her cheese (told her the wrong location
) so there's no way this treasure chest is going to come even close to making up for it.
Just so you all know, I won't be doing any maps with BWs on them at all for a long, long time. Exception is maybe a Lightning map.
*here's hoping venting helps*
Oh man that is rough...have you tried Wicked Gnarly in the Lagoon? At least you're not wasting SB then.
I finally got my hands on the Wanted Theme (Fools Gold has only trickled in the last few years) and was excited about completing the Theme collection, when I remembered there's a QC theme that requires FIVE HUNDRED QUEEN QUESADAS in order to obtain. *facepalm* Guess the QC is going to be my default hunting ground for the next millennia.
I caught her 7 minutes after posting the above lol.
@Gymmie, yeah, I'm trying to decide how badly I want that theme.
See, whining works!
I think what I'll do is maybe start stockpiling Flamin', and see if I can have a giant run during CNY that'll put a dent in the number of QC's I need.
I had a good event too - bronzed all the new mice and silvered an old event mouse, played mostly in FRift, but I'm now down again in Enerchi far enough to have trouble if next event should also be played there.
I spent some real money on Shuffle dust and got a nice stock of SB+, as well as of other resources. Some people got several Artillery Strike Launch Boxes, I only got one. Oh well.
I finally got my hands on the Wanted Theme (Fools Gold has only trickled in the last few years) and was excited about completing the Theme collection, when I remembered there's a QC theme that requires FIVE HUNDRED QUEEN QUESADAS in order to obtain. *facepalm* Guess the QC is going to be my default hunting ground for the next millennia.
I intend to bronze that Queen, and I wouldn't mind silvering her as well.
But I'm not going to make any effort to catch five hundred such Queens. To me that Theme is not as important as all that. If they change the way to get the cheese she requires, say by having GWH golems collect it, in a couple of years, that's a different kettle of fish. But with the current requirements - no way.
I expect to hunt a lot in OC, though. There are some traps to get, and I hope to silver all the mice - it's easier when each cheese only attracts 2 mice at a time. And the River is a great area for passive hunting. I think I have about 60 thousand Bland cheese now, collected only since last I went to other parts of that region.
My main focus this week has been the Absolute Acolyte. I needed to catch 4 to get the missing 40 Clockwork Cogs for the trap. At Easter I had 60 Cogs and 9 Timesplit Runes - and made the mistake of buying the last Rune with Cogs, momentarily forgetting that I needed to pay 50 Cogs as part payment for the trap. Another Rune I could have bought from the Marketplace, more Cogs had to be got through hunting.
I've caught 3 of the 4 AAs so far, most of the time being on Area Treasure Maps, which made the hunting far less tedious. At the moment I'm in the AC, my Timesplit Obelisk is fully charged, the AA is down to 18 Time Sand and I have 34 Time Sand. So in a few hours I should be able to catch the last AA and buy the Timesplit Dissonance Trap.
Then back to Queso.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Kicked off the GWH with a bang as I had a fair bit of leftover Pecan Pecorino from last year and a small handful of Let it Snow Charms. And then I don't know if it was DLU or a bug or luck, but I didn't catch anything but mice dropping golem parts. So I definitely started off more quickly than last year. I'll be sure to save some cheese and charms again for next year, just in case.
Golem 1 is level 5.
Golem 2 is level 2.
Golem 3 is level 1.
Up to the Christmas Tree Iceburg.
Sticking with Nice Treasure Maps for now as I am not in position to beat the Naughty Mice just yet.
So far so good But I haven't figured out the second half of the event yet with the ice pick and cookies and whatever.
I can't remember, what gives you snowballs? I had a whole bunch from last year and I cleared one board right away, but I haven't picked up a single snowball since then. The internet at work blocks the MouseHunt wiki and related sites even when I'm on my personal computer, so I've been having trouble looking it up.
I'm definitely still in the slow burn phase for the Winter Hunt - I've only gotten two golems out, but I'm only missing a torso and/or one more animated snow in order to send out a third. I sent my first golem to Fort Rox and the second to Toxic Spill because I really want to cross those two adventures off my "To Do" list... but it looks like I'll have to upgrade my golems a bit before they'll give me the kind of loot I'm looking for.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
When you level up your golem to level 4, he brings four snowballs back with him every time he returns.
I've got golem 1 @ 5. Golem 2 @ 4. Golem 3 @ 3. I'm trying to get them all to at least 4 so I can get the snowball game going. I seem to have a semi pattern forming. I get three golems going and farm cheese while they are gone so I don't run out. I'm a little off pattern tonight, but it worked well yesterday.
How's everybody doing?
Golem 1 - lvl 9
Golem 2 - lvl 7
Golem 3 - lvl 4
I'm unlocked all of the decorations as well as two of the event trap's skins.
Still need to unlock two more trap skins, the base, and the journal theme. Haven't really looked to see what else there is to do yet.
I have to say, this is probably my favorite event they've done in years. Plenty to do but not hard or frustrating, and lots of good loot.
7 and two 5's for my golems. I'll hold them here for awhile till I get one up to 10. Only on my second time through. How did you get through so fast??
I think it was just a combination of having leftover supplies from last year, bonus loot coming in from maps and tournaments, and lucky drops. I know I hit the ground running and got going a lot faster than last year and that made a big difference.
Has anyone else besides Varna and myself started charging their Golem Guardian trap skin? I'm doing Hydro and am up to 11%.
I'm up to level 8, 5 and 5. Any suggestions on where to send the golems to? I've got a few mice in Mossu Picchu I need to catch, so I've been sending one there. I've been sending to the BRift as I haven't finished that area either. Is there any other suggestions?
Yeah, I'd definitely focus on areas you're not done with yet. That's what I did last year with MoPi and ended up with gobs and gobs of Ful'Mina mice.
This year I don't really need any one particular area so I've been focusing mostly on Prickly Plains and Canterra Quarry. But I've also been sending mice to Zokor, MoPi, FRift, and BWRift to get some goodies from those areas as they're my favorites to hunt in.