Is this a new record for longest this thread has gone without being posted in? Well, I've only done two maps since the update went through: one scavenger (which I didn't care for, except for 6 people instead of 5) and one relic hunter. Just finished the latter and got the Furoma Base. Very nice! I highly recommend that everyone make an effort to get it.
We're on a map at the moment. We're hung up on the tritus and the Iceburg, but can I just say I LOVE the ultimate iceberg base? It was beyond worth it. I make a run in about half the time I used to.
I think part of the quiet on this thread is due to the fact that I was on vacation for two weeks. Or maybe I overestimate my ability to talk endlessly about MH?
Still getting back into the groove after getting home, but I've been doing Relic Hunter map. I did one Scavenger's fun, but also annoying, haha. But I think it will be better to do now that I'm home and hopefully people will come out with little aids that will make them even easier to complete.
Currently wondering if anyone wants to lend me 60m gold so I can buy a Map Dust kit with 40 dust in it off the MP.
Less than 1% to go to Elder!!!
Got to Elder today, Huzzah! And it appears that you level at a noticeable level as I'm almost to .1% already.
Just to switch things up, I am currently hanging out in the Toxic Spill farming Soapy Suds. I probably wouldn't have done this except I didn't want to risk missing the Menace Mouse for our treasure map.
By the way, what's up with the horrid string of daily gifts? Small Power Charm, Gnarled Potion, something else boring, repeat!
I got my last Relic Hunter theme scrap and the Furoma base from the same map awhile back, so I'm officially "done" with Relic Hunter maps (in terms of needing stuff from them).
I'm currently working on setting up a few mice for Halloween; mainly making sure that I have a couple bosses available for easy picking later on.
I also want to do some more Lightning maps so I can recoup all the Baitkeep I spent in Queso Canyon, lol. Also the aura is nice!
I'm done with the Relic hunter maps as well. Not sure what order I want to do what in to prep for holidays and easter. I'm going to try and finish up in the Queso Canyon at the moment I guess.
I've got one of the new Bases and one of the two scraps I've been missing for a few years - so I'm still doing RH maps, at least until the Halloween event.
Today I decided I could have a look at the Marketplace to see if anyone was interested in buying some of the charms I don't use much. They were, and I also found people buying skins.
4 skins gave me 29 mil gold - charms etc. gave me almost 12 mil gold. This far more than doubled my gold reserves
But as I still need to buy the Timesplit Diss. W., I'm going to need it ...
I don't know what I ought to be doing to prepare for Halloween. I'll probably just see what happens. I think if all else fails, I can hunt Ful'mina.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
It's kind of funny how you become really, really busy in real life, and then what you're focused on in real life shoves everything else in your brain out of the way. I had no memory whatsoever of how to do this Halloween event from last year. It's slowly coming back, but only last night did I realize that the points off the haunted ships correlate to the points of the mouse you catch. Oops. Could have had all three ships downed by now. Ah well, just about done with the first one in Queso Canyon and then I'll go take out some rift ships as I'm much better stocked with high point cheeses there.
Also appreciating the fact that I can double up on maps now. That's very nice.
Oh, I got my Black Widow Base yesterday. Still need two Relic Hunter theme scraps though. I've seen a couple of you have that theme now so congrats to all of you who do!
I'm admittedly having a tough time with this event, oddly enough. I guess due to being distracted I always have the wrong setup or in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc etc.
I've downed seven ships so far (pathetic, I know) thanks to the FRift mice, but due to a lack of Admiral Arrrg attraction, I've finally moved to the Mountain so I can destroy more ships at a rapid pace and at least catch the guy.
I still need one relic hunter theme scrap and the furoma base. But after that I am definitely going to be done with relic hunter maps for awhile.
I'm going through the Halloween event sloooowly. I initially forgot about higher level mice taking down the ships faster and was a bit puzzled at how long it was taking. So I'm a bit behind, but catching up.
Ok, lets see, I've snagged Admiral Arrrg. I finished up the Halloween treasure map (probably not worth it ), caught most of the new mice in the lab and started after Mousevina in the Mousoleum when Rya snagged her for our map so I left and went elsewhere. Anyone else find it odd that they automatically filled in the journal for us?
Anyways, I'm currently farming a small stockpile of Lockbox cheese for tomorrow's tournament and then I'm going to focus on crowning the Cobweb mouse since I'm super close to a silver crown for him, catching the Mutated Mole mouse, and catching Mousevina just to say I've officially finished the new adventure.
(I see Brain Charms are now obsolete.)
And after that I'll probably just farm supplies for the Rift areas and maybe Queso Canyon.
I think I've checked all of the boxes on the Halloween event itself. I've even managed to bronze Admiral Arrrg, along with a couple other mice I hadn't crowned yet, which I wasn't expecting to do.
I will probably spend the rest of the event focusing on the ghost ships in the Queso Canyon region to build up supplies there, but I also need to get a stash of that new Vampire cheese (don't remember the name) as Mousevina is likely to show up as an egg this Easter.
Things to work on while trying to join the lucky few who have completed their Relic Hunter theme.
Also, so you all don't waste your time like I did, the Mutated Mole mouse is attracted to Limelight cheese in the Laboratory. I don't understand the reasoning behind that at all...maybe if you do the adventure in the adventure book it makes more sense?
I've been having a very satisfactory event...completed the adventure and got my aura pretty quickly, and after that I focused on using my stocked-up cheese and cannonballs to take down a variety of ships; mainly Rift and Queso Canyon. It's been nice...I'm swimming in Rift supplies now and I was able to use the supplies from shuffle boards and Queso ships to craft a couple batches of Flamin' and Wildfire...I'm coming up close on 50 Queen Quesadas. That has been nice!
Still have a few boss mice that I can get out of the way, but I'm mainly taking down ships for the loot and Shuffle tickets, since I maxed out my aura quite some time ago.
FK, just as a heads up, you can get the stuff you need to craft the Mousevina cheese from the King's Shoppe, so no need to farm. I think the only thing you might need to farm is the Cemetery Slats, but lucky me was able to take down a bunch of Toxic Spill ships before they nixed them so I have a healthy stash.
ETA: I forgot to mention; between boss hunting and...idk?...I have close to 500 Relics. So if anyone wants to send me their Teeth to buy Lightning maps with; I'm more than willing to donate to the cause lol