Golem1: L8
Golem 2: L5
Golem 3: L5
I'm starting to have a shortage of trap parts so I'm only keeping two Golems out at the moment; splitting my time in BWrift and MoPi. I should get my third NN mouse tonight.
Btw, L9 needs 65 Shards and I think I heard that L10 needs 100, lol. Gonna take awhile.
What kind of loot are you getting from the BWRift Gymmie? I've only sent one Golem there and the loot was meh (back when it was like, level 3 or something).
Almost out of purchased PP cheese, so I will also be going back to just two golems. It was a nice boost while it lasted.
Potions, lots and lots of potions. I have almost 200 ASC pots and 250ish RSC pots, and I've also gotten about 200 pieces of ASC on its own. Also, I've gotten two or three Timesplit Charms (so now I don't need to buy/craft any, yay). Also, Antiskele charms and QQ. Gotten a few Sprokets but no Cogs or Runes (crossing mah fingers).
On the flip side, I feel like for MoPi, I'm getting an absurd amount of Fuel but not much to report of anything else, haha.
I've not yet set foot in MoPi, but I've been focusing my golems in there and Zokar.
I'm up to:
29 windy potions
51 rainy potions
152 arcanevine
200 shadow vine
1 dragon scale
183 firebowl fuel
Is this a good stash to start with?
I'm up to 120 nightshade which I'm thrilled about and my stash of gilded charms has been restocked. I've been using the sb pack golden shield so I wouldn't have to spend any money on it.
Yep Kat, that's quite nice. MoPi is an easy area. It's mostly a matter of patience.
I've decided I like the Zokor loot quite a lot. I've snagged an Ultimate Charm and several Ultimate Lucky Power charms. With the first Archduke level area coming this year, I'm stockpiling good charms...or at least trying to.
Last 24 hours of the event! I ended up liking this years' GWH quite a bit. My kids enjoyed designing golems
I enjoyed the crazy amounts of loot that came rolling in.
As of right now, I'm sitting at 726 Fire Bowl Fuel
and I don't even know how much Dragonvine cheese (it's a lot). I plan to hold back about 100 of each of those for the Egg Hunt.
I did go ahead and buy the 2018 base even though I never used the 2017 base, but I figured if I just happen to remember to use it, it's an option.
I decided to skip all of the traps. Don't need 'em.
I did get a couple skins just because I needed to spend the advent chocolates and nougats on something.
Also got the 2018 Lucky Codex, obviously. That's a requirement.
Sadly, I noticed much too late that you can buy Hats with the Nougats, so I will have a pile of nougats gone to waste. Ah well.
I hope everybody else had a very profitable GWH!
Definitely a very profitable event! I split my Golems fairly evenly between MoPi and BWRift (with the edge given to BWRift due to me needing to do more work in that area), and then Zokor whenever I had hats/Golem parts to spare. So my loot is fairly spread out, but let's just say that I think it's fairly safe to assume that I won't need to farm Ancient String or Runic String cheese OR potions for a very long time. And I have a very healthy FBF/Dragonvine stash that ought to make a very good dent in getting my upgraded Ful'Mina trap and/or Lighting Scroll Case.
I never got anything exceptionally great from my Hats (although, I still have some still to send so it's not over yet), but still, feel pretty satisfied with my haul.
I AM looking forward to getting back to regular hunting! CNY is coming soon so I need to prep some areas for that (double loot). I also took a page out of Bee's book and realized that I could earn an easy few mil by crafting some skins with supplies I don't need anymore, but I'm missing a few components so I'll probably look into grabbing those soon since that's easily the fastest way to earn gold for me right now.
I've pretty much run out of PP cheese and golem parts, so I'm going back to regular hunting. Man, I have so much loot I don't know what to do with it all. I've easily got a couple hundred potions for the different tiers of the King's Gauntlet... then proceeded to finally finish it after about 3-4 hunts.
One thing is that I'm trying to catch the Keeper Mouse in the Catacombs since I never got around to it before the Halloween event or GWH. I have the Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery and I'm using Radioactive Blue Cheese, which from what I can tell is the best combination I have for catching it. So far, I have yet to even see a Keeper Mouse, let alone catch it. Is there some secret to catching it that I'm missing? You are supposed to hunt for it in the Catacombs, right? I'm three levels behind on my "main quests" and I'm hoping to finally be done with this one....
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
No, I'm not even sure you can attract the Keeper Mouse with RB Cheese. You need Ancient Cheese. It's the better cheese to use in the Catacombs anyways, and pretty much a requirement for the Forbidden Grove (the follow up area to the Catacombs).
The crafting recipe for Ancient is 6 Ionized Salt and 3 Stale Cheese. Don't use the potions unless you have to.
Drat, the wiki lied to me. Thankfully, I have a whole bunch of Ancient Cheese after the GWH, so I'll start using that and see if my luck improves. Thanks!
EDIT: On my very next hunt, I finally caught the Keeper Mouse!! ...And he did not drop a Keeper Candle. Oh well, at least I know it's possible now.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
Goals Upgrade Post-GWH:
-- 1010 meters in Sunken City (for Easter)
-- Rift Trap and Base upgrades from BWRift (41 Cogs and no Runes, so a looooong way to go) [but that's 7 Cogs from GWH stuff; wish they'd have given me some Runes instead of Timesplit Charms ; I'm closing in on my 8th Absolute Acolyte so here's hoping I can start looting more/better stuff soon.]
-- Draconic upgrade in MoPi (I have 7 scales and 1 tooth, so not as long now) [Yes, I looted a Ful'Mina's Tooth in GWH.]
-- Finish the refine Pollutinum adventure (haven't been eager to spend time in the TS)
-- Temporal Turbine trap from Laby (still need both Shadow Plates) [Not as urgent given the crossbow trap upgrade from GWH; paired with snowball charms, that should help even out my MoPi runs.]
-- Relic Hunter journal theme (still need 4 scraps)
-- MoPi and Lightning journal themes (I don't expect these to happen quickly, given the high prices of the stuff in the stores)
I'm fairly well set up in BWRift and MoPi for the Egg Hunt. Not sure what else I'll do between now and then besides bounce between the top 2 areas (3 if I do any Laby runs).
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
wrote 1 week 5 days 56 minutes 50 seconds ago
10:40 pm - Festive Comet: New Year's Celebration
I sold 1 Enigmatic Core for 1,855,000 gold at the Marketplace.
10:39 pm - Festive Comet: New Year's Celebration
I sold 2 Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold for 340,000 gold at the Marketplace.
10:37 pm - Festive Comet: New Year's Celebration
I purchased 1 Temporal Shadow Plate for 46,748,900 gold at the Marketplace.
10:36 pm - Festive Comet: New Year's Celebration
I sold 1 Essence of Destruction for 18,300,005 gold at the Marketplace.
All those that I sold, were brought by golems.
After that, I went through my inventory and sold all I thought I could do without of skins and charms (and some crafting items) - many of which were also brought by golems. It turned out to net me 20 mil!
I decided I now had enough for a second Temporal Shadow Plate as well, and crafted the Temporal Turbine trap - and chromed it with the kit I bought from Ronza last year.
This gives me a new project for overnight hunting - to silver all the Havarti mice in Jungle of Dread. I made a lot of cheese for that project last year, and now I have the best trap for it - so when I need to do some completely passive hunting, the non-rift Dojo Sensei isn't the obvious target any more.
And for active hunting? I now have 260 Dragonvine Cheese, 296 Rainy Cheese and 296 Windy Cheese, and 296 Fire Bowl Fuel.
Then also 12 Minotaur Keys, 142 Lantern Oil, 11 Compass Magnets and 68 Shuffler's Cubes - and 1759 Glowing Gruyere Cheese.
Those are not all, but the main rewards from my golems ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I haven't kept close track of how many prize mice I've caught so far, other than I have 11 keys. I have some Treasurer, Snooty, and High Rollers, but neither of the big two so far. Haven't even attracted them as far as I've noticed.
Those were very nice rewards from the big 10 chests, but as sad as this is, I was most excited to see the ancient relics LOL. Since I got my lightning scroll, I've been dangerously low on ancient relics. I'm back up to 66. Need 100 for an additional lightning scroll.
But, I think the next thing I'm going to do is get myself in position for a Minotaur Mouse for the CNY event.
I've also had 11 keys, and interestingly enough, two were drops from regular mice and not prize mice. Didn't know that was possible.
I'm set up for Ful'Mina for CNY; I'm currently working on the BWrift. I also want to set up a Mino and Warmonger for CNY so probably should spend more time focusing on that, lol.
I'm trying to decide what I want to focus on for CNY. To be honest, I don't remember exactly how the double loot drops work, so if someone wants to refresh my memory, I'd appreciate it.
I am set up for the Minotaur Mouse, and I may focus primarily on him, with the idea being if he drops some useful trap parts, I can pass them along to you all so more of you can check off the Labyrinth area.
I also have gobs of Fire Bowl Fuel and Dragonvine cheese supplies ready to go. I only need to save a few for the Egg Hunt, but shoot, it's so early for that I could easily farm more.
Meanwhile, the King's Giveaway has been very nice. I caught my third Mobster, but nothing else special to write home about. Mostly I appreciated the update to the King's Cart. Those Lantern Oil Charms are probably the most useful thing to me, even though I'm done with the Laby.
And the winter aura ends after tomorrow as well. I did like the free charms and SB+!
Ready for the next big Mousehunt Adventure!