@Gymmie, that's kind of what I was expecting. The Arcane and Shadow traps don't seem to be evenly matched. That's ok though. It's not a so disproportional I can't make it work.
@stwin, I threw three Dragonbane charms at the dragon mice and FTCed on two of them. So I figured since they don't seem to be THAT much better than anything else, I'd just use my other good charms. Currently liking Ultimate Spore Charms.
This morning I decided to get smart and use some Baitkeep charms on Ful'Mina. I threw everything I had at her, including lighting my Fire Bowl. That's worked quite well and I highly recommend it. Catch rate seems to be slightly above 50%, but considering that was all on one piece of cheese, I'm not complaining. I used 11 Baitkeep charms, saving my last 10 for the Egg hunt in case I need them there.
I'm now up to 122 Dragon Scales, so getting close to halfway to the trap.
I didn't get another tooth, but I did get 17 Ultimate Lucky Power Charms.
I haven't caught Ful'Mina yet as I got a scolding from my sister for not getting the Minotaur Base asap. I'm one good scholar's run away from the Minotaur Base, unfortunately I don't have Scholar Scrolls to spend so I have 17 lamp oil to help me get to the Scholars District and definitely not enough GG cheese. This will be ugly.
In other news, I'm up to 18 Magmatic Charms (going for 20) so I'm almost done with Trains until Easter.
I got a scolding from my sister for not getting the Minotaur Base asap.
*is a self-proclaimed meddling, bossy, older sister* You were using the Attuned Enerchi Induction Base, I couldn't help it!
Especially since I knew you were close to getting the Mino Base. But I'll help you out as much as I can because the Minotaur Base is worth it.
Sent you some supplies, make 'em count! And good luck.
And way to go on those Magmatic Charms!
Ok, second MoPi run done..went in with 60+ Dragonvine. Had my usual run of DHU trying to get my meters maxed; had to turn my firebowl on early which annoyed me to no end. Oh well. Spent most of my cheese at 100/100 hunting Ful'mina; I got...28? And missed like 26; so my CR this time was maybe 50%, lol. Apparently I had super good DLU last time. Anyway, I didn't get anything *too* interesting; except 100 Pollutonium, lol.
I've got about 160 Dragon scales so a little over halfway to the first trap. I think I could get it within two more runs; if I hunkered down and just hunted in MoPi I bet I could have it within a week or so but I'm in no rush.
I'm guessing what's going to happen is alternating Firebowl runs with lower-paying-but-still-good cheese-only runs, since it takes time to build up a decent fuel supply.
I’ve been going back and re-reading the MH threads from when I started playing…talk about nostalgia! It’s been super fun to go back five years or so and see how much the game has changed.
Random tidbits that I’ve found interesting/amusing in my journey to the past…
- When I started playing, the Iceberg had not been released yet. The Warpath was KING to top players. FK was the highest ranked of all of us and she was a Duchess.
- A million gold was still an astronomical figure and people who had multiples of millions lying around were considered fairly well off.
- People couldn’t believe the cost of LG traps and when the Rift base came out with a cool price tag of what, 10mil? People were rioting, lol
- Digs turned up his nose at pretty much every new trap offering. He infamously dissed the OWN citing that it was “worthless”; in all fairness, at the time it was. You could buy an Oasis bead for about 400k on the MP! Now, as the game as evolved, the OWN has become incredibly useful and necessary to game progression.
- Digs also correctly predicted that the next level after Archduke was going to be Viceroy, not quite four years ago. Now THAT I find impressive, haha
- Remember when we had to pay for travel? hahaha
- My personal gameplay seems to have been divided up into pre-Lady and post-Lady…once I hit that rank, I felt like a veteran player and I started to find myself on more equal footing with everyone else from there on out.
- I haven’t had any more luck with prize mice than I did three years ago. *cries*
- It amazes me to look back at how many people were playing back when I first started, and to think that I’m now the 2nd ranked NWebber. Chalk that up to having no life and playing consistently for five years, lol.
Also, in looking back on 2014 and the Year of the Noble (that was the year we got the Toxic Spill, Sunken City, Gnawnia Rift…), it makes me remember that next year is MH’s 10th anniversary…I wonder if they’re going to have another extend year-long sort of celebration? Certainly releasing the first Archduke area in the game will be of particular note, but I wonder if they’ll have anything else special up their sleeves to celebrate.
I’ve been going back and re-reading the MH threads from when I started playing…talk about nostalgia! It’s been super fun to go back five years or so and see how much the game has changed.
Random tidbits that I’ve found interesting/amusing in my journey to the past…
- When I started playing, the Iceberg had not been released yet. The Warpath was KING to top players. FK was the highest ranked of all of us and she was a Duchess.
- A million gold was still an astronomical figure and people who had multiples of millions lying around were considered fairly well off.
- People couldn’t believe the cost of LG traps and when the Rift base came out with a cool price tag of what, 10mil? People were rioting, lol
I've realised that today is my 5th mousieversary. I knew it was this week some time, and it's actually today, 23 Sep, 2017.
I think you started in May the same year, Gymmie, and the game had grown quite a bit during the months between us - at the least the Iceberg must have been introduced then, as it was already there when I joined.
I joined just before they opened Living Garden, at about the time when they introduced Treasure Maps (speaking from memory, I haven't reread old threads).
It took me half a year to go up to my first 5 or 6 million gold, and then at the Spring Egg Hunt in 2013 they introduced Charge Eggs. I was one of the first NWeb Hunters to grasp the idea of Charge Cycling, and I earned more than 3 million gold during the event from Charge Eggs only. Half the amount of what I already had - an amazing increase for a new hunter.
The next year, SEH 2014, I didn't Charge Cycle actively, because 3 million gold wasn't as important to me then, and the constant monitoring of the cycle was too much work.
Five years at MouseHunt has been lots of fun
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Aww, how lovely that you were able to remember in time for your Mouseaversary. I remember when you started playing; it's certainly a credit to you how fast you have been able to rank as well! You definitely play very smartly and I always appreciate how you can find all the useful tidbits on the forum (since I don't go on there very often these days).
Just as a heads up, I want to try a system for finding people for Warpath maps on the FB group, since you can't easily tell what Wave people are in these days. I remember we had good success trying this method back when CSC came out, so let's see if it'll work here too.
I apparently joined Mousehunt August 1, 2008. I didn't even know they saved our anniversaries. I chiefly remember only vaguely understanding how the game worked because I sat in the Town of Gnawnia for ages waiting for a map piece to drop. I finally had to look up that the map piece was in the Mountains.
I think the Acolyte Realm was the place to be, and I vaguely remember Whisker Woods being added, but that could have been a long time after I joined.
Right now I'm having two of the best Labyrinth runs I've ever had. A very nice way to finally get my Minotaur Base! I wish I would have paid attention to how much Gruyere I had armed when I finished my Farming run, but I had 68 Nightshade. And now I'm heading into Zokor with over 100 scholarship clues.
And as soon as I have the base I'll help with Warpath runs. I'm at the beginning of wave 2 which isn't great, but I guess I have to start somewhere.
Well since we're all listing out our histories and Ara's history is directly tied to mine...
I joined June 28, 2008, about two months after the game began. I didn't play for very long because I didn't realize that the hunter's horn took you on hunts. I thought it was only used when you had friends to take on hunts with you. So I only relied on trap checks. Hahaha!
Also when I started, I believe the game only went up to the Mousoleum.
I quit and then Ara started. She wrote me a couple months later to tell me they had added Furoma and Whisker Woods. I started playing again (and figured out the hunters horn ) and that's when I really got hooked.
Got some DLU today as another Timesplit Rune turned up in a Mysterious Box. I can buy another one if I want to, which brings me up to a total of 7 Runes and 30 Cogs. Getting closer!
I'm currently back in MP as I really need to finish up this round of cheese so I have a proper boring farming location again. And then I need to just settle down and pick a spot and finish it up. I'd have one trap or the other by now if I just focused.
Also still need a Warpath Portal Projector. I have the Console, need the Core. And then there's the Base from the Relic Hunter maps.
FK, you must have a lot more DLU than me in the BRWrift these days, cuz you only have 10 more AA than me, but you have 6 more Runes, haha. Even if you count the rune that I sold ages ago, I'd still only be at 2/10 right now, lol.
But no worries; I'm in no rush; I got the impression there wouldn't be any new Rift areas for awhile so there's no big rush to get the trap IMHO. Still splitting my time between the Rift and MoPi.
I remember when you started playing; it's certainly a credit to you how fast you have been able to rank as well! You definitely play very smartly and I always appreciate how you can find all the useful tidbits on the forum (since I don't go on there very often these days).
It was the forum that taught me about Charge Cycling at the Spring Egg Hunt. They changed the numbers a little the next year, so it hasn't been quite as lucrative later as it was that first year (when I needed it most ). I sometimes miss the time for the next horn because I'm so busy reading the forum
There's a thread at the forum right now that is discussing strategies for the Warpath Treasure maps - the Warpath map thread in the Treasure Map Chat forum. They suggest much of the same as you do
I started playing again (and figured out the hunters horn
) and that's when I really got hooked.
I can imagine that the game became more interesting when you could hunt five times per hour rather than just once
Currently I'm hunting in the new area. I'm working towards a run of about 150 pieces of Dragonvine cheese. In my first run I got 28 Ful'Minas, and in this run I might silver her. I also expect to get the new Draconic trap - perhaps even the upgrade ...
There's only one mouse I haven't caught yet in this area, the Dragoon. All the others I've caught and bronzed. Bronzing the Dragoon will take some active playing, otherwise this is a great area for passivity - it will take over from Sensei hunting
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I can imagine that the game became more interesting when you could hunt five times per hour rather than just once
Just a bit.
FK, you must have a lot more DLU than me in the BRWrift these days, cuz you only have 10 more AA than me, but you have 6 more Runes, haha.
My DLU in that place has come in waves. Nothing at all until after I had the base, and then a set of three from two Acolytes, then nothing, and now an additional set of three. I must have gotten another drop in there because I only remember buying two. But I'm up to a total of nine runes as of this morning. I have 40 cogs currently, so I have six Acolytes left to catch at most. Just about done with the BWRift aside from prepping for Easter.
Well, after having good DLU in MoPi, I've gone for my third set of Dragonvine cheese and I STILL haven't seen anything really nice from Ful'Mina. No Teeth, no Laby pieces. I got some T7 Pots; that wasn't bad, but still. Whiiiinnnneeeee, lol.
BUT, I did get the first trap upgrade, so that's good, right? lol
Well since we're all listing out our histories and Ara's history is directly tied to mine...
I joined June 28, 2008, about two months after the game began. I didn't play for very long because I didn't realize that the hunter's horn took you on hunts. I thought it was only used when you had friends to take on hunts with you.So I only relied on trap checks. Hahaha!
I'd forgotten about that. I'm glad I got you back on.
Gymfan, I thought my Tier 6 potion from Ful'Mina was interesting and here you've had Tier 7 potions drop! I also got 50 scrap metal, which would have been much more exciting if I didn't already have the School of Sharks trap.
In other news, I've managed to gather 21 Magmatic Chrystal Charms, so I'm done with Trains until Easter. Woot woot! (I'm also set up for the Deep x3 Egg.)
So here's my current To Do list, mostly to set up for the Egg Hunt:
1. Finish the currant Warpath run I'm on. I'm getting close to finishing Wave 3 so I might be able to catch the Warmonger and contribute something to the map I joined late.
2. Set up for the Heart of the Meteor. I'm assuming she'll have an egg this year, and I've never caught her before so the time won't be wasted. I already have the projector, I just need the cheese.
3. Set up for the Minotaur and Decrepit Tentacle Eggs.
4. Set up for the Absolute Acolyte since he'll probably have an egg. This is the only fast thing on my list.
5. Set up for the Ascended Elder Egg. I've half-way drained my batteries right now so I"ll need to recharge them and get 3 more Rift Blossom Branches for the cheese.
6. Set back up for another Warmonger since I didn't get his egg last year.
7. Set up for the Ful'Mina/Dragoon mice since there's a chance they'll both have eggs. I'm not sure what I need to do for this one. I'm not as ambitious as Varna but I'd like to have 100 Dragonvine cheese ready to go and however much fire bowl fuel I'll farm at the same time. Does anyone know how much cheese on average it takes to catch the Dragoon? I haven't attracted him yet.
I also need the Unstable Chrystal Egg but I can't do anything about that until the Egg Hunt itself since I need to get the Minotaur first, then do another Labyrinth run. I wish I'd have snagged that one last year, but I know I'd done several Labyrinth runs already and was burned out.
And if the Artillery Commander has an egg... I just don't think I'll have time to grab it. Even if I get both projectors, I'm going to have to do an entire Warpath run during Easter on top of everything else. This one is lowest priority.
All traps are on hold until after Easter. That's about it.
@Ara, did I tell you an official congrats on your Mino base yet? If not, congratulations!!
And way to go on getting those train charms ready. Hopefully that will be enough.
As to the rest of your list, prioritize, and then check them off one at a time. If you only halfway set up, you're less likely to get it done around Easter time. (You know this, I'm sure.) And one thing to take into consideration when you're prioritizing, which locations do you not mind avoiding for the next six months? And how long does it take for you to get into location?
If I were you, I'd knock out Fort Rox now. Unless you're wanting to participate in future Relic Hunter treasure maps, that's a completely useless area. Then I'd move onto the FRift. Unless you want/need the MYNOCRA trap, that's another area that can easily sit on the sidelines.
Warpath prep can be done along with the maps, so I wouldn't set up for the Warmonger egg until after you have the portal. Speaking of which, if have some gold burning in your pocket (I don't think any of us do right now, but just in case), the portal pieces are not that outrageous on the Marketplace right now. Setting up for the Artillery Commander and Warmonger are the same requirements.
So that leaves the Laby, BWRift, and MP. BWRift and MP area cake walks. They do not take a lot of time to get all the way through. As Easter gets closer, what I plan to do is stop right before I get the boss mice (Maxed out Rain and Wind, some spare Fuel, plenty of Dragonvine, Arcanevine, and Shadowvine cheeses) and then work my way backwards. I sure hope they don't have a Dragoon mouse, he will be the hardest.
Same deal in the BWRift. I'm planning on setting up at the beginning of an Acolyte portal. Between that portal and the following Gearworks, almost all of the mice are encountered. Neither area will take that long to prep for. Easter should be easy for me this year.
No idea what to expect for the new (if any) Mountain mice. I believe that area will get an update in November, but the new areas are pretty short, sweet, and to the point, so I'm not too worried about those eggs.
Anyways, I'm off topic with the Mountain Going back to the Labyrinth. In my humble opinion, I think it is MUCH harder getting into a Treasury Hallway than it is getting the Minotaur so that's what I'd set up for, but that's just me. Figure out which one is more difficult for you and then set up for that. I'm going to ask though, are you willing to lock yourself out of the area and forgo all of those traps for six months? Because in the event you farm a few Minos between now and then and get lucky and get a trap to drop, that will speed up future Laby runs even more. Just something to think about.
No real FBF today to speak of. Dave is still on vacation and Jacob wasn't feeling well, though he did just chat for about an hour or so. It was interesting to listen to off and on. One of the more interesting topics that came up was how to help new members get through content quickly to catch up playing with their high level friends, but not at the expense of skipping the whole game. Kind of interesting to think about. I mean, you wouldn't want to speed it up too much because you have the low level areas that only take a month or two to get through, and now there's the labyrinth which has been out for over two years now (what?????) and I'm the only one completely done with it out of this group.
I can't imagine Rya and Gazer starting up and being faced with an area that takes two years to complete. (Good luck Rya and Gazer
@Gymmie, I don't think I told you congrats on your trap yet. Nicely done!
The end is in sight for me in the BWRift, so I'm putting all of my focus into there right now. I only need five more Acolytes at most, and if one drops a rune at any time, then I'm done. Getting the Timesplit Dissonance Weapon and then 90% of my focus will be on Moussu Picchu with the remaining 10% on the Warpath and Relic Hunter maps.