In the FBF a little while back, I remember Dave saying that you had to make over 800 hunts with SB+ or 200 with GG and not catch a Shelder before you could claim DHU...makes sense. I certainly know hunters who went well beyond that before seeing him, which is crazy but also realistic.
I think I had him after three or four days...I think I started cycling on a Saturday and caught him early on a Tuesday? I forget. Anyway, it was definitely on the low end of the spectrum although I did end up getting him with Galleon Gouda, not SB+. Still, I cycled like crazy and I got tons of SB+ and gold so I am not complaining at ALL. I would have been willing to stick it out a lot longer if I had to.
Time for the great Egg Smash...
This year I looted 68 unique eggs, which blew my other recorded years out of the water. It was a nice change from last year, where I only got 34 unique eggs; I blame all those required Laby runs for that!
Anyway, my eggs looted this year are as follows:
Acolyte Egg
Ascended Elder Egg
Barnicle Egg
Blue Argyle Egg
Caring Egg
Cave Diamond Egg
Cave Gemstone Egg
Century Egg
Clean Egg
Cook Egg
Coral Egg
Cove Egg
Croissant Egg
Crown Collector Egg
Crystal Behemoth Egg
Dawn Egg
Day Egg
Decrepit Tentacle Egg
Deep, Deep, Deep Egg
Enerchi Egg
Freshly Painted Egg
Friendly Egg
Fungal Egg
Gift Egg
Glowing Oil Egg
Gnawnia Egg
Golden Egg
Grand Master of the Dojo Egg
Green Plaid Egg
High Charge Egg
Hydra Egg
Low Charge Egg
Lucky Egg
Map Clue Egg
Market Monul Egg
Medium Charge Egg
Minotaur Egg
Monster Egg
Monster of the Meteor Egg
Mouse Scale Egg
Mutant Mongrel Egg
Nibbler Egg
Night Egg
Pirate Crew Egg
Pirate Egg
Pygmy Swarm Egg
Realm Ripper Egg
Rift Venom Egg
Riptide Egg
S. S. Huntington III Egg
Salty Sea Egg
Sand Dollar Egg
Scalloped Pin Egg
Sharing Egg
Shattered Egg
Shelder Egg
Sripy Red Egg
Sunken Treasure Egg
Teamwork Egg
Tiny Egg
Toxic Spill Egg
Tritus Egg
Underwater Predator Egg
Warmonger Egg
Warpath Egg
Wavy Purple Egg
Zokor Fealty Egg
Zokor Scholar Egg
And after smashing one of each (missing the Mutant Mongrel Egg because I smashed that one early), this was my loot:
1 Ancient Charm
21 Barnacles
12 Bolt of Cloth
20 Brie Cheese
5 Cavern Fungus
8 Cherry Charm
1 Chocolate Bunny
20 Chrome Charm
7 Crystal Crucible
16 Damaged Coral Fragment
1 Diamond Boost Charm
2 Divine Orb
2 Dragonbane
1 Eggstra Egg
5 Empowered Anchor Charms
2 Enerchi
1 Epic Orb
2 Fishy Fromage
34 Flawed Orb
22 Flawless Orb
15 Galleon Gouda
56.5k Gold
2 Howlite
1 Infused Plate
12 Ionized Salt
24 Kings Credit
2 Lantern Oil
5 Living Shard
17 Luck Charm
10 Lucky Rabbit Charm
37 Marble Cheese
1 Marshmallow Monterey
14 Meteorite Piece
5 Mineral
12 Mouse Scale
1 Nightshade
1 Null Onyx Stone
3 Plate of Fealty
1 Raisins of Wrath
1 Rift Mist
1 Rift Ultimate Luck Charm
2 Runic Potion
8 Salt
8 Sand Dollar
2 Scholar Scroll
32 Scrap Metal
80 Simple Orb
4 Soap Charm
1 Spring Hunt Endless Labyrinth Trap Skin
17 Stale Cheese
2 Super Cactus Charms
56 SuperBrie+
10 Tarnished Charm
10 Tech Power Core
10 Tournament Token
22 Ultimate Luck Charm
3 Ultimate Power Charm
5 Ultimate Power Charm
2 Ultimate Spore Charm
1 Umbrella
15 Unstable Charm
1 Vanilla Bean
2 Warpath Warrior Charm
12 Wealth Charm
Items of note is the Infused Plate (which I needed to make another Mino key; lucky for me) and VERY nice is the Rift Mist from the Shattering Egg, which allowed me to craft an Ultimate Charm after only catching 2/3 of the LG boss mice. Nice!
Never bothered to keep track of my phat lootz from the Egg Hunt. But well done Gymmie on your haul. I know I can't complain myself, I did very well, and met my yearly goal of getting all of the eggs and doing so quickly.
Thanks to the DLU on that Shelder!
I had some DHU in the early morning hours that cost me two more Minotaur eggs. That's ok though, I'll survive without them.
Hanging out in the FRift just because, and then I'll get back to helping with the Slayer map I'm on.
Looking forward to the BWRift, but only a little because it looks like a rehash of the Laby... was hoping for something a bit more original. However, I'm REALLY looking forward to Moussu Picchu and the following Archduchess area.
I was able to find all the new eggs except the Deep, Deep, Deep Egg and the Warmonger Egg. I will prepare for those next year.
I am currently trying to finish out Fort Rox. I have my portal projector and 5 pieces of Sunrise Cheese. Here's hoping I have a decent drop rate of Dawn Dust when I reach Dawn in order to get the rest of the cheese I need. Then I'll nab the Law upgrade and go for the Battering Ram mouse.
After that, I'll probably try to do Laby runs to work on getting the Temporal Turbine. That will mostly be to pass the time until the BWRift opens.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I decided in the end it would be better to choose to give up on the Shelder for now, rather than try until the end of the event and then probably still miss out on him. Next year. (And some Shelder maps before that, to farm GG cheese, if more people are willing to go along with them.)
I hunted event mice instead and farmed some event charms, and got some of those charms I had almost run out of. Ended with 145/146 eggs. I had hoped to become an Egg Master, but not this year.
After the event I've been to the Harbour for a while, working on bronzing the Pirate Crew mice, and then I've been running around working on treasure maps. I still need a Journal Theme piece or two, and there is loot to farm as well.
Like shastastwin I need to work on Fort Rox. I got the new trap, but I haven't caught the Battering Ram yet. When I find out the best way to catch him, I guess I'll try to bronze him (accepting that he'll ruin my wall in the process), and then ignore him.
Then more Laby runs. I need the Temporal Turbine as well. I need one or two Scholar runs to farm materials, and then Mino runs.
But I should also work on the last two batteries in Furoma Rift. By the time I repaired Battery 8, I had used up enough enerchi to bring me down to Battery 6. I managed to craft some Ascended cheese, and with an Ultimate charm I caught my first Ascended Elder (with Egg ).
So I've caught all the mice and bought all the weapons in the FRift, but I want to get crowns as well, and of course want to get to Battery 10. I'll probably take a break when the new area opens, though.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I am bouncing back and forth between working on the last two batteries in the FRift and doing treasure maps. Just did my last Gilded map so I have the golden shield until the next area comes out, and I may do a few more Relic Hunter maps in the meantime. But I'm very close to repairing battery 9, so I will try to finish that first.
I'm up for Relic Hunter maps, FK...2/9 scraps; still soooo far to go, lol.
Cool I'm on a friend's map at the moment, but as soon as we're done with this one I'll open up a new one and shoot you an invite.
You know, I've noticed we've been getting a lot of Regal Charms lately in the GotD; I wonder if a King's Giveaway is coming up soon...
Anyway, I'm just bouncing around doing different things. Trying to stock up district loot in case Ronza comes (for Lantern Oil Charms) but also lowkey working on Mino runs. Although, I know I am better off probably saving up gold to buy the Temporal Shadow plates eventually than playing the Mino roulette game because the drop rate is so abysmal. I think I might wait until Ronza comes and see if anyone is selling some at a discounted price on the MP.
Either way, I'm in no rush; I didn't/don't need the Temporal Turbine Trap for Fort Rox and unless the new area has a shadow component, I may not need it for awhile.
Well, I've caught up on the new mice I didn't have, so now I'm bouncing between Laby runs for Mino loot and Fort Rox to finish out the Shadow trap there. (I just need Howlite and Bloodstones at this point, and I'm far more likely to get that one than the two Temporal Shadow Plates .)
I'm going to be doing Fealty runs for boss loot when not on Mino runs, unless I run out of GG or need other district loot. Previous Laby events have left my boss loot a bit out of proportion.
Honestly, though, I'm ready for the BWRift. The Shadow trap(s) doesn't represent a major goal right now, and I'm not really interested in farming anything where I can (like the FRift to finish the batteries). Treasure maps would be a fun distraction, but other than that, I got nothin'.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Anybody know what happened with FBF today? I shows they streamed something, but no video was saved, and no summary was posted on the forum. I was hoping for lots of spoilers but I may have missed out...
Hanging out in the FRift waiting for a fellow mapmate to finish the last mouse and then I'll do another treasure map...and probably keep doing maps until the new area opens.
Random observation, I just noticed yesterday that I have more silver crowns than I do bronze crowns. I think that means I play too much.
On a far more interesting note, a new mini-event just started as (I believe) a precursor to the BWRift starting soon. Maybe this was mentioned in the lost FBF from last week, but I hadn't seen anything about it on the forum. Anyways, it's an expanded Zombie invasion. I actually JUST used up my Undead Emmental cheese this week so if I get a chance, I'll have to restock on those potions.
But for the moment, I'm focusing my energy on the Burroughs Rift to get some Undead Emmental String Cheese potions and snag the new event mouse. I haven't figured out yet where I need to be in the BRift to get the new potions to drop, but maybe it doesn't matter. I'm starting off with Brie String and low levels of Mist.
ETA: Just got a string potion to drop off of a zombie mouse in the BRift, so it looks like that's the way to go. However, I see the best conversion requires regular Undead Emmental, so I'll be farming some of those potions as well. What a week to use up the last of that cheese. LOL Ah, irony.
You can also covert MSC or regular string cheese into RUE, but the rate isn't as good.
RAE is really nice...getting some nice charms to drop. I'll stay here for the duration of the event, I think.
Anybody know what happened with FBF today? I shows they streamed something, but no video was saved, and no summary was posted on the forum. I was hoping for lots of spoilers but I may have missed out...
I watched it, and you didn't miss out on spoilers.
At first there was no sound - we could see Dave speaking, but it took him a few minutes of frantic comments in the chat to realize that we couldn't hear him.
So he started again, and then got a small and useless video saved as well as the proper one. And he has confessed at the forum that unfortunately he deleted the proper one when he meant to delete the small one ...
But he didn't tell about the new area, so there were no spoilers. They were still working on it, and he said there might be more info about it in the FBF next week (i.e. tomorrow).
Instead he asked for suggestions as to what people think would be important changes if they ever make a version 4 of MouseHunt. They made version 3 many years ago, and there are some changes that would be easier to make in a total overhaul of the code, rather than in patching up the old one.
Here (on Facebook) is the thread where there was a small discussion of it (including Dave's comment).
Or perhaps this link - - works better?
Possibly only after you've logged in ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Gymmie, yeah, I saw that and I wasn't about to use my MSC. I'm hoarding that for the next area should we need it. And I too noticed the charms and tomb stone drops. I'm also planning on hanging out here for the rest of the event. I strongly suspect it will lead into the release of the BWRift next week, but I guess we won't find out until tomorrow.
@Varna, MH 4.0 huh? I was actively involved in the transition from 2.0 to 3.0. They had an open BETA so I sent in lots of suggestions and bug reports. I'm SURE they appreciated it.
Anyways, that's actually very interesting news. However, your link didn't work for me. It just took me to my MH profile.