Have to say, it's nice to be able to grab a variety of eggs this year...I'm already at 40 unique eggs and I know I'm going to get a fair bit more before the event is over. Last year I only managed 34 or 35 unique eggs because of how much time one had to spend in the Labyrinth last year.
Neither of my Minotaur eggs gave me Fealty boss loot. And I didn't get a Temporal Shadow Plate either. Whiiiiiinnnnee....if I have time, I'll go through again and try and craft another Minotaur Key, but we'll see. The extra loot would be nice but I'm ONLY still in the Laby for the Temporal Shadow Trap, so....
I decided to basically go from the start and try and run down the eggs I'm missing.
Egg list:
Tiny - now have
Croissant - now have
Pirate crew - now have
Acolyte - now have
Day - now have
Night - now have
Dawn - now have
Monster of the Meteor - now have
Decrepit Tentacle - now have
Minotaur - now have
Crystal Behemoth - now have
Deep Deep Deep - now have
Mutant Mongrel
Zokor Treasury
Unstable Crystal
Grand Master of the Dojo
Ascended Elder
Magmatic Golem
Not holding out hope for:
Zokor Treasury
Unstable Crystal
Ascended Elder
Magmatic Golem
Mutant Mongrel - This one I'm not sure about.
At first I was annoyed that I had to spend so much time in the Sunken City to get the DDDEgg, but after getting a Lair of the Ancients I've come out two Ultimate Charms richer, so I'm pretty pleased with that.
Got my Tiny egg overnight, so now all I have left is the DDDEgg, Shelder Egg and Mutant Mongrel Egg. Oh, and a MBW Egg, but that's extra just because I have the cheese and stuff.
I have joined an elite 128 Mousehunters in getting a Shelder mouse and his egg. :O I didn't know if it would happen or not, but it actually happened a lot faster than I was anticipating.
Woo hoo! Was so happy to see the notification this morning.
Haven't started working on my Shelder yet (the Sunken City is taking a bit longer than I thought because I'm loath to spend a few mil on the rest of the Jet charms I need and I keep getting good zones, anyway), but the additional Galleon Gouda will come in handy.
I'm currently working on a Shelder map and praying we get one soon so I can turn around and use the Galleon Gouda on him (if I don't get one this time).
My remaining Eggs to be found are:
Shelder (working on this one)
Warmonger (I'm early in Wave 2, so this is a maybe)
Deep Deep Deep (I'm at almost 30k meters, so this is also a maybe)
Mutant Mongrel (the Toxic Spill is coming! )
Shattered (I have a charm, and will probably pick this one up on one side or the other of the TS)
Enerchi (I just need to pop back and retreat from the Pagoda)
I'm probably going to have 1-3 eggs that I'll have to wait for until next year, but I can properly plan for those now.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
The nice thing about a lot of these eggs (excluding the Shelder) is that if you can't get to it this year, it's really easy to prep for next year. Of course I say that with at least two (if not more) big areas coming out this year so there may not be much spare time. BWRift is next, followed by Moussu Picchu (love that name ). Sounds like the latter at least will be very large and will lead into the first Archduke level area.
I spent the night in the FRift using up all of the goodness that I had stockpiled for the event. Caught lots of high leveled mice, so that was nice. Now I'm in the Harbour catching all of those new mice and possibly finishing up the quest there even though I have the map and I don't NEED it.
Toxic Spill starts tomorrow, I will head there as soon as I can for my last egg.
The nice thing about a lot of these eggs (excluding the Shelder) is that if you can't get to it this year, it's really easy to prep for next year.
Whereas the best way to prepare for the Shelder, is to catch him - or have someone on your treasure map catch him, as in my case.
I was at more than 67,000 m in Sunken City and got the Deep, Deep, Deep Egg - then I've been at Harbour and caught the whole new crew and got the crew egg.
Right now I'm in Fort Rox, have got the Dawn Egg and hope for the MotM Egg as well before my wall breaks down completely. Day and Night eggs will be easy - but I don't want to go to Dawn again during the SEH.
The longest projects will probably be a Minotaur run and an FW run. It's a good thing that we've got almost two weeks left ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I did a dumb thing; I was going after MBW's in the WRift and I crafted a Taunting Charm but forgot to arm it... Oh well! I got 4 or 5 MBW's and I have some cheese left over to help me go after 50/50/50 rage when I have time later on. So all in all not too bad. I think I would have gotten kicked out after one more hunt anyway; the last MBW only dropped one Widow's Web so I wouldn't have been able to craft another Taunting Charm.
Juuuust about done with the Sunken City (only need two more charms and I suppose I can buy them if needed) so I'm going to head into the SSHIII for awhile and charge and hope for my Shelder.
I've been at Harbour and caught the whole new crew and got the crew egg.
Yep, I did the same thing yesterday. Hit up the Harbour, got all the new mice and went ahead and finished up the unnecessary Harbour map.
I returned to the FRift last night. I never have finished getting all of the batteries so I'm working on the 9th battery and will probably finish that one soon.
BUT, the Toxic Spill has opened and I just got my last new egg. I checked the scoreboard and finished in the top 11 players. Not too shabby at all!
I'll probably sit in the Toxic Spill for a while since I have nothing better to do and I'd like to crown some of these mice.
I'm at the spill as well, but I guess I'll only stay there until I've got the egg. I've FTC'ed the Mutant Mongrel once, and caught lots of other mice - and got several Toxic Spill eggs. Is the Mongrel a bit rare?
Some time I'll go back to the Harbour and finish the unnecessary map and bronze all those new mice. But not during this event.
I have some egg business at FRift as well. I have just repaired Battery 8, but I'm down at Battery 6 at the moment and will need a lot of Energy to equip it. Perhaps I should only charge Battery 7, to save time. I need the
Grand Master of the Dojo Egg, and don't expect too much trouble in getting it.
I was sure that I was miles away from getting the Ascended Elder Egg, because I've never attempted him and not even made his cheese. Then I realised that I wasn't as far off from making 1 piece of his cheese as I thought. I only need 3 Senseis and 5 Mojos to get what I still need for it, so if I have enough cheese for those, I guess I could have a go (and catch him for the first time). I'll use one of my Ultimate Charms to make sure I don't waste that precious piece of cheese.
Then the two long runs, and finally my Patience mice - Tiny, Chrono, Aether, and Shelder ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Got my Mutant Mongrel Egg; I've moved out of the Toxic Spill for now because I want to take advantage of the last bit of Slayer Aura I have left, then I'll go back later to fill my barrels and hopefully get some more Toxic Spill and Clean Eggs, since I need just a tad more Pollutonium to get my Polluted Theme.
Realizing that I probably do not have enough time to use up all my Charge charms and MM this year, which is !!! to think about, haha. Might spend some time just at high charge since I have so many. Hard to keep a cycle going when I'm bouncing between several areas that require their own charms.
No Shelder nibble yet, but I'm just about ready to go after him in earnest. We've got time...
I clicked on FBF this morning about 20 min late figuring it would be Jacob doing some artwork, but no, it was Dave dishing out spoilers for the upcoming content left and right. I'll have to go back and watch the first part later because I missed the egg hunt feedback and the BWRift spoilers.
What I did catch is that they're aiming to release the BWRift in May, and there may be a mini-event in between the end of the egg hunt and the new Rift opening.
Moussu Picchu is next. It will be Grand Duke/Duchess level. You will need to craft something from the drops in the Labyrinth to get in. It's going to be a Draconic themed area in mountainous territory. And it will lead into the first Archduke/duchess area which will take place in the skies above Gnawnia. Intriguing.
In the meantime, I'm doing a combined Library Assignment for an M400 mouse and an Elaborate Treasure Map (hoping for RH theme scraps!!). This is working out quite well as I'm getting all sorts of random eggs I wouldn't have snagged otherwise, and it's something fun to do on the side.
I may head to the Laby after this to stock up on supplies if needed, and if not needed, get in a Mino run before the end of the event.
Got the M400 mouse. Taking a break from the treasure map at the moment because I do want to crown three of the Toxic Spill mice. I have the:
Lab Technician @ 97
Swamp Runner @ 96
Bog Beast @ 98
The bog beast I'm not too confident about because he's rare, but the other two shouldn't be a problem as we reach the end of the spill.
Next up, Labyrinth and then finishing the treasure map.
ETA @ 8 Ironically, Bog Beast down! Still have the other two to go.
I'm down to:
Magmatic Golem
Zokor Treasury
Unstable Crystal
Ascended Elder
I'm having trouble staying online long enough to get the Gargantua. I already know I'm not getting the Warmonger, Shattered and the Ascended Elder either. Magmatic Golem is one I'm putting off, but any tips on the two Laby eggs? I'm setting up for the Shelder again.