I feel like it will be take your pick of the three; Shattering charms are SO hard to get and you can't "waste" a charm on a mouse you don't need for a chest...for instance, I've already caught a King Scarab, so for Easter I can *only* go after a Dark Magi or Shattered Carmine or I've just made my trek to another Ultimate Charm *that* much longer.
Anyhoo, we shall see. I was away from home all week but I was able to make very good progress on everything I needed for Easter...Mino run, check, amp filled, check, Warpath to W3, check, in the Mad Depths, check...I even started working on getting my Rage in WWR to 50/50/50, although I didn't get too far.
Now I'm back in the LG getting some Lunaria juuuuust in case.
I finally crafted my Shattering Charm and have saved what's left of my Lunaria and dewdrops for the Egg Hunt, hoping I can snag a Shattered Carmine fairly quickly and not have to salt or break curses.
I'm as well situated with the FRift and Fort Rox as I think I'll be. Not doing a Mino Run unless there are new eggs I need to add. Last year, I finally caught up on all the eggs, so I'm only going to focus on new eggs unless there are others that seem worthwhile.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Eggs I currently don't have according to the list that just went up:
Pirate crew
Mutant Mongrel
Monster of the Meteor
Deep Deep Deep
Zokor Treasury
Unstable Crystal
Decrepit Tentacle
Grand Master of the Dojo
Ascended Elder
EEP! Any suggestions on method?
Edit: I'm pretty sure the Warmonger, Shattered, Zokor Treasury, Decrepit Tentacle, Ascended Elder, Mutant Mongrel (maybe), and maybe the Acolyte and Shelder are out of reach this year due to me being stuck in the Labyrinth.
New Eggs by Region:
Tiny (love this egg LOL), Pirate crew (did they update the Harbour after all?), Captain Croissant
Mutant Mongrel
Day, Night, Dawn, Monster of the Meteor
Shelder (thanks a lot to those who suggested this ), Deep Deep Deep
Warmonger, Shattered
Crystal Behemoth
Ascended Elder, Grand Master of the Dojo, Enerchi
I think I'm in decent shape, though I'll find out for sure as I go along. I got the Shattered Egg on the first hunt so that whole area is done. I moved to the FRift and am working on those eggs now.
Any suggestions on method?
Pick an egg and start hunting for it. The only one I see that will need closer than usual monitoring is the Mutant Mongrel egg. The rest are simply order of preference.
ETA @ 1:29pm CDT: So far so good for me. Here's my split.
To Go: Day, Night, Tiny, Pirate crew, Captain Croissant, Mutant Mongrel, Acolyte, Riptide, Shelder, Deep Deep Deep, Warmonger.
Got 'em: Shattered, Ascended Elder, Grand Master, Enerchi, Crystal Behemoth, Meteor Monster, Dawn.
Going to finish up Fort Rox and then probably see about getting the Deep Deep Deep Egg out of the way.
Got the pirate crew and shockingly the decrepit tentacle egg. Working on the mino egg tonight. Fort Rox tomorrow.
I always hate how events start around midnight my time, so I have to set up somewhere and then leave it for a long time, lol.
Got the FRift eggs and working on a few of the new small eggs (Captain Croissant, etc.). I'll head into the AR as soon as that closes to get that out of the way.
Besides the Shelder, the eggs I am the most nervous/worried about is the Crystal Behemoth and Deep Deep Deep egg. I'm only 25k deep and only have enough Jet charms to get me to about 35k, so it might take a little while. And for the Cyrstal Behemoth, I've only got one piece of Diamond cheese. FK reminded me of Baitkeeps which I definitely have a few of, so I might wait until I see how much time I've got before I decide whether or not to use them. I know I can craft more Diamond cheese; it will just take a little time.
After Day 1, I'm pretty happy with my progress.
To Go: Pirate crew, Mutant Mongrel, Acolyte, Riptide, Shelder, Warmonger.
Got 'em: Shattered, Ascended Elder, Grand Master, Enerchi, Crystal Behemoth, Meteor Monster, Dawn, Day, Night, Captain Croissant, Tiny, Deep Deep Deep.
But of course now that I've got all of the "easy" ones out of the way, the rest will take time. Spending the night in the AR for the Acolyte.
Egg list:
Pirate crew - now have
Mutant Mongrel
Night - now have
Monster of the Meteor
Deep Deep Deep
Zokor Treasury
Unstable Crystal
Decrepit Tentacle - now have
Minotaur - now have
Grand Master of the Dojo
Ascended Elder
Crystal Behemoth - now have
Magmatic Golem
Just started my night run in Fort Rox, so I'll be here a bit. I may take a break and go after the Tiny egg.
I can now add the Acolyte Egg to my "got it" list. I have moved onto the Warmonger Egg which will take me a bit because I'm at the beginning of Wave 3. I'll take a break to snag the Riptide Egg this evening. After that comes the Pirate Crew, the Shelder, and the Mutant Mongrel...whenever he's released.
ETA @ 8:28pm CDT: Drat! I forgot about the Riptide Mouse tonight. I remembered when it was mid-tide again for three hunts, didn't get him. Tomorrow!
At least my Warpath run is going well, especially considering I started with maybe 5 mice gone? Currently 8-8-22-39-11-1. Should get the Warmonger Egg tomorrow as well.
I'm playing passively for a couple of days - got into FG with 8 minutes to spare, have got the Acolyte (twice) and am now hoping for the Chrono.
I was lucky with the Crystal Behemoth. I decided that I would risk my only piece of Diamond cheese before trying to make more - I don't know why I didn't think of Baitkeep charms, but I caught one with that piece!
Then I armed what I was sure would be my only Ultimate Charm - but without noticing, I have accumulated 7 of them! Mouse drops? Treasure chests? I don't know!
Drheller was no problem then. He's out of the way and I won't try to bronze him. I doubt I'll see him again unless I need him for a Treasure chest some time.
I've also got the Croissant, and hunted a little for the Tiny, but haven't got it yet. There are others that will be easier for me this year.
Still missing:
Chrono Egg
Riptide Egg
Aether Egg
Warmonger Egg
Dawn Egg
Day Egg
Monster of the Meteor Egg
Night Egg
Ascended Elder Egg
Enerchi Egg
Grand Master of the Dojo Egg
Tiny Egg
Pirate Crew Egg
Shattered Egg
Shelder Egg
Deep, Deep, Deep Egg
Mutant Mongrel Egg
Decrepite Tentacle Egg
Minotaur Egg
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Cracked open my Slayer chest, which means its Boss time. Got my Shattered Egg (Dark Magi) and I'm going to nab my Mino egg hopefully this morning before going after the Crystal Behemoth. I'll get the Riptide egg tonight and then go after Tiny. I'll work on my Warmonger egg this weekend which should free me up to work on the Shelder egg pretty soon. As soon as I head over to the SSIII, if no one has opened a map I'll go ahead and get one.
Still have the Deep Deep Deep Egg, but that one is just going to take a bit of time...don't necessarily need the Aura for that.
I have three new eggs remaining: The Pirates Crew Egg, the Shelder Egg, and the Mutant Mongrel Egg.
I forgot about the 10 Easter Eggs and the new mouse so I will need those too. I assume Varna and Gymmie that you got the new mouse when you finished your Easter Eggs?
Baby induction first thing tomorrow morning, so I'll have to decide if I want to leave myself in the Harbour, the Huntington, or somewhere with MM cheese. I probably won't be on much over the next couple days for obvious reasons.
But MH was something that helped keep me awake during midnight feedings with my other two kiddos so I expect that things will be the same this time around.
I forgot about the 10 Easter Eggs and the new mouse so I will need those too. I assume Varna and Gymmie that you got the new mouse when you finished your Easter Eggs?
Baby induction first thing tomorrow morning, so I'll have to decide if I want to leave myself in the Harbour, the Huntington, or somewhere with MM cheese.
I've done the 10 Easter Eggs, and I believe I had caught the new mouse twice before I finished them. No boss type catching strategy for that mouse - it's just there with the others.
And the Huntington is a stockpile area, so you can stay there both for the Shelder (btw, I gave up the Chrono for now and joined the Shelder map instead) and for the MM cheese. I only have 2 Galleon Gouda, but Brie should work better than SB+ for the Shelder. I guess he doesn't eat MM, though
And best of luck with your baby!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Thank goodness the Huntington is a stockpile...at least we can charge away to our hearts content and convert MM into charms while we're there. Makes it way less painful, I think, haha.
Yeah, I caught the new mouse right after arming MM in the Fungal Cavern. I'm still missing a few of the new Harbor mice but I'll get 'em when I get 'em.
Snagged the Pirate Crew Egg so the only new egg I can get right now is the Shelder Egg. I decided to work on that while I'm not going to be completely and utterly bored with farming for him and I'll get the other Easter eggs later.
It doesn't look like the new mouse is available on the Huntington though...another reason I'll just work on the Shelder for now.