Thanks for the reminder Gymmie. After the last two years of not having any new eggs outside of the new areas, I've slacked off prepping elsewhere. I'm basically going to copy your list. Hope that's OK.
Except for Galleon gouda...I have none and have no hope of getting any before the egg hunt. This may be the first year I won't complete the egg hunt, but I'm up for the challenge
Nah man, you're not allowed to copy my list; get your own!
(lol JK; of course you can. It's not like I own the rights to it or anything.
I have a bigger list of all possible egg scenarios, but I didn't list the ones I've already completed...I can post my exhaustive one if you want.
The reminders I needed were mostly for the Seasonal Garden, Iceburg, and Warpath. I think the rest of the areas I'm good to go, though this egg hunt may prove me wrong.
Btw, did you get your Galleon Gouda from a Shelder map or Tribal Island map? If TI maps drop it, I could definitely do one of those before the egg hunt.
MH Wiki says Galleon Gouda only comes from SHelder map chests.
I am not doing much for Easter prep aside from building supplies in Fort Rox. I've got a good bit of prep done in the FRift and just hope there aren't too many eggs there.
The Shelder Egg disheartens me to no end. I thought the Magmatic Golem Egg was tough.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
MH Wiki says Galleon Gouda only comes from SHelder map chests.
I saw that, and then down a little ways it mentions Tribal Isle maps as well, so I was confused.
I think what we're going to want to do, once people start going after the Shelder, is always keep Shelder maps open. It only takes one Shelder to end the map, but then at least everyone who didn't catch one gets some GG that will hopefully help towards the next one.
I think the Shelder will be a drag like the Aether or Assassin Egg, but there's going to be a million people hunting in SSIII over the course of Easter so hopefully it won't be too bad. Last year I don't remember any eggs being particularly challenging for top-level hunters so I'm excited at the prospect of having to really work for it.
Of course, watch me eat my words in two weeks.
I have 2 Galleon Gouda and I don't remember where I got them from. Can't remember having been on a Shelder map, but fairly certain I've been on a Tribal Isles one. I'll happily join Shelder maps at Easter - but I won't be too worried if I don't get the egg. I still need the Aether egg and the Drheller egg and three or four other eggs, so I've never been an egg master.
I'll have a look at your list as well, Gymmie - something in the Laby sounds like a good idea. I don't have the shadow trap either, I still use the one I got from LG, and I don't think the Fort Rox shadow trap is any better than that. I doubt that I'll buy the Fort Rox shadow or arcane traps - a bit too much gold to spend on something that will likely only be a collectible.
I want the law trap, though - and eventually I would like to bronze the HotM, but that's a long term goal.
I should work some more in Furoma Rift as well. I'm only at Battery 6 or 7.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
This is my full Easter Prep list...if you think I'm missing anything, lemmie know. For new areas like Fort Rox/Furoma Rift, I didn't always write individual eggs/mice for them because I generally assume that any new area will have eggs for pretty much everything.
Possible Mouse/Egg - Area - Cheese - Charm - Prerequisites
Balack Egg - Balack's Cove - VVS - UPC - High Tide
Master Burglar Egg - Bazaar/Kings Arms - Gilded Cheese - n/a - n/a
Zurreal Egg - Crystal Library - n/a - Scholar Charm - n/a
Reaper Egg - Forbidden Grove - Ancient - n/a - n/a
*Fort Rox - Fort Rox - Crescent/Moon - n/a - n/a
Heart of the Meteor Egg - Fort Rox/HotM - Sunrise Cheese - n/a - Dawn in Fort Rox, Portal
Master of the Chi Egg - Furoma Rift - Master Cheeses - UPC - Bat 5 or higher
Grand Master of the Dojo - Furoma Rift - Rift Rumble - UPC - Bat 6 or higher
Ascended Elder - Furoma Rift - Ascended Cheese - ULP - Bat 7 or higher
Supreme Sensei - Furoma Rift - Null Oynx Gorgonzola - Ultimate L/P - Bat 6 or higher
Student of the Chi Egg - Furoma Rift - Maki SC/BSC - n/a - Bat 4 or higher
T7 Dust Egg - Gauntlet - Tier 7 Cheese - n/a - T7 Pots
Goliath Egg - Gnawnia Rift - Resonator - UPC - n/a
Mid-level Gnawnia Rift Mice - Gnawnia Rift - Riftiago - n/a - n/a
Mad Depths Egg - Iceburg - Gouda - n/a - Mad Depths
Pygmy Wrangler Egg - Jungle of Dread - SB+ - n/a - n/a
Minotaur Egg - Labyrinth - - - - - -
LG Boss(s) - Living Garden - LG Cheese - Shattering - 1-3 Shattering Charms
Mole Egg - Meadow - White Cheddar - n/a - n/a
Lycan Egg - Mousoleum - Moon - n/a - n/a
Relic Hunter Egg - n/a - n/a - n/a - Ancient Relics
SOJO Egg - Pinnacle Chamber - OG - n/a - n/a
Spring Familiar/Fall Familiar - Seasonal Garden - SB+ - n/a - Spring/Fall
*Shelder Egg - SSHIII - Gouda/Galleon Gouda - Attraction - n/a
Barracuda Egg - Sunken City - Gouda - n/a - <2k, Feeding Grounds
Worker Egg - TG, Dojo - SB+ TG, Maki/SB+ Dojo - n/a - n/a
3rd Wave Warpath Egg - Warpath - n/a - n/a - 3rd Wave
*Captain Croissant - Windmill - Grilled Cheese - n/a - Packets of Flour
Farmhand Egg - Windmill - SB+ - n/a - n/a
Black Widow Egg - Wrift - - - - - -
Chessmaster Egg - Z's Tower - Checkmate - n/a - Tower run
ETA: And I know a few eggs are old eggs; I just wanted to remind myself to get into position, lol
Did you all know that the Monster of the Meteor can drop the Animatronic Bird? He dropped one for me a day or two ago. I was rather caught off guard. Would anybody be able to use it to get the trap or should I just hang onto it for the future (likely sell it on the Marketplace when the price goes back up)?
And did you know that the Heart of the Meteor also can drop it? My first HotM dropped me one!
I doubt that I'll buy the trap with it, I have better traps already, but I was hoping for a bird just as a collectible if nothing else. Perhaps I buy it later just for fun, if I feel I can spare some million gold just for fun ...
When I've finished the map I'm on, and farmed some more Dawn Dust, I'll probably go to the Iceberg to set up for a Drheller egg. I FTC'ed him last year, so this year I'll probably use my Ultimate charm to get him.
Then I'll read Gymmie's long preparation list (thank you, Gymmie! ) and see what is relevant for me. Perhaps go to Living Garden to see how close I am to a Shattering charm ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I doubt that I'll buy the trap with it, I have better traps already, but I was hoping for a bird just as a collectible if nothing else. Perhaps I buy it later just for fun, if I feel I can spare some million gold just for fun ...
Back in the day when I was a little more hard core than I am now, I wouldn't necessarily buy all of the traps/bases (because I was poor back then! ) but I would get all of the components in case they introduced a trap/base 2.0 where I might need smashed bits from 1.0. They haven't done that for quite some time though, so I kind of stopped doing that.
Anybody see Jacob's Art FBF BWRift Wight mouse tonight? He's pretty wicked looking... both literally and figuratively. Good artwork so far for the new area!
And question, does anybody know when they plan to release the Harbour update? I'm assuming on Tuesday, but I haven't heard anything for sure
ETA: I found a hole in my supplies for the egg hunt. I have nothing for Tier 5 in the King's Gauntlet. I realized that a while back we had a Black Mage mouse on our treasure map and I used up all of my cheese trying to catch it. So I'm in the KG building up Tier 5 potions in case they add a new egg there.
I had one of those awful moments today when I nearly wrecked my Minotaur run because I picked the wrong door...stupid Superior Fealty doors look too much like Tech doors. a few hours of sweating and a ton of compass magnets later, I fixed it, but that was a miserable experience.
But, I'm about down with that Mino run now, so I can finish up the rest of the things in my list. It's a relief, anyway.
Sooo.... I guess at this point they decided to postpone the Harbour rerelease? As low-level as it is, I was looking forward to it as something different to do.
/is bored
Only four days until the Egg Hunt begins. Should be interesting this year. But admittedly I thought I wouldn't be able to participate much this year with a new baby, but on second thought, I realized that when both of my other two were born, I was up every hour or two at night so I'll probably be hunting more than usual. Now, whether I will be able to functionally play in an area that requires decision making is another story. I'm glad I don't need the Mino egg this year.
I saw the daily raffle ticket thing is down for the time being. Those orange buttons are going to drive me crazy! Must click! Must click!
A Lady Coldsnap ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
A Lady Coldsnap ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.
A Lady Coldsnap ...
A Princess Fist ...
A Lord Splodington ...
Drheller cycling, anyone ?
When I tried this last year, I missed him again and again and didn't get his egg. This year this is where my Ultimate Charm will go in the end if I don't catch him on the first try. I decided a long time ago that I wouldn't try to bronze him. I've caught him once, without much trouble but heaps of DLU, unfortunately not at Easter.
I had a full batch (36) of Lunaria cheese lying around in LG, and had just poured. I spent most of that cheese and got a Shattering Charm. So I'm well into my SEH preparations.
I got 4 T8 potions at Christmas, so I should get some Eclipse eggs without trouble. I also have cheese for the Captain Croissant, and for Furoma Rift other than the Ascended Elder. There are some eggs I don't expect to get, but I can live with that. I still haven't got the Aether egg - and not for lack of trying ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Drheller cycling, anyone
No thank you, I have paid my dues to Drheller.
I'm at the end of the Bombing Run in case they add more Iceburg mice, but I sure hope not.
For the most part I'm sitting in the FRift farming enerchi (and have amassed quite a bit!) but I did realize tonight that I'm rather short on Lunaria cheese as I suspect the Shattered Carmine will be the needed mouse from the LG areas. So I'm hanging out in the Sand Crypts farming petals. It's been a while since I've done this.
Oh dear Lord please not the Shattered Carmine. That's just too cruel. I'm fine with the other two; not just that one. Whhaaaaa now you said it, though, it will probably be true.
I just thought it would be weird to have King Scarab or the Dark Magi but not Shattered Carmine... unless it was a Shattered Egg where you could catch any one of the three. I THINK they said we'd just need one Shattering Charm. If we need three to catch all three of the boss mice there, I won't have that.