I may actually end up finishing the labyrinth. Thanks to gifts of the shiny gold, I crafted the Minotaur base this morning! Thanks for the help!
Yay Kat! I've lost track of who has what, but do you have any of the three traps yet?
I'm in the Toxic Spill at the moment TRYING to crown the Mutated Siblings (I only need three and I can't even attract one!! ) as well as top of my pollutinum.
Just hanging out, waiting for the b-day party to start in a few days.
The only one I have is the endless labyrinth trap. I was thrown off by an easter run that was a disaster and the base was the first thing I went after after I managed to repair my supplies.
I took my new Event Horizon trap for a spin at Fort Rox. It went much better than my previous runs, and I *almost* made it to dawn (missed it by 2 hunts). I upgraded my Cannon, so here's hoping my next run (after the birthday event) will be successful. I'm currently farming meteorite pieces to repair my wall and stock up on cheese.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've decided that if Easter ends and I still haven't gotten my Temporal Turbine trap, I'm going to make plans to just go ahead and buy the parts I need. I'm already down with buying one Plate; I'd just rather not buy two. I could have been finished with the Labyrinth ages ago but I've had the worst DHU with trap parts, lol. And I'd like to go into the new phase of areas not feeling so dang behind all the time.
So that being said, my current goal right now is farming Mino Keys so I can go on a few runs during Easter and hopefully get lucky.
Good luck Gymmie!
Off to an annoying start on the birthday event
I'm at year three and I don't have a single red cupcake, but tons of yellow, blue, green, and even a couple rainbow. Hoping for red cupcakes as GotD tonight.
Otherwise I shall remain stuck for the time being.
Two days later, and I'm still having very few red cupcakes drop. I just happened to notice in FBF that red cupcakes seem to be sparse this year, so I did something I've never done before... My cupcake numbers were SO skewed, I went ahead and traded in 12 yellow cupcakes for 3 blue and 3 red. That luckily got me through two more years, so now I'm on year 8. I'm sure my impatience will come back to bite me, but I just need to get through year 9.
I did the same thing, FK. I'm about evened out now, but I need blue cupcakes instead. I'm on year 8. I think I will probably focus on getting the adventure book completed first and then figure out if it will be possible to farm cheese and cupcakes reasonably as in past years.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I just need green cupcakes...and of course those are the hardest to get. I've got two Y9's open and a Y6 because I read that if you need more of a certain color you should open a year that requires the most of them (so Y6 is heavy on greens). We'll see if it works.
In all the years they've done the cupcake event, I've never had trouble with green cupcakes. It's usually the rainbow ones I get stuck on, and those make sense to me as they're SUPPOSED to be the most rare. I know in the past I've had most of those come from the daily rewards rather than drops.
Currently sitting on a pile of 12 green cupcakes and 1 red cupcake. Waiting...waiting....for red cupcakes.
I have shipped 21 Orders with 170 Cupcakes (finished the Adventure and received Base, Trap and Theme).
My pile now consists of 5 red, 18 yellow, 37 blue, 2 green and 3 rainbow cupcakes. I could certainly do with some more red and green ones.
Perhaps the best is to arm Gouda and farm cheese for a few days, and then farm cupcakes regardless of color, and then finally see what orders can be filled? I think Years 8 and 9 are the most interesting ones for me, loot-wise.
But I also want to bronze the new mouse and silver some of the old ones.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I have shipped 21 Orders with 170 Cupcakes (finished the Adventure and received Base, Trap and Theme).
That's very telling. We've been on almost the exact same amount of hunts this week according to the scoreboard, but I've only managed to fill 10 orders and ship 84 cupcakes. I'm not worried about finishing the event, there's plenty of time, but I've definitely had some DHU on this event for sure.
I think that I am officially done with the birthday event, other than occasionally returning to turn in the last few cupcakes before the end. I am taking a gamble that next year for the TENTH birthday party of MH that they'll do a new event and I won't need to farm cheese or potions.
Instead, I am going to focus the last three days before the Fort Rox expansion on collecting as many meteorites as I can get. Sounds like finishing up the last Wall upgrade will be beneficial after all, but I won't get that done before Wednesday.
I'd do the same, but go back to the labyrinth and set up for a mini run. However, when sprinkling the year 9 cupcake orders, I'm getting a good bit of tower mania. So I figured I would ride this out and try and finish up another order or two.
However, when sprinkling the year 9 cupcake orders, I'm getting a good bit of tower mania.
I noticed that too. So I did return yesterday to farm enough yellow cupcakes (ah, irony) to finish out my last Year 9 order this morning when I got the Rainbow cupcake from my daily reward.
Now I am officially done with the birthday event. The expansion comes out tomorrow and I am feeling pretty good about where I'm at Meteorite-wise (1,279!). Just need to grab a new Fort Rox treasure map and then get started.
ETA: Just noticed I'm 5 Para Para Dancer mice away from a silver crown, so I figured I'd try to grab that one and farm a few more potions so I have some for next year in case I need them.