I've finally got all the battery fragments for battery #7, but I now need to collect more enerchi to go back and use it. I still need the stones for the Mynorca, and I'm not sure I'll have enough cheese to get them in one run, but at least I got the Sensei with the branch while I had the aura.
I haven't reached Dawn in the Fort Rox yet. I have one upgrade left to do from each category, but I think I'll just try to catch the last 3 mice (dawn mice + the Battering Ram) and then leave the area for later. I don't want to spend gold on those traps for a while, so I should rather hunt elsewhere.
I still need the Mino base - need 1-2 hundred district loot of each type, so that's at least 3 more district runs. Then the Mynorca, which should be easier when I can use battery #7. I doubt that I'll try for the top mouse for a while, though.
And then back to the Laby for the last 3 traps there. But that might not be until the end of the event season ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well, here's what I decided to do. I'm going to farm about 300 Crescent Cheese, and then start a Fort Rox run. I plan to stop before I reach Dawn and then leave it there for the Egg Hunt.
I'm just not interested in farming for the traps. If I change my mind at some point and decide to get them, I don't think it will take me TOO long as my last run the Monster of the Meteor started dropping Silver Bolts, so that's a lot less dawn dust to farm.
After that, I'll head to the FRift and hang out until the Winter event starts.
I decided 250 Crescent Cheese is good enough. Now to decide where to stop in the middle of my run. Originally I was going to go all the way to Dawn, but now I'm wondering if Utter Darkness or First Light would be better? Probably doesn't really matter. It's not like it takes THAT long to go back through again.
I was excited to see the Puzzleblock update release yesterday. I did a few of the new Whisker Woods levels and they're a lot of fun.
I'm not too far yet, only 137, but I've gotta make it last because I'm sure it will be a long time before they release the next round.
I've also been involved in a project from the Forum competition thread - a guy with close to 300 Dragon mice decided to get a gold crown for it, and invited other hunters to join him in Dracano and sound him dragons. He promised prizes for those who get him 2, 5, 10 or 20 dragons. I've got the prizes for 2 and 5 so far, and intend to continue when I take a break from the map I'm on.
He got his Dragon Gold Crown yesterday (after a break for the event and the new area).
He realised that he had assigned too many prizes, as he got too many dragons without a friend's hunt - so he announced that everyone who had got him at least one dragon would be included in a raffle for the left-over prizes at the end.
I got the whole series of prizes, with the top prize being a Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold - and then I got another of those in the raffle today!
I also got some useful charms in the raffle.
At Fort Rox I have finally reached Dawn and caught the two Dawn mice. When my wall breaks down (5 health left), I'll try to catch the Battering Ram. I'll build up the wall with small amounts of meteorite pieces, so that I don't lose as much from missing him - and expect to go in and out of the night a lot. It's an experiment, and we'll see how much patience I've got for it.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I was wondering why he'd sent me some random loot...apparently I sounded him some Dragons too, completely unintentionally, haha. Works for me!
Got my Event Horizon, and am still splitting time between the Laby and Fort Rox; depending on whichever one is more labor-intensive at the time and how busy I am. Almost finished with this Scholar run and then I'm going for another Mino.
You sounded him 1 dragon, Gymmie, which got you into the raffle.
While sounding him mine, I also caught a dozen or two for myself.
I silvered the Whelpling, and need only 10 Draconic Wardens and 26 Dragons to silver those two.
Silvering a third of all mice is part of my Spring Egg Hunt preparations - I need 37 more silvers for that project. I have several Event mice with more than 90 catches, so I'll make sure to silver those during the relevant events.
I have 6 Gold Crowns, but I have no ambition to do any work to get any more. They will come as they come.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Will someone explain what mousehunt is? I have no idea.
It's a computer game which you can play via facebook on https://apps.facebook.com/mousehunt/ or without facebook on
https://www.mousehuntgame.com/ . It has also got apps so you can play it on your mobile phone.
You play it in a virtual world called Gnawnia, where the King commissions hunters to catch mice, because the country is overrun with them. You get various amounts of gold (the game currency) for every mouse that you catch, and you use the gold to buy better traps and better cheese to catch them with.
There is also other equipment for catching the mice, and there are different methods in different parts of the country, and sometimes there are events with extra resources. It's possible to buy resources for real life dollars, but it's perfectly possible to manage throughout the game with only the game currency.
The first post of this thread ( viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7896 ) has more information, including links to the previous discussion threads.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I have gotten myself into two ok spots for the egg hunt but I'm not really thrilled with either. I can't think of a better spot for Fort Rox so I will probably leave that one alone, but I was hoping for a massive stockpile of all cheeses for Furoma Rift, in addition to being on the 8th battery. Well, I have a little charge on the 8th battery, 6 Ascended cheese, 3 or 4 Onyx, and I'm not sure after that. It's certainly workable but not perfection.
I went back to the Laby so I could leave the FRift alone, but since I'm running dangerously low on Ancient charms and I'd like to finish the Relic Hunter theme someday, I figured I'd do a couple treasure maps while waiting for the Winter event.
I got my Mino Base today! I've got enough district loot for 2/3 Laby trap upgrades, so my focus there will now be Mino runs for trap parts.
I'm also trying to build my stock in the FRift to prepare for Easter. I'd like to craft at least one more batch of Ascended Cheese and get some of the other cheeses so I can nab any eggs they add there.
Once I've done that, I'll focus on Fort Rox again. Aside from the GWH of course.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've already told you this, but congratulations on the Mino Base stwin! That's very cool.
And thanks to those of you who helped me complete a few maps the other day. I didn't get anything super remarkable out of them (like Relic Hunter Theme scraps) but I did boost my Ancient charms back to over 100.
Nothing to report on MH. I'm hanging out in the Laby waiting for the Great Winter Hunt to start.
But the reason for my post is that I just wanted to complain that I am totally stuck on level B17 on the Puzzleblock app. Is anybody else playing the Whisker Woods update? Has anyone beaten that level? I don't want any hints or anything, just curious.
I think I've silvered at least ten mice over the last couple of weeks - I need to get about 25 more done before the Spring Egg Hunt in order to get the Century Egg. Some of that silvering was done while I was working on your maps. I didn't get any theme scraps either, but the Ancient charms are great.
While I was sitting in Town of Gnawnia / King's Arms, trying to silver the Longtail mouse, I realised that if I used Enerchi charms and the Attuned Enerchi Induction Base, I would fill up my enerchi level for the Furoma Rift with 5 Enerchi per catch (2 from the charm and 3 from the base). Another useful combination of projects.
I'm just about to fill up battery 7, and as soon as I can get enough cheese, I'll try to hunt for Rift Mojos to get the Null Onyx Stones that I need for the Mynorca. I also need some more district loot for the Mino base - probably one run of each kind. We'll see how much I can get done before the Great Winter Hunt.
Still haven't caught the Battering Ram, but I haven't hunted for him for a while either.
And I cannot give any advice for the Puzzleblock app - I haven't got a smartphone, so I'm not using it and don't know anything about it
I worked my way through Students and Masters on battery 7, and got enough cheese to cath several Rift Mojos - and bought the Mynorca! I have even used it to catch two more Supreme Senseis!
Battery 7 will be empty very soon, so on battery 6 I'll aim for Students again (to build up a new stash of cheese).
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739 Plates of Fealty, 609 Tech Power Cores, and 599 Scholar Scrolls.
43 Scholar Clues, 3 Treasury Clues, and 18 Dead Ends in my current run - probably the last Scholar run before getting enough Scrolls, and I should only need one last Tech run after that before I can buy the Mino Base.
I ought to be able to finish both of those before Tuesday, and have both a new trap and a new base before the Great Winter Hunt starts!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Yay Varna! Congrats on the MYNORCA and soon-to-be Minotaur Base.
I realised that if I used Enerchi charms and the Attuned Enerchi Induction Base, I would fill up my enerchi level for the Furoma Rift with 5 Enerchi per catch (2 from the charm and 3 from the base). Another useful combination of projects.
I didn't know this, so thank you so much for this tip. It does make me sad I didn't know about it before though because I lost out on literally hundreds of enerchi.
But now I know for the future.
The Christmas event starts tomorrow, I'm ALMOST back to where I want to be in the FRift for the Egg Hunt. I now have all the cheese I want and I have refilled 7/8 of my batteries (I'll get into the 8th battery today). I'm counting on getting lots of enerchi in the Winter Hunt to help push me over.
With the crazy schedule I've had, I opted to setup in the fungal cavern and farm nightshade. I'm up to over 750 pieces of gg now. I did venture into the new section for a bit and went back to the frift before my schedule went nuts. I'm hoping the gg I've farmed will mean I can make several runs without having to go through farming again. I'm a ways from my mino base. I need to come up with a more strategic method for hunting.