I'm also working on treasure maps - I only need the last two scraps for the Relic Hunter Theme now
Oh nice Varna! You're way ahead of me then because I think I still need four scraps. There are nine total right? I have five.
Working on this tough Slayer map. Trying to get the Soul Binder. Had a bad first start, but the second attempt is going well. My teammates have been very kind in letting me do the Laby mice because I get to keep working on my immediate goal of getting my last Laby traps. I'd love to get one before the Halloween event but I don't think that will happen.
My teammates have been very kind in letting me do the Laby mice because I get to keep working on my immediate goal of getting my last Laby traps. I'd love to get one before the Halloween event but I don't think that will happen.
One of the Laby traps is a Shadow trap, isn't it? Would be good for Halloween - but I can see how there may not be enough time. I doubt I'll have time to get the Mino base either.
Yes, there are nine theme scraps for that theme. I've got seven of them and still need #4 and #7.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
ceppault caught our Black Widow mouse early this morning and now I'm done with the treasure map. I think at this point I'll just work on the Laby and Zokor until the Halloween event starts.
Haha...I have ZERO Relic Hunter theme scraps. They hate me, lol.
Back working in the Laby, I guess...I'm kind of over the area right now, but I still have two traps to get so I guess I should keep hunting until Halloween starts. I'm kind of bored, though.
Did you end up buying the Infinite Laby piece? Or did you finally get a drop?
Neither...I said two traps? I meant three traps. *facepalm*
Got enough circuitry for the multi-crystal laser trap as well as the third BRift theme scrap, so I'm done there. Now I'll probably just hang out in the Fungal Cavern farming minerals until the Halloween event starts.
ETA: Never mind, looks like it just started.
As a break, I'm rather enjoying this Halloween event so far. Short and sweet and I can get right back to hunting in the Labyrinth in the hopes of progressing. If nothing else, I'm getting loads of bonus goodies out of the pillowcases. I'm also very much enjoying the updated Spooky Shuffle rewards.
My only complaint is that I think the maps are a bit too difficult for this event. But they're not required so I guess that's ok.
I've gotten all three of the pillowcase theme scraps, just waiting to craft it until the event is over (boy is it pretty!).
I've filled two pillowcases and I'm at 72/100 candies in my current pillowcase, so that bit is almost done and I'll have the trap.
I just got into the Minotaur's Lair My flashlight is armed and I'm ready to collect lots and lots of bonus candy.
And if I'm really lucky, a trap part would be nice.
All I have left from the event is to finish filling my third pillowcase and (maybe) catch the blasted Creepy Marionette. I haven't decided if that's high enough on my goal list to fool with yet. I might make a trip back to the event location after this Laby run.
I think I'll bounce between the FRift and the Laby for the rest of the event in order to stock up on supplies for finishing the Laby and prepping the FRift for Easter.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
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....and (maybe) catch the blasted Creepy Marionette. I haven't decided if that's high enough on my goal list to fool with yet.
Everybody has their priorities but boy I hate staring at those blank spaces on my mouse list. Good luck stwin!
I just got into the Minotaur's Lair
My flashlight is armed and I'm ready to collect lots and lots of bonus candy.
Ironically this didn't quite go well. I ran out of batteries with only the tiniest bit of rage left on the Minotaur mouse. So I moved over to the FRift to continue working on that area, and impatiently wait for more Spooky Shuffle tickets to drop so I could get the batteries off of that. I must have been REALLY close to finishing up battery 8 because I repaired that while I was there and caught several mice. After procuring more batteries for my flashlight, I moved back to the Minotaurs Lair and snagged the Minotaur.
And if I'm really lucky, a trap part would be nice.
I did in fact get another trap part to drop. He dropped the an Enigmatic Core which I turned around and sold for a nice chunk of change on the Marketplace. I then debated for a while which of the two trap pieces to buy and went with the Temporal Shadow Plate since I already had one of those. My Temporal Turbine trap has now been crafted and I'm the poorest I've been for a long time. (I'll probably regret it next month when the new Law area comes out.)
Now I only have the Event Horizon trap to go and then I will officially be done with the Labyrinth!
3rd pillowcase, no trap. Ah found it. Adventure book. The sweet treat from the warmonger was an oasis bead, but once again I didn't have a loot drop from a warmonger. Weird.
The sweet treat from the warmonger was an oasis bead...
Wow! That's quite a reward!
Sold it on the marketplace for over 3 mil. I'm back up to 15 mil. Still have a ways to go.
I'm liking the additions to the spooky shuffle.
I was hoping for you that you might get that as a sweet treat, starkat. I saw someone else telling that he had got one, and with all the work you did in FW, I thought you would deserve it - so I'm pleased to hear that you got it
I love the new items in the spooky shuffle. I've finished 20 shuffles so far, which have given me 300 SB+, 100 000 gold, 60 flashlight batteries, as well as other relevant goodies (even Shuffler's Cubes for the Laby ).
The new way to play the event is good, too - less time required in the Sandcastle (unless I want to bronze the Sandmouse, but I leave that till next year) and more time to do my own things and still have advantage of the event. I like the pillowcase, too - not regularly great items, only an occasional surprise (like the oasis bead), but lots of good and useful stuff. I have crafted Rift cheeses and charms where I would otherwise have had to hunt for the ingredients. Saves time
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Big, big fan of the event being moved so it's Kingdom wide...it gives you the option to still hunt event mice if you want, but also allows you to continue your normal hunting while still benefiting and getting the rewards.
Mino #10 coming up...please drop trap loot, please drop trap loot...I haven't gotten any yet!
ETA: Got an Enigmatic Core! Finally. Took long enough, lol! Waiting to see what I get out of my Pillowcase before I craft the trap; if I get another piece of trap loot I might consider selling and crafting a different trap.