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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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I think this week is pretty likely, though I doubt Friday as the only releases they do on Fridays are weekend events. I'm gonna put my money on Monday of next week. And I'm not going to complain one bit if she arrives sooner. ;) Like today, for example. ;)) But today's hint they have already taken down /:) with the engines being heard in the distance makes me think she's still a ways off.

Well I know everybody is stoked about Ronza's imminent arrival, but I saw some news on the MH forums just a bit ago that made me very happy. Dan Hulton has returned to HitGrab! :D That may not mean a lot to most people, especially if you don't watch FBF, but he was one of my favorite area designers. The Living Gardens were his baby.

ETA: Ronza arriving five minutes after I make this post works just fine. :))

I have purchased the....
~The Law Draw. I hemmed and hawed over this one for a bit but decided since it was cheap I'd go ahead and get it. ETA: It's not very good. I think it's for people who don't have the SLAC II yet.
~The Dragon Lance. A lucky Draconic trap. Yay! ;))
~The Chrome POWN Upgrade Kit. :D
~Physical Brace Base. Dunno how this one will work with my Chromster, but I figured it might be worth buying, so I got it.
~Airship Theme Scrap I

That's it so far. I'm probably going to skip the skins cause I don't care. I'll think about the charm stuff. I may hoard the rest of my gold for the new area, we'll see.

ETA 2: In case anybody was wondering, I got scrap III off of the Moussile Mouse and scrap II off of the Rockstar Mouse, both in Ronza's area.

Posted : May 13, 2014 5:47 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I have purchased
~The Dragon Lance
~The Chrome POWN Upgrade kit
~The Physical Brace Base

That's probably all that I plan on purchasing for now. Depending on how much gold I have left at the end of this, I might get another Chrome POWN upgrade kit, sit on it, and sell it when the price goes up (which it likely will as the Chrome Monstrobot upgrade kit had nearly doubled in price when I bought mine).

If not. . . no big deal. . . I am more than willing to lend gold to my friends if they see something they really want, but cannot afford.

And I must say that the Chrome POWN is probably the most gorgeous trap I have ever seen. Arming that thing with the Gold Tournament Base is just stunning...

And FK, If you arm the Chronster with Physical Brace Base, you have the same luck as the gold tournie base, and about 1100 more power ;)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 13, 2014 11:37 am
Member Admin

Indeed. :D I armed it and was quite pleased with the numbers.

But boy am I excited about the Chrome PWN. Between that and the Washboard Base I should rock some Toxic Spill Mice. I'm also going to take another serious stab at the Shattered Carmine in the hopes for that elusive Ultimate Charm. *pushing for ArchDuchess*

Posted : May 13, 2014 11:52 am
Member Moderator

Down to:

Living Salt
Magmatic Golem

I highly doubt I'll pick up any more eggs, but I may keep trying for the garga and Living Salt eggs. We'll see about the Magmatic Golem this next week.

Posted : May 14, 2014 4:35 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

A couple of High Charge Eggs took me just over 38 mil - and then there was a message in my inbox. Not a raffle ticket, but info that Ronza's Shoppe was open!
Now I'm under 10 mil, and I haven't finished shopping yet ...

I've bought all the traps and the base, and the upgrade kit - which I won't use on the OWN, because then I cannot use the OWN for anything else. And since I've finally started hunting in Living Garden, I'm going to do some upgrading there.

Finally there's a pretty skin for Reaper's Perch. I've bought it - and the skin for Sandtail Sentinel - because I'm going to use them. Pure decoration and entertainment value - but this year I can afford extravances like that.

Then I try to read the Forum about why people buy the charms and other consumables that they do, and try to work out which reasons are relevant for me. Some powders seem to more useful than others in LG - and there are charms to consider as well. I've bought Mining charms because I like the Digby Dirt Dwellers, and I've bought Cactus charms hoping that they will make it easier to get the last train traps.

They say that if you're not broke when Ronza leaves, you're playing it wrong - but is it very important to be completely broke just as I'm starting in LG?

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : May 15, 2014 4:51 am
Member Admin

We'll see about the Magmatic Golem this next week.

Kat, you can always do what I did and sign up for 24 hour trains and then just show up for the last segment to farm charms. You can do that while being fairly inactive. Just sign in before the train ends.

They say that if you're not broke when Ronza leaves, you're playing it wrong - but is it very important to be completely broke just as I'm starting in LG?

I would say no. Most of the time people ARE broke because things like those LG charms really help boost aspects of the area. But I am NOT spending all my gold. I may get a few more charms before she leaves, but it's more important to me to help friends get traps and such. Having said that, I plan to have gold leftover this year because they haven't had a single Count-level release yet that requires a lot of gold. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop....
I will warn you about the LG crafting supplies though... it takes a LOT of Ber essences, and while it helps in the short term, in the long term it doesn't help at all when you find you've run out of essences to buy more regular charms. But having said that, the Gnawnia Rift is a fantastic place to farm more essences (go Goliath Field mice :D ).

I noticed a few updates to the game they snuck in when Ronza came. If you have a treasure map that you've opened, there are now ample ways of sending invites to your friends. :P (It's kind of annoying actually from a design perspective. Too much!)
But more intriguing to me is that the last Toxic Spill mouse, the Mutated Behemoth, has now been revealed. Does that mean the next spill will be Archduke level? Not that it benefits a single person here, but I feel sorry for all the people who are that level who have been waiting for quite a while.

Posted : May 15, 2014 5:44 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Better not to buy heaps of the LG Powders, then.
And I'll save some gold for the LG traps rather than buying, say, a second Chrome kit just for Marketplace speculation. I'll buy more of the goods that I expect to be useful for my own hunting (or enjoyment, like the RP skin), but I won't go broke.

I've been in the Iceberg for the last hours, doing well, and deciding to go for my first Deep Run!
185 feet - Hunt #240 B-)

Success - I caught my first Deep Mouse and got 2 Deep Eggs :D

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : May 15, 2014 6:48 pm
Member Admin

Varna, congrats on your first Deep Mouse! :D That's fantastic. So are you done with that area or do you still need Drheller?
Also, the other day I saw you post a link to the High Charge Eggs drops, would you mind posting it on here too?

There was nothing worth reporting during Mobile FBF yesterday. They showed a few screenshots from upcoming mobile updates, but meh... ;)) I was hoping for spoilers for the new area. :P

Doing a tournament today. I'm excited. :D It's been forever since I did a tourny.

ETA: Asking on behalf of both myself and shastastwin, what charms are people getting from Ronza? I got three of the M400 charms just for fun, I probably won't get many more. I will probably buy some of the soap flakes (or whatever they're called), and a few Unstable Charms. But nothing caught my attention this year where I was like "oh, I gotta stock up on these!"

Posted : May 17, 2014 3:32 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I bought a bunch of Dewdrop powders, just because I'm at the point where I would like to be done with the LG as soon as possible so I'll be tricking out my setup. I've still got to get my Shadow upgrade, Rift Base, three Shattering Charms and an Ultimate Charm. So yeah.

As far as new stuff, I maxed out on the M400 charms because, why not? I bought a ton of Unstable Charms because I love Unstable Curd and it's fun. And I bought 500 Powdered Bleach because even if I don't use it all myself, I will probably be able to make a killing selling Super Soapy charms during the next Archduke Spill. :p

Posted : May 17, 2014 6:14 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

From my post on the first page of this thread:

there was a question in the previous thread:

Question, wasn't there a place last year that let you see the number of eggs all the players had caught?

There's a new post up in the forum that shows the LLL description and the scoreboard for each egg (the egg name isn't always visible) - it's 3 posts, actually, because the link code takes up so much space. Hope it's useful :)
Here's the link to the first of the 3 posts:

The first of those posts starts with the link to the High Charge Eggs ( ... tible_2014 ). You may have to login to the non-FB version to access it.

After the Deep Run, where I got some new eggs (but not Drheller), and some new eggs on a train yesterday, I'm now down to 18 missing eggs. I'll concentrate on the LG ones, and perhaps the Rift and the M400.

Mighty Mole
Gnawnia Rift
Crown Collector
Magmatic Golem
Twisted Lilly
Ethereal Librarian
Cursed Librarian
Essence Guardian

At the moment I'm farming MM cheese and Charge charms at the Factory.
I've bought most of the charms - heaps of some and a fair amount of others.

Heaps of the Super Cactus charms to use if I run out of Ancient (or as something nearly as good if I want to save my Ancient) - or to sell if that's a better idea.

A good stock of Mining charms because I like the Digby Dirt Dwellers so much - I want to bronze the BBB eventually, even though he's already given me the Monolith base. The charms would be useful for tournies.

Full quota of EMP400 charms, to use or to sell according to what looks most useful. Same with a good stock of Safeguard charms, and of Extra Coarse Salt.

A small batch of Unstable charms - it's fun to play in the lottery once in a while, and lotteries aren't made to make everyone rich, so I don't see those purchases as investment, just as fun.

A small batch of each color of Dewdrop powder - to be used with caution.

I'll go back to Living Garden as soon as I think I have enough Charge charms. I have less than 30 at the moment. (And 450 Eggstra charms :p )

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : May 17, 2014 10:57 am
Member Moderator

I'm about 1.4 mil away from being able to get the draconic trap on my own. I've asked a friend for a loan if I can't make enough progress. Hoping to reach the 1 mil mark. Trying to farm charge eggs like crazy and I've given up on the eggs I didn't catch this year.

Posted : May 18, 2014 5:02 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

It was reminded to all in one of the MH groups that I have that Eggstra charms can be smashed for Dark Chocolate Charms, which can be sold back to the Omelet Factory Shop. So if you're sitting on about a thousand from Daily Gifts and Charge Eggs and whatnot, you might get a few thousand from that.

Posted : May 18, 2014 6:43 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I've currently got around 15 million in gold left. . . so if somebody sees something at Ronza's that they cannot afford, yet really want, please let me know, and I'd be happy to help.

Should I have enough gold left at the end of Ronza's visit, I'll probably buy another Chrome Phantasmic Oasis kit just as an investment. I know that some people have advised against this, but we'll see. . . I have a gut feeling that the price is going to go through the roof. With the toxic spill, living garden, iceberg, etc... it just seems like every new area that's been released recently has been a hydro area.

I might also stock up on crafting supplies for the garden, just for resale value when Ronza isn't here.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 19, 2014 1:25 am
Member Moderator

Thanks Digs for the loan! Thanks Gymmie for the reminder! Somehow I ended up with over 400 eggstra charms, so I smashed all but about 120 of them and only ended up needing a loan of about 350K (150K towards the trap and the rest to make sure I didn't drown in traveling costs or cheese costs). I'm going to go bounce around the tribal isles for a bit.

I've now picked up everything but the vine trap (which I wasn't interested in) and the charm stuff I was interested in. :D I'm going to farm charge eggs another day or so, but otherwise I'm about through with that too.

Posted : May 19, 2014 1:55 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I really wish that there was a way to keep your Eggscavator charged while being on trains. You can kinda-sorta do it when you're in the supply depot, but the other areas are so charm dependent.

I'd LOVE it if they introduced a new charm conduit that allowed you to arm two charms at once. . . that'd be pretty awesome.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 19, 2014 3:22 am
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