My DLU for the King's Challenges continues. I'm at 11/12 15/16 total, with only the Warmonger remaining. I'm just about done with Wave 2, I'll hit Wave 3 hard tomorrow and hopefully nab the Warmonger on Thursday or Friday.
I think after this I'll finish up the Slayer map that I'm on (because I don't have enough bonus luck right now ) and then hit the Minotaurs hard. Need those trap pieces!
Speaking of which, I have a spare RRSPG, would anybody like it? If not, I'll sell it on the Marketplace.
Shouldn't you be at 15/16 if you've just got the Warmonger left, FK?
I'm about to get my Warmonger and then start on the rest of the last set. I think I'll grab the Lycan and Master Burglars first and then finish farming Enerchi for the FRift. I still have to farm some materials there for Ascended Cheese, so I'll take all the bonus luck I can get.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Shouldn't you be at 15/16 if you've just got the Warmonger left, FK?
Yep...can't multiply 4x4.
In some ways this week might be easier, although jury is still out if I can get the Ascended Elder fairly painlessly because I'm still gathering materials for NOG cheese. I only JUST got my MYNORCA before I left the Frift so I'm a bit low on supplies. I wish there was a way to earmark certain things and be like DO NOT CRAFT lol.
I think I could probably do it within two weeks, but the question is if I want to push for it during the event, or if I want to utilize the rest of my luck elsewhere. I definitely want to do another Mino run; my last one was stupid easy. Haven't had any trap parts yet and I've caught 7 Minos.
Wowzers. I hope they have King's Challenges more often. Thanks to the 15 bonus luck, I set a HUGE new personal record. I made it through Wave 3 in less than 24 hours (I think. It might have been slightly over, but not by much.) Crazy!
Anyways, just a few Theurgy Warden mice to go and then I'm gonna start hitting our treasure map hard and then another Minotaur.
Well, this week has been SIGNIFICANTLY less painful than last week...I got 3/4 of the mice in less than two days. The only one I'm still missing is the Ascended Elder and I do intend to at least make some progress on catching him, but I'll be away over the weekend so I'll wait till then to finish farming Enerchi.
Right now, I'm trying for Mino #8. I do hope that the Devs can give me a little DLU and give me a trap loot drop, ANY trap loot drop...I've yet to sniff one! It's a little sad because I wanna finish the Labyrinth before the next big release. Not sure that's going to happen.
In happier news, I DID have some DLU in the Warpath, when I bronzed the Warmonger and got my third Oasis Bead drop. Add that to the two Sphynx Crystals and one Sandblasted Metal that I've looted in the past, and I'm 6/10 for loot drops. Not too shabby. I'll take the gold; I'm basically cleaned out after crafting the MYNORCA and Minotaur base so close together.
Right now, I'm trying for Mino #8. I do hope that the Devs can give me a little DLU and give me a trap loot drop, ANY trap loot drop...I've yet to sniff one!
I took a peek at horntracker, and it appears the drop rate is as follows:
Enigmatic Core - 9.89%
Essence of Destruction - 6.04%
Temporal Shadow Plate - 3.85% (Ouch! You need TWO of these.)
So based on that, I'd say your chances of getting a trap part to drop out of your next two Mino runs are pretty decent. Of course the trick is getting ALL of them to drop for you. It's probably more likely that you'll get duplicate trap parts to drop and then sell those to buy the ones you don't have.
Mino #9! No loot drop!
I'm sub 100 district loot, but my catch rate with the event is so good that I might go for another Mino anyway. My last run I only got 2 DE's using GG.
Sorry Gymmie. I hope you get one on your next run.
I had this bizarre thing happen this morning. I was hunting the Icewing mouse for my Slayer treasure map, and I could NOT attract her. When I did I couldn't catch her, in spite of all the luck and other buffs. It was odd. Took me longer to catch her than it did to get through the Mad Depths... or at least it felt that way.
Anyways, we're down to the Leviathan, Chrono, and BBB mice on the map, so we're at the mercy of attraction here. Hopefully we'll be done soon so I can focus on those Minotaurs.
Also learned today that Gilded Charms turn into SB+.
And I didn't get a chance to listen to all of the FBF but this years' Halloween event sounds like you get a pillowcase and tour different areas of the game to trick or treat. A handful of mice are like the "good houses" that hand out whole candy bars and such, so those will drop bonus goodies.
I must say, I do not get frustrated like this very often with the game, but I am on day 4 of trying to catch the Chrono mouse for the Slayer map. I've got two friends helping, though they're passive players, but that's fine because the Challenges are still ongoing so I wasn't expecting any help at all with this map.
I average 70-80 hunts every day, so that's well over 200 hunts in the Acolyte Realm. Chrono mouse attraction is just over 2% with my setup, so I should be seeing about 1/50 hunts. I have not attracted a single one yet. Not one.
I really have no reason to complain at all because I was sooo lucky with Balack and the Assassin, but more often than not, when I complain on here, I finally catch the mouse I'm after. So here's hoping for a Chrono catch in the VERY near future! (Still have the BBB to go after this too.)
I actually had to write it out because I didn't want to exaggerate, but after four and a half days (!!!!) I finally caught the Chrono mouse yesterday morning. The BBB came very quickly after that, I think only 7 or 8 hunts, so that map is done! And I have a bonus 5 luck that lasts until Friday.
Back in the Laby, I'm a couple hours away from getting into the Minotaur's Lair, I have all the clues I need, just have to finish this hallway. I'm hoping for one of my two trap pieces I still need. I don't have enough resources to do another Mino run so I will be doing the usual cycle of Farming, Tech, Fealty, Scholar, maybe another Farming. We'll see how far I get before all of this nice bonus luck runs out and I start FTCing again.
Did they say this goes for six full weeks? As in, we have just over two weeks left with this nice luck?
Fixed my 8th battery just when I finally got enough loot to craft my Ascended cheese, so now I'm outside the pagoda hunting for Enerchi. Hurry up, mice! Depending on how slow this goes, I may bail after I get decently into the 8th battery (i.e. not fully charge it) but hopefully not. I'd just like to catch the Ascended Elder before the event ends.
In other news, the Lair hates me. 9 Minos, no major trap loot. I'm mentally preparing to just buy the Enigmatic Core off the Marketplace, but hopefully not. Actually I'm debating on how badly I want the trap upgrades because the next new area is going to be Law, and I don't feel like I desperately need any of them. So I might just hunt like normal and hope I get it eventually. We'll see. Depends on how bored I get. As soon as I get my Ascended Elder, I'm saying peace out to the Rift.
I got my Ascended Elder last night. Just in the nick of time, too. Now the only mice I'm missing are the Mutated Behemoth and the Mobster.
We're working on a Slayer map so I'm camped out in the WRift going for boss mice. It's been a while since I was here for an extended period of time, so it'll be nice to hang out again for a while. After this map, I'm sure we'll be in the full swing of event season, so I'll focus on that and making Laby runs to build up resources for the Mino Base.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Congrats to everybody who caught their Ascended Elder Mouse! (And there were a lot of you!) And a nod to Varna as well for snagging all of the other mice in the FRift.
I did not end up where I wanted in the FRift myself. Yes, I caught the Elder, but I was hoping to be able to craft another round of Ascended cheese. Unfortunately I only caught 3/5 Senseis, so I need another two, plus all the other ingredients first. I will need to get back in there at some point and finish the 8th battery, as well as get another round of cheese, before the Egg Hunt in the spring. With all the stuff coming up, it's going to be hard to find the time to do that as I REALLY want my last two Laby traps.
I posted on FB, I'll post here too, that I think the most beneficial thing I got out of the King's Challenges were my two farming runs in the Labyrinth. Wow did I get a lot of Nightshade. I'm pretty sure on my second run through with 88 clues I got over 200 nightshade but I had crafted some cheese halfway through so I'm not sure of my final total.
Of course now that the event has ended I have caught one Fealty Mouse in the past three hours. I swear the way these things work is the game mechanics are like "whoa! You've had several successful catches, we need to even that out with non-catches" even though prior to that there was a buff in place...
Working on the Elaborate Slayer map. I hate to think what an Arduous map is like as this one has a Retired Minotaur on it, plus numerous other high level boss mice (no FRift mice as they are a Grand Duke/Duchess level area... maybe Arduous Slayer contains those?).
I can't believe we're getting ready to start event season.
Congrats to everybody who caught their Ascended Elder Mouse!
(And there were a lot of you!) And a nod to Varna as well for snagging all of the other mice in the FRift.
I repaired Battery 6 some time in the beginning of the event, and normally I shouldn't have been able to catch the FMojo and FSojo on that - but with the 15+ bonus luck in the last week, I got them! I didn't get materials for Ascended cheese, though, but I did get the Attuned Enerchi Induction Base, which was the most beneficial thing I got out of the King's Challenges. Plus all the fun. It was great fun.
These days I'm going back and forth between FRift (for more batteries) and Labyrinth (for district loot for the Minotaur base). I'm also working on treasure maps - I only need the last two scraps for the Relic Hunter Theme now
I've also been involved in a project from the Forum competition thread - a guy with close to 300 Dragon mice decided to get a gold crown for it, and invited other hunters to join him in Dracano and sound him dragons. He promised prizes for those who get him 2, 5, 10 or 20 dragons. I've got the prizes for 2 and 5 so far, and intend to continue when I take a break from the map I'm on. I quite like Dracano - I'll soon silver the Whelpling, and I've got 42 dragons for myself
I'm also working on silvering enough mice to get me the Century egg next Spring Egg Hunt. I go not only for the easiest ones, but for those that are closest to the silver. I still need to silver about 40 mice - I should work on some of the Halloween mice when that event comes up. Event season - yes
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)