I've been getting some very, VERY nice loot from those Torch charms. Thanks to the Devs for those!
Wrapping up what is hopefully my second-to-last Laby run before I get the Mino Base. I had some good DLU on this run as I didn't have to buy a single thing and only used a bit of existing Lantern Oil to push my numbers into the next level of hallway and to make sure I got the boss at the end. Plus the Olympic event helped boost my Nightshade by a LOT. I will probably go farm more once I'm done with Zokor later today.
SO close to that Mino Base....
Just got the Crystal Mineral Crusher Trap off of one map and another relic hunter theme scrap off of another. Only five to go! At the moment, I'm switching back and forth between maps and the Burroughs Rift trying to get circuitry and the theme scraps there. Thank goodness for the latest rift trap, helps speed up circuitry farming immensely.
I'm currently working on a Relic Hunter map trying to get more of the theme scraps; I have 5 left like dot. I've got the new LE trap from the last map.
Once this map is done, I'll bounce between RH maps and the FRift. I'm still farming Enerchi for my first run with 7 batteries. I'm hoping for a good run with the Rift Mojos this time so that maybe I can get a Rift Sojo soon.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I have four RH theme scraps, and that's how it's been for a LONG time. It's probably been 8-9 months since I've gotten a new one.
On the same map as Eli, hoping to wrap up Z's Tower mice soon, but we'll see how lucky I get. And maybe I'll get a theme scrap out of this map!
The big news on my end is that I finally, FINALLY got my Minotaur Base three days ago! Huzzah!
So my MH to-do list goes something like this.
~Catch the Ascended Elder and finish up the Furoma Rift.
~Craft the Temporal Turbine and Event Horizon Traps from the Laby/Zokor.
~Finish up my Relic Hunter theme scrap.
ETA 8/21/16: I crafted my first round of Ascended Cheese a couple days ago. I'm going to make sure that I catch the Elder with this round. It is EXPENSIVE cheese. Go go Baitkeep and Ultimate Charms.
Whew, quiet thread.
How are people coming on the first week of the King's Challenges? I got really lucky with my Balack and caught him very quickly. Everything was done on Day 1 for me. I'll be curious to see what other mice they release in the coming weeks.
Working on another treasure map. Hoping to get another relic hunter map piece.
Just about to finish up the FRift too, with the exception of farming extra resources for the egg hunt next year.
*pokes head out*
Wow, I'm back after my two months of radio silence, haha. Being so busy this summer has meant that MH has definitely been not a priority.
I parked myself in the FRift almost all summer, and it appears I've gotten my Attuned Enerchi base and my MYNORCA trap. I have 7 batteries fixed and am halfway to my 8th. I guess the next thing on the list is crafting Ascended Cheese, which I'm probably not too far away from doing but like I said, I don't even have 8 batteries so I probably wouldn't use my uber expensive Ascended cheese until I have all 10, lol.
I haven't been in the Laby since early July, so I will probably be headed there soon to keep working on finishing up that area. I still have two traps left to get.
I feel like I've just come out of a MH fog and I need to reattune myself to everything, haha.
I finished up the King's Challenge on the second day. It worked out that I had map mice in the same areas.
I need to keep farming Enerchi/battery fragments/ingredients for Ascended Cheese. Once I have all of that (still need tokens, herilooms, and onyx stones), I'll see where I'm at. I'm working on my 8th battery, so I'll be a while trying to get to the 10th. Then I should probably try to get some more progress in the Labyrinth.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I caught the Ascended Elder yesterday on battery seven, with the Mino Base, and Ultimate Lucky Power charms [ETA: Oh yes, and four luck from the King's Challenges event]. One try. I had a plan in place though if needed and it included using my ultimate charm. For all intents and purposes I'm done with the FRift now but I will try to finish up this pagoda run to complete battery 8 and have a good stockpile of cheese ready for the next egg hunt.
Now to rebuild resources in the Labyrinth.
How's everybody coming on this weeks' King's Challenge? I figured this one would take me practically the whole week and then what's the point because you can't use the bonus luck to hunt elsewhere? But surprisingly it hasn't been that bad. I caught the Acolyte in fairly short order, and then the Sensei took all of one hunt. The Sunken City took quite a while and I burned through 9 water jet charms before they finally gave me a Lair of the Ancients. Still had to wait until this morning to snag my Tritus mouse, but he's off the list. So now I'm just farming Cyclops mice. I'm up to 3/5, but considering the attraction rate is 5%, I think I'm ahead of the curve and my luck will probably run out.
After this it's back to the Fungal Cavern and Labyrinth to continue to rebuild resources there. I desperately need a Farming run in the Laby, but they aren't giving me farming hallways. Ironically I've been getting 80+ clue runs on other hallways without using hardly any resources at all except the lantern oil that drops and my paltry amount of GG cheese.
However, I'm a good ways into a Fealty run and after this, I will have lots of resources to shuffle hallways and get some farming doors.... I hope.
ETA: Finished up my Cyclops mice. Only took me 29 hours... not bad.
I think I'm going to skip catching the Tritus this week. I'm near a deep oxygen stream and would rather get the Bubbling Egg next Easter.
Got the Focused Crystal Laser not too long ago. Decided to take a break from the Rift and head over to the Fungal Cavern and try out the Crystal Mineral Crusher.
I haven't posted much here lately - did I mention that I became an Archduchess a little while ago? Is it a bad sign that I only posted it on Facebook?
I still need 2 Cyclops for the challenge, but that's all. (Edit: Just got them! ) I was rather lucky. After I'd got the Acolyte, the Sensei only took a few hunts. Then I went to Sunken City, where I had 30m left of a Monster Trench - and got the Tritus on my first hunt! I like the King's Challenges ...
Then I'm still working on the Minotaur Base, and will do the Zokor traps later.
I'm also working on the FRift batteries - 5 or 6 done - and traps and bases to finish. And I'm playing on treasure maps ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Congrats Varna! I think I missed your promotion to Archduchess. I'm only 13% ahead of you.
Week three on the King's Challenges. I'm glad we were given a few hints here and there on what was to come this week because I had a full amplifier all ready to go. My Tower run started off slowly because they kept giving me Pawns, but after complaining, I'm now up to one Rook. Hoping to get the Chessmaster quickly. Also had a stash of Grilled Cheese ready to roll so Captain Croissant was the first challenge I checked off the list. After this I will probably focus on the Assassin, hoping for some DLU with this one. And then the Retired Minotaur mouse will be last.
I have a checklist of things to do for him before I plan to attempt to catch him. I need to finish up my Farming run. Just about done in the Laby and ready to head to Zokor. After that I need a Scholar run to build up my supplies, and THEN I can attempt a Minotaur. I don't know if I'll be able to do all of that before next week or not. Depends on how fast I get the Assassin.
I popped open my one and only Slayer map last night to do in conjunction with the King's Challenges. I didn't realize they had levels of difficulty...I only got a Medium level map and the vast majority of the mice on there are not hard. I'm in pretty good position to get all of the ones that might take a while (like Icewing and Zurreal). The tougher ones will be the rare mice like the Assassin and Black Widow, but I'm looking forward to having the Slayer map aura with even more luck. Woohoo!
ETA: Boy did I get some love tonight. Caught the Assassin in about 9 hunts. Snagged the Chessmaster earlier today as well so I only have the Minotaur left. Moved to Zokor to start my farming run.
Apparently I haven't done the Tower in forever, cuz I'm an idiot and thought that Chessmaster = double Tower run. *facepalm*
This run just got a whole lot quicker, haha.
Haven't tried for the Assassin; I will hunt her overnight. I need to get two more pieces of Grilled Cheese to complete that challenge, and then I am about 1/3 of a way through a Fealty run. After that I can go after the Mino.
I'm almost to the Minotaur Lair! I was worried I would end up getting too many/too few on my last hallway, but fantasia reminded me about the charms from Ronza, and so I armed Magnet charms and cleared some DE clues, allowing me to get one more hallway and the last of the clues I needed.
After this, I'll start my ZT run and then alternate between the Assassin and Captain Croissant. I've not been storing up my Grilled Cheese so that'll be a while.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Congrats on your Minotaur stwin! I think you are the only one of my friends that has snagged him.
I am just about done with my Scholar run. I have a nice stash of supplies in every category now and will start my run for the Minotaur tomorrow. Hoping to nab him on Sunday. (Also hoping he drops a Temporal Shadow Plate or Essence of Destruction )