It does seem silly to spend LO on them though.
That's kind of what I thought too.
My only complaint is the fact that there are more bonus levels to buy than there is gold to buy them.
If you watch the videos, you get extra gold.
Working on a Golden Jade map. I need the Cook mouse but he's in hiding.
There is a glitch I have issues with. Every so often the lives reset to zero even if it's been long enough it should have a full count.
Basically the Lantern Oil charms give you the opportunity to basically use two oils per hunt for two clues. You're spending oil now to get charms that you can then use to get clues later. I have barely any resources since I just bought my Mino base, so I went ahead and converted all my oil because, why not.
I bought basically a bit of everything. I got a lot of Unstable Charms (because I love them) and Super Cactus charms (because I use Super Luck so much and this is a better version for the same price). I think I may go back for more of the Super Nightshade crafting item; I think it could come in handy and it's not terribly expensive. I think I overbought on the Magnet charm supply, but oh well; if I decide I won't use it I can always offload it on the Marketplace and get some of my gold back.
Add the Chrome Monstrobot kit (which was by far the most expensive thing I bought) and I spent maybe 40mil? Ish? I didn't really keep track. I had tons of gold even though I just bought my Mino base so I don't mind. Wasn't using it for anything else, lol.
Now that I've had a chance to actually craft some of the charms and see specifically what they do, I'm definitely going to be spending a good chunk of gold on those super nightshade and compass magnet charms. The Nightshade is the Hollow Heights version of the enerchi charm. You can farm nightshade anywhere in the game. And the Compass Magnet Charms remove dead end clues. I'm all in on both of those. But at the end of the day I'm gonna have to farm more minerals to use them.
Conveniently, the Relic Hunter is in the Fungal Cavern today, so I'm taking advantage of that and stocking up on more nightshade and hopefully a nice handful of relic hunter maps as I have zero of those. I assume that the next season of treasure maps starts next week so I'm hoping to be able to be ready to go to get the new LE trap then.
Speaking of, I couldn't help but notice that the really funky Fungal Cavern trap that Jacob drew a couple weeks ago is a no-show in Ronza's shop, so it must be the trap for the 4th(?) season of treasure maps. I guess we'll find out for sure next week.
What is the recipe for the Compass Magnet Charm?
It should also be unlocked in your recipe book once you've bought the Magnetic Charm Chunk.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm getting a bit annoyed at Hit Grab's new MH game. Some of the videos are not family friendly. They have some graphics in there from games that are not appropriate for younger kids to see. I'll likely delete the game.
I bought Safeguard charms, Crucible Cloning charms, Super Cactus charms, Lantern Oil charms, and Super Rift Vacuum charms. Then I converted all my wealth charms into Extreme Wealth charms, and bought Magnetic Charm Chunks and Enriched Cavern Soils.
Oh, and I bought the four new traps as well. Down from 30 mil to 4 mil - I might decide to keep that remaining gold, unless I suddenly think I could do with some more Cavern Soil. Earlier years I've found that it's nice not to be completely broke when she leaves.
The other group I'm in are still trying to get the Warden Slayer trap to as many people as possible. 7 or 8 have got theirs from my maps - 14 maps, if I haven't lost count. I'm on the last one now, as I've run out of RH scrolls. It's been fun!
My FB statuses are mostly about MH anyway, so I'm not giving out much personal information - and I'm going to unfriend most of the new people when the project is finished.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I beat the MH PuzzleTrap game yesterday. But boy, I really got hung up on one level. 108 I think? Took me a couple days to finally figure that one out.
Looking forward to the next update.
I saw Jacob drawing some Whisker Woods mice for it a few days ago.
I had anticipated Ronza leaving yesterday and the fourth round of treasure maps starting. That didn't happen. So I owe Dot an apology for talking her into dropping her map.
As my plans didn't work out, I am now starting a farming run, which I hope will be my last before I get my Mino Base (counting on the Uber Nightshade charms to get any final nightshade I need).
I also made it into the Pagoda again, much more quickly this time, thank GOODNESS for that improved Enerchi Base. I'm hanging out on battery six to help with those high end treasure map mice.
I listened to segments of FBF a couple days ago. Some highlights....
~Season 4 treasure maps start LATER this month.
~In addition to other things, they will introduce new boss scrolls (surprised me because i thought that's what the Golden Jade scrolls were)
~They're working on a SB+ exchanging for the Mobile app. Basically the first step in incorporating the Marketplace on the Mobile app.
~They're working on adding Library assignments to the mobile app (THANK YOU!). That just leaves the Varmint Valley areas and they plan to add those when they get around to figuring out how to make tournaments work on the mobile app as it's the same structure.
~The new Law area sounds like it might be similar to Muridae Market. I wouldn't mind that at all as I thought that area was fun and you can only do it once.
The full summary is on the forum, but there are the more memorable bits imho.
I'm getting antsy for my Mino Base so that's what I'm working towards right now. Taking breaks to visit the Furoma Rift when I get invited to maps or will waste a bunch of cheese hunting in the Laby overnight. I feel like i'm very close to finishing both areas and just need to stay put in one or the other instead of bouncing back and forth.
I'm not a lot on Facebook these days, so I play passive as much as possible. Furoma Rift - I finally caught the Masters and was able to buy the first base. I have crafted some of the new Rumble cheese, but I don't think I'll use it on Battery 5, but wait for Battery 6 (and 90 battery parts )
I've gone to the Toxic Spill, too. That's ok for passive playing, too, although active would give more percentage. I'm 93 % Grand Duchess now, and there's no place like the Spill for ranking up fast - so I guess I'll stay until the end of the Spill. Then back to Furoma Rift and Labyrinth again.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Just finished up a side quest that probably means nothing but I got the Refined Pollutinum Base crafted with the end of this Toxic Spill. I may actually use it in conjunction with the Ultimate Polluted Charms. It's a very high luck setup, and not too shabby at all.
I'm still trucking away at the Minotaur Base. Unfortunately I had a really bad run a week ago that burned far more resources than I was intending. I just was not paying attention. But, I think I can safely say that I just have one more hallway run of each of the three main halls after this scholar hall, provided I don't use a lot of resources to ensure I get more than 80 clues.
Currently sitting at 502 plates, 559 power cores, and 341 scrolls.
So close, and yet so far away.
Taking a break from the Laby/Zokor region because I ran out of nightshade. I have tons of charms to get more nightshade, but because they're so expensive to make, I don't want to waste them, so I was hanging onto them until the next round of treasure maps came out.
Of course, now they're here, but I'm in the FRift helping out with a treasure map, and we're stuck on that blasted Assassin. At least now stwin and Kat are back in the Pagoda as the entire map team has been farming enerchi the past several days. Oy.
I bought four Gilded Treasure maps and I plan to make sure everybody gets in on at least one. After that I'll be hitting the Relic maps until I get the SE trap. This is the first one I might actually use.
I finally got battery 7 repaired. I'm hoping my next FRift run will net me a few more Rift Mojos and maybe a Rift Sojo. We'll see.
Thanks for the invite to the Gilded map, FK. It was a nice boost to my Ancient Charm supplies.
I may make a quick trip back to the Labyrinth but then again, I like the FRift a lot, so I may stick here for a while. It's nice not to have to fool with a bunch of different things and just hunt.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
The Gilded Maps have been a nice break with REALLY nice loot, but I'm ready to do some Season 4 Relic Hunter maps!!! I have a whopping total of four of those, but I'm hoping I'll get some more theme scraps. It's been a LONG time since I've had one drop.
I have crossed the magic 700 number for plates of fealty, but only just barely, which puts me in an awkward position for the rest of the runs I do to get the Mino base....not to mention building supplies back up after I get the base. I was hoping for at least 800 so I had some wiggle room. That is not to be.
I need one more good tech run and one more good scholar run. Thank goodness for those nightshade charms provided by Ronza because I won't be doing any more farming runs.