I missed a 100 clue farming run by 6 clues. I've got 17 stealth left and I'm up to 81 nightshade. This will definitely help. I'm going to try and set up a treasure run next. Then I'll try and go to switching between the FRift when I'm not actively hunting. I'm still going to aim for at least another farming run after a treasure run. That way I don't have to worry about GG for a bit.
Well in case you didn't already know, I was on vacation this past week and had to play rather passively for a while. I stuck myself in the Furoma Rift while I was gone, which was great because I could farm enerchi without being incredibly bored to death (though I completely forgot about the Enerchi Base).
I made it back into the Pagoda two or three nights ago, got my rear kicked by the Rift Mojo (though I did finally catch him twice), and then caught gobs of Rift Students. I'm easily going to be able to repair the sixth battery before this round in the Pagoda is over.
I did try to start a Fealty run in the Laby last night while we were driving home, but it kept going badly and I restarted twice. Now I think I'm on a good beginning run so I will probably head back over there once I'm out of the Pagoda.
So my nice Mino Base adventure has gotten epically derailed but ah well, what's the rush, right? I didn't have good luck on my other runs at all, so I decided to just dip into my supplies and restock properly so I could do another full set of runs without it being agonizingly painful and slow because I'd be using Gouda. I had an ok Farming run, and then I was doing well on a Scholar run when I ran into some of the worst DHU I've ever had in the Laby, haha. Four or five hallways and not a single Scholar one, and this was already after I was well over 50 clues in. What are the odds, right? I shuffled two, three times; took three or four short "wrong" hallways, and nada. For being a simple restocking run, it's turned out to be quite expensive when it comes to resources, lol.
Oh well! We'll get there. Hopefully I can get the base before I leave for the States, because once I start traveling I'm probably going to be in passive mode the rest of the summer. That would be a good time to tackle the FRift, but not so good for the Laby.
I'm roughly half way through the farming of district loot for the Minotaur base:
398 Plate of Fealty, 310 Tech Power Core, 507 Scholar Scroll.
And now that I've got the Journal theme, I don't need to aim for 100 clues, so even doing boss runs shouldn't take away too much of that loot for cubes or magnets.
Currently I'm doing my second "love of maps for mousehunt" map.
2 people on my first map got the WS trap, and I got my 4th RH theme scrap, so we're doing good so far. Struggling with a BW, though.
When Season 4 starts, I may have to go back to passive hunting - which now means FRift. As Enerchi is to FRift what Oxygen is to SC, you cannot get too much of it.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Nice Varna! I'm at 412 Plates, 214 Power Cores, and 271 Scrolls. I still have a ways to go. If I could make myself stay put then I'd probably get the Minotaur Base in fairly short order, but I'm enjoying bouncing around to other areas to break things up.
I may have to go back to passive hunting - which now means FRift.
My favorite thing about the FRift. I now have a good area to go to when I can't be active.
I'm looking forward to the updated gifting system next week. I hope they fixed the daily gifts. Some were good, but some, like the Crush and other VDay collectibles, were not.
After watching the last FBF a little late, Dave said they might also add the updated Rift maps to the game this week. They'll leave the current one which covers the three older Rift areas, but now each Rift area will get their own map, including the FRift.
Everyone on the MH forum agrees that the new gifting system is pretty horrible. I tried to leave a few constructive criticisms myself in the hopes that they can get things fixed up. I have to admit some surprise as this is the first update that I can recall that really went backwards. Anyways... I'm sure they'll get it fixed.
On the hunting side of things, I started in on a FRift map. Those seem to be pretty easy, so I'm hoping to get lots of beneficial goodies out of it to speed up my time in the FRift.
I'm 166 enerchi away from filling up my sixth battery and then I'm hoping to rock the mice in the Pagoda.
I didn't think it was that bad myself. It took me a moment to sort it out, but it works. Oh well.
We're currently working on a Rainbow map, so I'm hopping all over the place to snatch mice as I can. I got to visit some areas I hadn't been in a while like Dracano and the Crystal Library.
When this is done I'll likely head back to the FRift and try to push through to the Rift Mojo and Sojo.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I got enough DLU this morning that I got both the MYNOCRA trap and Attuned Enerchi Induction Base from the FRift, so the only thing I really have left to do there is get the Ascended Elder. Yay!
Both of them?!!! Congratulations!
A question - which I'm also trying to read about in the fora: At what batteries do you hunt the different mice, like Students and Masters?
I have 4 batteries and have caught 23, 14 and 16 Students. I have 7 out of 30 fragments of the 5th battery, and I guess it's not worth spending Masters' cheese before the 5th is repaired - perhaps not even before the 6th?
Btw, I joined you on your FRift map, and got a fair amount of Enerchi from it!
Now I'll go over and do at least one more of the 'love of maps for mousehunt' group maps again. I think about 200 people have got the trap in that group so far this month
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Yeah, I got 2/2 Senseis using the Ultimate Lucky Power Charms from the Minotaur Mice on Battery level 6.
At first I was disappointed with the loot from the FRift maps, but then I realized that the maps are very easy, so it makes sense the loot is minimal too. I'll use those enerchi charms in the Laby.
I think that group that helps people get the trap is such a neat idea. Good for you for helping out Varna!
I'm a little nervous about befriending people that I have no connection with whatsoever.
ETA: Whoops! I didn't mean to ignore your battery question Varna. I caught my first Rift Mojo on the fourth battery, but it was rough. Lots of FTCs, even with Ultimate Luck Charms armed. I did a little bit better on the fifth battery, but still it was probably 25% or less catch rate? The sixth battery is where my Mojo catches really picked up and I got my two Senseis as well. Of what's left on my journal my Mojo catch rate is 6/16 but I'm pretty sure it was higher than that as I started off catching several in a row.
Each battery will up your catch rate more and more, so it's really up to you to decide where you want to start. I'd say the fifth battery is pretty good for the Masters and the sixth is good for the Mojos if you're willing to use your really good charms. If not, then probably hold off until later.
Congrats on almost being done with FRift, FK! I admit that I am SUPER behind (only 4 batteries in, no base or Master catches) but I've been devoting most of my time and energy to the Laby because I'm about a week out from basically going on a two-month hiatus and I know that the FRift will be a great place to hunt during that time because it's not as needy. All in good time, lol.
Speaking of the Laby, I'm less than a day out from getting my Mino base, which is great! I have yet to get any of the trap upgrades (stingy Mino hasn't dropped any trap parts yet) but y'know, it's all good and the base will help considerably. Plus it's useful outside of the Laby and I know it will help in the FRift.
Yaaaaaaay Gymmie! Woohoo! It's quite a grind for that base.
If all goes well, I'm two fealty, two scholar, and one tech run away myself (with supplemental farming runs in between).
It's kind of funny looking back because if I had just bought several of the RRSPG pieces and not dumped all my supplies into farming Minotaurs during the egg hunt event, I would have had the base by now. Ah well. At least I know with great pride I got it all by myself.
ETA: Oh yeah, I just want to say, those puzzle boxes? They can keep those coming as long as they want.
Helloooooo Ronza
What's everybody spending their gold on?
I bought the Law trap as it looked like an upgrade to me, especially since the new Law expansion should be out at the end of the year. I bought a few of the charms, just to have them, but the thing I have not spent any gold on, but plan to, are the crafting materials for the other charms.
Could someone explain the Lantern Charm to me? I don't get how it's any different than Lantern Oil.
On a HitGrab related note, I didn't care for the new app, Mousehunt Puzzle Trap at first, but once I made it through the Gnawnia areas and into the Burroughs, I started getting hooked on it. So yeah, I kind of like it now. I really think the animation of the mice is funny.
Is anybody else still playing it? I know DiGs started and didn't care much for it.
I bought all of the traps since they were so inexpensive, but the Law trap was the only one that seemed pressing to have.
The Lantern Oil charms work like LO but have some added power and such. I don't know if they compound with LO's effect or not. It does seem silly to spend LO on them though.
As for PuzzleTrap, I like it. It's very easy in the Gnawnia section, but Burroughs started challenging me more. I'll keep playing. My only complaint is the fact that there are more bonus levels to buy than there is gold to buy them.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've been playing it on my phone. I kind of get a kick out of the puzzle solving. The tubes are kind of an interesting twist. Especially when you have the blocks in the middle of them.