Thus far I haven't found anything that I LOVE about the FRift, and it's a SB+ sink just like the Laby
You know, I started off with Magical and Maki cheese and after repairing the first two batteries decided spending my SB to make them was no longer worth it. (Unlike the rest of you, I burned through my massive stockpile long, long ago. Been buying it off the marketplace for ages...and now it's really expensive.) I repaired my third battery just fine with Brie String while playing passively. Yeah, it's slower, but I wasn't feeling the huge boost from using Maki/Magical that I do with the 5 piece conversion of GG in the Laby.
ETA: I will say this for the FRift, it is the first truly passive friendly area we've had for a while.
ETA 2: Ugh, shouldn't post when distracted by a toddler. Awesome about your Mino Base Gymmie! I'm quite a ways behind you, as I had to do several shorter runs to build up supplies to make longer runs. Stupid Treasure mouse for a map sucked away all my supplies.
Need to do a farming run next and then another round of material gathering Laby runs.
I expect to do quite a bit of passive playing again, and the FRift is well suited for that - as well as GRift, which is more interesting again with the new need for essences from the Goliath.
I bought the Living Base. I have repaired 3 batteries and got some parts for the 4th. I have caught all three students and collected tokens, but not crafted much cheese yet - I think I'll mainly craft the general Masters cheese and only craft small amounts of the specific cheeses to balance the number of Masters.
In the Labyrinth I'm still working on collecting 700 of each loot for the Minotaur Base (I currently have 3, 3 and 5 hundred). I think I'll try to aim for 800 of each before buying it, because it's easier to get another hundred while you have a lot (and can use some for cubes/magnets if desperate) than to work your way back up to a hundred from zero.
I need a Farming run at the moment, as I'm running low on GG cheese - then I want a 100+ Fealty run to get the last scrap for the Labyrinth theme.
No hunting for the Minotaur for a while. I have 3 keys, but I want the base first.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
What's everybody's opinion on what would be a good way to use baitkeep charms. I've got three of them, and wondered what y'all thought of them.
I was leaning towards potentially using them on diamond cheese, but I don't know if that would be a valid use for them.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Diamond Cheese is exactly the cheese I chose to save with Baitkeep Charms. Now I'm hoarding them for some other cheese in the future that's extremely hard or tedious to obtain.
Yeah, prior to Easter/completing the FC theme, I'd have saved it for Diamond. Now I'm just saving them, period. I wonder if the Ascended cheese is worth saving for it or if the catch rate is too abysmal regardless.
In other news, I caught the diamondhyde! And I didn't even need to use diamond cheese or baitkeep charms. I was hunting with gemstone cheese, farming diamonds, and bam. . . got him with that. SO thankful to have that area checked off the list.
I sent out invites to a labyrinth map. There were two spots open last time I checked, with Rachel Hindle and Varna snagging two of the four open spots. This map WILL be dusted before completion. Y'all are welcome to join (and if I forgot to send you an invite, and you'd like one, please let me know)
Along those lines, I've started a potential mino run. My glowing gruyere levels are low, so I'll probably spend some time farming nightshade in the fungal caverns for some portion of time within the next day or so (maybe at night while I'm in bed?) So far I'm off to a semi decent start. Starting with the tech clues. I've got 18 clues thus far, 16 of which are techs, and 2 of which are dead ends. We shall see how things go!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So I'm NOT going to get my Mino base after this run; I'm 50 Tech loot short with a whole Scholar run still to go. I'm debating if I want to dip into my supplies to get oil to expedite the process, and maybe do another Farming run. Ooooor see if I can get the loot needed in this Scholar run and then do a quick/slow Tech run to finish off. I dunno, haha.
Sorry you fell a bit short Gymmie, but you don't have too far to go now. Good luck!
Well I had a very strange MHing day. I was chugging right along on my farming run in the Labyrinth when I hit the refresh button on my computer and saw that I had... started over? I was quite certain I had not hit the retreat button, and even if I had, I never saw a confirmation pop up. I shot a report to the devs and just found they replied saying that on their end I had clicked the retreat button, but they very kindly offered to reset my progress. I just wrote them back and told them how many clues I could last remember, so we'll see what happens. I also asked if they could tell whether it had happened on my PC vs the mobile app, because if it's the app, I have a sneaking suspicion it may have been one of my two kiddos.
Of course, after this happened, I switched over to the Furoma Rift and forgot to change my cheese for an hour. It was that kind of a hunting day.
Anyways, I'm almost done filling up my fourth battery with Enerchi so I will head into the Pagoda, hopefully this evening, to tackle the Masters for the first time.
I'm in the original Furoma now trying to farm Divine Orbs from the Sojo after replenishing my essences in the GRift. It's not going so well, but at least I'm recouping gold to buy orbs (and maybe some SB+) off the Marketplace.
I'm not having as much luck at battery 5 in the FRift with Masters as I did on 4. I'm going to try to repair battery 6 (and maybe 7) before going after more boss-level mice. I want to make my Mojo and Sojo cheese count.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Stupid question, what are the orbs for Eli?
Well after a rough MHing day yesterday, today has started off marvelously I caught all three of the Masters of the Chi last night as well as the Grand Master of the Dojo. I got a lot of Battery Fragments and repaired the fifth battery and I still have a nice chunk of the fourth battery to use up.
I also heard back from Hitgrab Support and they started me off with 30 farming clues in a Medium Superior Farming Hall. So that worked out well.
Taking a brief break from both areas to try to nab a couple mice off of my treasure map.
They're for Rift Power Charms, FK. Maybe not the best charms to use, but they are helpful.
Glad your luck's turning around and the devs were able to fix your Laby run.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Barring absolute disaster, I will have my first mino run started tonight
I'm currently at 26 Fealty, 32 Tech, 33 Scholar and 2 dead ends. In a medium superior hallway with ten hunts left. Hopefully with my oil, ultimate spore charms, and other stuff. . . I'll be able to make it.
Any advice once I get in there? What cheese should I use in there? How many hunts do I get to nab the minotaur. Is he really tough (e.g. should I use ULCs or UPCs)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My advice for the Mino... he's easy, save your stuff. You are guaranteed to catch him and the longer you don't catch him, the easier he gets. I personally still use Glowing Gruyere to avoid the Shadow Stalkers, but other than that, I just use a super basic setup.
So I decided after I finish this Scholar run that I'm going to do a Farming run and then Treasury. In hindsight, I didn't need to dip into my supplies to get Oil cuz I got a ton from a map a little bit later, buuuut oh well hindsight is always 20/20 haha. I think a good Treasury run would be enough to get me what I need.
I'm going back and forth between Laby and FRift - Laby when I can be a little more active, and FRift when I leave the playing to trap checks for long stretches of time. In Laby I'm also working on Digory's map - it may take up to three district runs, but I'm doing those runs anyway for the Mino Base.
Yesterday I read a thread in the Forum about someone wanting to hunt for the Relic Hunter mouse, not to work on maps, but to see whether the scrolls had any Rare Map Dust for selling in the Marketplace. Someone else suggested that rather than ditching his opened maps, he could donate them to a group called "love of maps for mousehunt", where people try to get the Warden Slayer trap before the end of Season 3.
I then decided to donate some of my scrolls to that group as well, as I have 25 unopened scrolls lying around, while I mostly do area specific maps instead. So I joined the group, and after we finish Digory's map, I'll probably work through some of my maps there. I didn't really like the idea of just ditching good maps - now they will come to better use.
If I don't want to do any hunting on one of those maps myself, I can invite one person and withdraw so that this person becomes the new map owner and can invite other group members. Sometimes I'll want to hunt, because I want the Theme Scraps - but for me, there's no rush, because the Theme is not limited to Season 3.
So a little more variety beside the Laby and the FRift.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)