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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I just managed to upgrade battery five. It'll add a significant amount of power and luck (16K and 10 respectively) to my next run, so hopefully I'll be able to nab that Rift MOJO.

Battery six requires 4 platinum bars, 90 battery fragments, and a rift circuitry to complete. Might take me more than one run to get all of that ;))

As for me, I plan on farming enerchi today using the base and the charms. I'm hunting in the twisted garden hoping to catch some twisted carmines, mainly because I need low level essences for crafting maki string

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 25, 2016 2:56 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I just repaired battery 4. I'm 10/30 for battery 5. Once I charge up, I'll try for the Masters so I can at least get the Enerchi Base.

I may try to go for some Goliath Field mice to restore my Aleth supplies when this is through.

My current goals are:

-- Catch the Masters and buy the Enerchi Base.
-- Catch the top 3 mice in the FRift.
-- Buy the new Rift trap and curbstomp the mess out of the Rift areas.
-- Make more Laby runs to craft the Mino Base and ILT.
-- (If I have time before the next event season/area release) Make enough Mino runs to craft the Arcane and Shadow upgrades, though I'm not really hurting for either at the moment.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
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Posted : May 25, 2016 3:46 am
Member Moderator

Guess I should update where I'm at.

I'm struggling a bit in Zokar. I've made a single successful Minotaur run. I've got a long way to go. I'm working on battery #4 in the FRift. I did buy the School of Sharks trap. I'm down to 15 mil in gold.

I keep trying to start farming runs in the Labyrinth, but I don't get corridors lately. I'm out of supplies to buy shuffler cubes. I made an attempt at a minotaur during easter and that went horribly.

Any suggestions on how to tackle my problem?

Posted : May 25, 2016 8:30 am
Member Admin

Any suggestions on how to tackle my problem?

This would be my suggestion. Go farm about 15-30 nightshade in the Fungal Cavern to give yourself a little bit of a boost when you go back to the Laby.
Start a Laby run, any hallway, doesn't matter, but use Gouda. When you complete that first hallway, if there isn't a Farming hallway there, Retreat and start over. Keep doing that until you get a Farming hallway. Once you get one, start using your GG cheese to get as many Farming clues as you can. Just use your GG in farming hallways, anything else, switch to Gouda. Once you hit 15 clues, you've got a greater chance at getting a farming hallway, though it's not guaranteed.
Once you have a nice hefty amount of Nightshade stockpiled from Zokor Farming hallways, start going through the Laby and pray for treasure hallways. Those will give you a relatively even amount of supplies that can be used in the future for Shuffler's Cubes and Magnets. If you don't get treasure hallways (which is likely), just do the best you can at getting the same kind of hallway to get as much loot as possible without spending any until you have enough built up to start making really good Laby/Zokor runs again. It's going to be slow to start out, but once you get a good amount of supplies, you SHOULD be in good shape. Just don't spend everything or you'll be back to square one, as you've already found out.
One last thing, if you have not already switched your King's Calibrator to Glowing Gruyere cheese and you can afford it, I highly recommend doing that. I only recently did it myself and I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.

Posted : May 25, 2016 9:01 am
Member Moderator

Thanks. Actually I switched it ages ago. I've only got about 57 pieces at the moment. Thanks for the advice. When I get ready to go back to the Laby, I will definitely follow this. I've been floundering a bit in there ever since Easter. I had a bad run and used too much stuff.

Posted : May 25, 2016 9:12 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Yeah, I've decided that using Gouda in the Laby just isn't worth it. It's better to do a Farming run every 3-4 Laby runs to restock, because the return you get in terms of time saved and loot gained is valuable enough. I also use the SB+ conversion but that's because I have a ton of SB+ to burn (thanks Easter lol).

My strategy for normal runs is to use Oil/GG until I get 15+ clues, and then I turn off the oil to conserve resources. I won't use Oil again unless I get a Superior/Epic hallway, and then I do use it to maximize the clues dropped. I won't shuffle for hallways unless it seems really necessary (like when I only have long wrong hallways); it's totally possible to go over 80+ clues in one district with one or two short hallways of a lesser kind. Just arm Gouda when you're in an unwanted hallway and you'll probably get as many grays and yellows as red and greens.

Thus far this has not really failed me. It's pretty passive and aside from the GG, you're not using up any resource that's not easily replaced. For me, I also use GG inside of Zokor because it maximizes the catch rate and thus the loot dropped.

If you really want a Treasure run, then I would get to 15+ random clues and THEN shuffle for a Treasure door, and use Oil/GG every Treasure door you get to increase clues and hopefully increase door attraction. Sometimes you're just plain unlucky, but if you just want a quick run for certain mice it's not too hard.

100+ and Mino runs are a totally different story, but as far as normal runs go, the above strategy is what works best for me.

Posted : May 25, 2016 8:55 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

So what is a good strategy for Mino runs? I have yet to discover one that works for me.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 26, 2016 3:04 am
Member Admin

Yeah, I've decided that using Gouda in the Laby just isn't worth it.

Do note that the advice I gave Kat was to get a farming run in in the first place to build up a stockpile of GG. Because yeah, gouda in the Laby is horrible. However, in certain situations it is good to use when you DON'T want clues. It works really well for me when I need to save my resources and don't want to spend them on Shuffler's Cubes and such. Or when I hit my target number of clues and I want to save the rest of my GG because I'm starting to run low.

So what is a good strategy for Mino runs? I have yet to discover one that works for me.

Here's what's worked for me. First of all, make sure you have tons of spare resources. Honestly, I'd aim for at least 200 of each just for shuffler's cubes and magnets if you don't already have a stockpile. I do use oil on Mino runs, but not nearly as much as regular runs because I want to control my numbers.
Start off with a district, and get your numbers between 33-36. You'll definitely want at least 33 so you can use a magnet. Second district, match the number as close as you can to the first district, again, aim for at least 33.
Third district is often the hardest because the odds are in favor for doorways to districts with over 15 clues. I have burned through a lot of Shuffler's Cubes here.
Dead End Clues will destroy your run. I make a point of keeping mine below 10. If I start off with a run and have 33 clues for the first district, but 12 dead end clues, I scrap the run and start over. Ideally I'll have no more than 6 dead end clues for the first district, 8 for the second district, and then keep it in check for the third.
And then of course on that last little bit when you have 33-30-21 clues for the halls and 9 dead end clues for a total of 93 clues, you're going to have to be very judicious with the final hallway.
Any questions?

Posted : May 26, 2016 4:24 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Oh gosh. . . . . . that sounds impossible. 200 shuffler's cubes?!?!?! I think having five or six is a TON.

Oy vey. . . . I'm going to be in the labyrinth for a LONG time I feel.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 26, 2016 7:04 am
Member Admin

No, no, no, sorry, not 200 shufflers cubes. 200 each plates, power cores, and scrolls... the equivalent of 20 shufflers cubes.
I know that seems like a ton, but the laby is just like any other area. You'll start small but as you get more and more supplies, the better Fealty, Tech, and Scholar runs you can do and then the supplies will come in like crazy. I typically get 200 - 300 supplies in just one run. Now, I do spend a fair amount of those supplies to further the other hallways, but it's not as bad as you'd think.
A good run, just like Gymmie posted above, will use almost exclusively Glowing Gruyere, Lantern Oil, and minimal cubes and magnets. I think my best Laby run ever used two short regular halls, one long superior hall, and one long epic hall. ;))

Posted : May 26, 2016 7:24 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Yeah, I've decided that using Gouda in the Laby just isn't worth it.

Do note that the advice I gave Kat was to get a farming run in in the first place to build up a stockpile of GG. Because yeah, gouda in the Laby is horrible. However, in certain situations it is good to use when you DON'T want clues. It works really well for me when I need to save my resources and don't want to spend them on Shuffler's Cubes and such. Or when I hit my target number of clues and I want to save the rest of my GG because I'm starting to run low.

Yep; sorry if I wasn't clearer; I was reaffirming what you said. :) I definitely use Gouda for all the reasons listed above. You just have to feel it out and go with what makes sense at the moment, but for the most part, yeah your default is GG.

For Mino runs, I find it helpful to think in 3's when it comes to clues. Definitely follow what FK says when it comes to doing one district at a time. Except I usually aim for 39 in the first district, and then right after I get into my first 2nd district hallway (no hunts yet), I use one magnet. Then after I get 36 in the second district, I use my second magnet and go for the third district. I still have wiggle room for one more magnet in case I have DHU. This method uses a guaranteed 3 Magnets, but for me it's worth it for how much it decreases the risk factor.

Of course, if you're at the end of your last 1st District hallway and you've only got 36 clues, I wouldn't get a new hallway just to get 3 more. You have to gauge things based on how everything is going for you.

Oh and getting 32 or 35 or 38 clues in a district is THE WORST lol.

Posted : May 26, 2016 2:29 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I nabbed the Rift MOJO this afternoon (two of them actually ;) ) Used my most powerful rift setup with ULC's during the use of battery five.

Just two more mice to go to have this area knocked off the list :D

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 27, 2016 11:28 am
Member Admin

After not-the-greatest hunting day yesterday, I'm off to a good start this morning. :) I hopped over to FRift briefly and got two battery fragments in two hunts, which allowed me to repair my fourth battery.
Back in the Laby now, I've finally had a couple Tech hallways given to me, which is good because if they weren't, I'd probably have to start this run over or setting for a very small amount of Tech Power Cores.

Congratulations DiGs, on just about finishing up the area! :D The FRift seemed to be a much lengthier one which is why I held off on it, but if it's only going to take a couple more weeks, then maybe I'll focus on finishing it up so I can focus on the Laby/Zokor. I'm certainly not making fast progress towards my Mino Base. :P

Posted : May 28, 2016 2:24 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Well that depends on what your definition of "finishing" it means. If "finishing" it means catching all of the mice, and getting the trap, then yeah, a couple of weeks is probably a good goal.

But if you want to complete all of the batteries, that would take much longer. And who knows. . . maybe the SOJO and Boss-Hapless might require battery levels that high. . . . I don't know.

I do know that after I finish this run, I'm going to be going back to the caverns to try for the diamondhyde again.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : May 28, 2016 10:58 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Fingers crossed, I am 1.75 runs away from getting my Mino Base. Got all the Fealty pieces, I'm 30% through a Tech run and then I just have a Scholar run left. I'm JUST over the requirement for Fealty so if I run out of Cubes/Oil I am just going to have to do it slowly, but I have enough GG to last me I think.

I went ahead and bought everything that I need for the base; knocked out half of my petty cash haha. That is the nice thing about the Laby; it's not a gold sink so if you're hunting regularly, money comes in more than it goes out. Oh, and I figured out that if I run out of SB+, I could just buy it off the marketplace because at this point I've got more gold than I can use. I've got my Ronza fund already so I'm good on that end.

After I'm done, I'll probably go work on the FRift, although it's not a priority of mine since the Rift areas aren't really my favorites. The WRift was my favorite by far; I liked the mechanics and the loot that the MBBW had. Thus far I haven't found anything that I LOVE about the FRift, and it's a SB+ sink just like the Laby and at least the Laby has traps/bases that I can use elsewhere in the game. So I'll definitely complete it, but I think I will prioritize the Laby first.

Posted : May 29, 2016 1:01 am
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