The Rift Hapless Mouse is the Rift Furoma boss. AHHahahahah. This area is already a win.
Well, as far as I can tell, it looks like the hunting concept is the same as the Sunken City. Farm stuff outside to increase hunting time inside.
I dropped 6mil gold on the Multi-Laser Crystal trap which was probably a waste, but as I am off to a 1/4 catch rate start, so I'm trying to get every little advantage I can.
Charging my first battery and then I'll head into the Rift Pagoda.
Can somebody post the crafting recipes in here as they emerge? I'd appreciate it.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
DiGs, if you click on the + immediately to the right of the cheeses (and charm) on the HUD, it will pop up a crafting book with most of the recipes. I've only discovered one so far that wasn't there by default, and that's Rift Glutter Cheese: Chi Belt Token x 3, Rift Curd x 2. Rift Combat and Rift Sucheese should follow the same formula I'd imagine.
Were there any other recipes you were looking for?
After a really, really rocky start with multiple FTAs and FTCs, I finally decided I'd had it and busted out the big guns... or big cheeses and charms. They probably didn't really make that much of a difference but it made me feel better.
I did my first trip in and out of the Pagoda, unlocked my second battery, and have now almost filled both the first and second battery and will be able to head back into the Pagoda for a second time here shortly. I have attracted all of the mice up to, but not including, the Chi Masters. But sadly I have FTCed the Samauri and Assassin.
When I think of it and am around, I've been jogging back to the Laby for hourly trap checks as I'm working towards the last couple mice on Wren's map that are in there.
I have repaired my second battery and am currently charging it. I had to do two runs on the first battery to get the parts for my second. (The mice really hated me my first run.)
I'm really glad I farmed Rift Circuitry so I can get the MYNORCA a little faster.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
You sure made me panic there stwin. I thought it was a crafting recipe and I could not find it anywhere to see how many Rift Circuitry I needed. (See? This is why you shouldn't buy excess traps
) Thanks for pointing out it was in the Trapsmith. I have 35 Rift Circuitry left over from the Multi-Laser trap so I'm in good shape.
I thought long and hard this morning on what my current goals are for the game. I still need the Mino Base, the Event Horizon, and the Temporal Turbine. The traps I'm not in a huge hurry to nab, but I would really like to get the base as soon as possible. I think it would benefit other areas of the game. So what I've decided to do is when I'm playing actively I will be in the Laby/Zokor to wrap up farming for the base. (And also get the Laby mice off of the treasure map ) But then when I'm playing passively, I'll head back to the FRift to go on hunts with my buddies.
Where can I get rift circuitry. . . . I don't remember, and I have zero
I'm actually doing decently in this area. I've crafted glutter string cheese and nabbed one of the masters. Just started my third pagoda run. Should definitely have the supplies for the third battery (maybe the fourth if all goes well)
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
They can be looted in the top tier of the BRift, DiGs. There is also apparently a way to farm them in the FRift via Rift Circuitry Chips (I'm guessing dropped by Mojo/Sojo?), three of which form one Rift Circuitry.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Ugh, that sounds exhausting
I have too much on my mousehunt to do list:
-Make a successful minotaur run in the labyrinth
-Get the infinite labyrinth trap
-Get the Event Horizon
-Get the Temporal Turbine
-Get the minotaur base
-Catch all the mice in the furoma rift
-Loot some circuitry. . . . . .
-Get the latest furoma rift trap
-Finish up the train by getting the last trap, and catching the magmatic golem
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My mousehunt to do list looks very much like yours, DiGs.
I have caught one Minotaur, and I've got all the train traps, but all the items between those are still on my list too.
Plus my long-term goals: To catch all non-prize mice (only 2 were missing before FRift opened), to bronze most of them, and to silver enough of them to get the Century Egg at a Great Egg Hunt.
I decided I want the Living Base, so I'm over in GRift to get the last few Rift Dust I need for it - I've got everything else on the Trapsmith's list.
Then I'll go back to FRift to work on my second battery and to try to work out the mechanics of the place. The Adventure Book is actually useful for pointing out a simple route to follow for a basic run-through.
I think I'm going to like this new Rift, and the graphics are great
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Just so everybody knows, if you recall your droid from the pagoda, you will only be able to keep one half of your currently stocked enerchi.
Today I repaired my fourth battery, once I'm all charged up, it'll allow me to hold 240 charges, give an 8500 power bonus and a 5+ luck bonus.
I've gotten all of the mice except for the three on the top tier. Very excited about that.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
This morning I purchased the Enerchi Induction Base.
Even with the oomph of the fourth battery, I didn't have enough firepower to get the Rift Master of the Dojo (even with UPC's). My trap power was almost 19,000, and still nothing. . . . .
I'm not even going to try again until I get the next battery. FYI: Battery five takes 4 platinum bars (where the rest have taken one) and a whopping 30 battery fragments. Here's hoping that I continue to have some DLU in this new area. . . . It will potentially make up for SOME of the massive DHU I've been receiving in the fungal cavern and the labyrinth.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Does anyone know what is the recommended battery charge for going after Master mice? I.e. Fang, Belt, Claw. I'm still playing pretty passively because I've got a lot going on but I just want to make sure I'm not wasting cheese by using subpar setups.
I've tried at 2 and 3 batteries and had no luck, but I think DiGs had more luck at 3 and then 4. I'm planning to wait until I have 4 or 5 before trying again so as not to waste my cheese.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Yeah, they're definintely doable with battery 2 (assuming you're using a pretty hefty charm), but you won't have a great catch rate. Battery 3 gives you about a 1/3 catch rate. Battery 4 gives you probably a 50-60% catch rate.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Good to know about the Batteries, I will wait until I've completed my fourth battery before trying for the masters.
Taking a brief break from the Laby to do some FRift hunting. Going to finish up my time in the Pagoda and then head back. I have 8/18 battery fragments for the fourth battery. Hoping I finish it up this round.