I noticed that too. Farming cheese for the last couple of events have been a pain. I'm at the bottom of my cupcake Colby and I'm bouncing between that, the new one, and gouda. I'm trying to run through the sprinkles I've got because of the nightshade and lantern oil that comes from the upgrade in Year 8 cupcakes. I'm going to stick it out for a couple of days and see if I can get to my map that I got. I'm on an older one at the moment.
One problem is that we don't get Cupcake Colby potions from the orders this year. We only get the Extra Sweet potions, requiring us to have got ordinary potions already to have ordinary CC cheese to convert to Extra Sweet.
And when the potion droprate isn't too inspiring either ...
Next weekend (and even next week) I might not be online as much as usual, so perhaps I should stop doing the event when I've finished this map that I'm on. Just do all orders I can with what I've got, and then change to Gouda or Brie.
I could stay in the event area and hunt (passively) with Brie to collect potions for cheese to keep for next year.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Turned in lots of cupcakes, I'll go back and turn in a few more later, but right now I'm making one last push to get into the Minotaur Lair for when the Easter Egg event starts (this week?).
Easter, whee! So excited. Can't wait to make a major dent in Minotaur Lair hunting.
I've about wrapped up the event. I sent out the last of the cupcake orders and I've gone back to the labyrinth. I doubt I'll go after a minotaur egg this time around. I'm going to go try and set up for a scholar boss run though.
I've been without net access all weekend. At the moment I'm in a library.
I've sent in the orders that I had open, and now I have 10-1-11-17-4 cupcakes left. My new order requires 2 yellow cupcakes, and I've only got one. I don't know whether I'll be online until I get another yellow.
I hope they'll give us some time after the event to use up what we've got, though, like they did last year.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
^^ The orders are cancelable now, so between that and hand-picking what cupcakes I needed from my GotD, I was able to ship ALL my cupcakes except for green (funny how that ended up being the one I had so many left of, considering I couldn't loot any to save my life most of this event).
If they bring this event back next year, I've thought up a strategy that I'd like to implement that will hopefully save me from a lot of frustration and grief, haha. Of course, this is assuming that they don't switch it up by adding a special Y9 cupcake (Golden?) or changing the amounts needed.
1. Keep all orders filled. Two of the highest year needed, and one Y1
2. Never hunt with regular Colby. If you run out of ESCC potions, fill Y1 orders until you can convert.
3. BE PATIENT. Green cupcakes will come during St. Patty's day. For sure. Don't freak out if you don't get any sooner.
4. It's OK if you don't fill orders until the end. You should fill enough to keep in constant supply of ESCC potions and Rare Cupcake Sprinkles, but beyond that, it's okay to wait. Orders can be canceled at the end of the event and you can get a slightly better bang for your buck.
I felt really out of touch this entire event; lots of real life stuff going on so I didn't have a lot of time to "invest". Also, the cheese potion drop rate was really frustrating. So that didn't help. I'm looking forward to the Easter event to make me feel like a boss at MH again, haha.
The Egg Hunt is here!
I'm close to getting to the Minotaur's Lair, so I think I'll focus on that first. I went ahead and snatched up the four "interface" eggs. They are found:
Freshly Painted: switch to the FreshCoat Layout in User Preferences under the Support menu
Market Mogul: Marketplace
Century: have a silver crown for 30% of all mice; check the king's crowns page on your profile
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Apparently there is a map clue egg. Just got one while hunting on a map. I'm guessing that's how you get one. I wonder if there are more hidden eggs like that.
I checked off the Diamond and Gemstone eggs in the Fungal Cavern first, and since I got that Diamond egg so easily I didn't have to use my massive stash of resources, so I snagged the Fungal Cavern theme as well.
Thanks for the spoiler on the above four eggs Eli. I looked in the right spot for the Market Mogul egg but didn't scroll down far enough so I didn't find it. Nor did I feel like taking the time to sneak around and find the other three. Probably should have, it's more fun that way.
Anyways, I have the Decrepit Tentacle egg and should get the Minotaur egg soon. After that, I'll probably aim for a farming run, followed by a treasury run (blegh), followed by another Mino run and that should take care of all of the eggs...I hope.
ETA: Well, the most difficult eggs are checked off my list. Cave Diamond, Cave Gemstone, Decrepit Tentacle, and Minotaur eggs are all done. But I just noticed that almost all of the eggs are in Zokor, not the Labyrinth, so it's going to take quite some time to finish those up. Minimum of five Labyrinth/Zokor runs to be precise. The good news is that I should pick up all of the rest of the eggs doing that.
Farming run first as I'm low on Nightshade.
ETA 2: For my own personal reference, I now have
3/6 Really, Really Shiny Precious Gold
1/2 Temporal Shadow Plate
0/1 Essence of Destruction
0/1 Infused Plate
Hello Minotaur Egg, I like you, even if you did mess up my Tech Power Core to Powercore Hammer ratio. Seriously, if I manage to have any time left, I'm going to cram in as many Minotaur runs as possible. Maybe I'll even get the trap or base!
I have five eggs left to nab, not including the stockpile ten (though I did get three of those last night).
~Zokor Tech Egg
~Zokor Scholar Egg
~Zokor Fealty Egg
~Zokor Treasury Egg
~Unstable Crystal Egg
Going for the treasure eggs next.
Doing a 100+ Treasure run now; figured since I have to get into Zokor for Treasure, might as well get the last theme scrap while I'm at it. Already got my Tech and Farming Zokor eggs; after this I'll probably try for a Mino egg next.
For non-Hollow Heights eggs, I still haven't gotten the 10 Spring eggs from this year, nor do I have enough crowns to get the Century egg. I'm saving the Spring eggs for when I need to leave the Laby overnight, and I'm just a few crowns short of the Century egg so I will bounce around to get those at night as well.
Tip for those going into the Mino's Lair during Easter; you're going to want to maximize Decrepit Tentacle eggs for the loot. People have been arming Shadow traps so they can get the max amount (10) before catching the Minotaur. Also, do NOT forget to arm Eggstra charms when hunting with Marshmallow Monterrey!
Tip for those going into the Mino's Lair during Easter; you're going to want to maximize Decrepit Tentacle eggs for the loot. People have been arming Shadow traps so they can get the max amount (10) before catching the Minotaur.
Those were pretty decent, but I didn't find them super awe inspiring (maybe I wasn't paying attention? LOL) But the Minotaur Eggs.... Don't forget to arm Eggstra Charms!!
Working on my own strategy to get the rest of the eggs as quickly as possible. I got the Super Stealth Egg (or whatever it's called) doing a Farming run to max out on Nightshade, so hopefully I won't need another Farming run to get the rest of the eggs. Now I'm doing my treasury run, and once I hit 50 clues, I switched my setup to the Fissure Base and Gouda cheese to get dead end clues, as well as hunting in other hallways so that way I won't be in Zokor for long. I plan to repeat this strategy for the Tech and Scholar halls, but I could use more Fealty clues so I might aim for 70 clues instead.
This is going to be the first Toxic Spill I will miss out on. I'm kind of sad about that as I'd like to get the Refined Polluntinum Base, but Mino Eggs are a higher priority.
^^ I don't think it's that it had awe-inspiring loot, but that since you're there, you might as well maximize them. Plus, they have Epic orbs, and I'm going to need a decent amount of them for the Mino base and those orbs aren't cheap. So it saves me a little gold.
I think my strategy for zokor runs will be bailing after getting the eggs I need if I run out of time. Get into Zokor as quickly as possible; bail once I'm done. It hurts not to use up all the Stealth but like FK said, Mino eggs are the priority. Right now, after I get out of this Treasury Zokor run, I'm going to do two Mino runs back-to-back and see if I loot enough supplies to make another key right away; if not I may make my Fealty/Scholar runs boss runs so I can craft another key. Again, it depends on the time.
I also want to hunt in the Fungal Cavern so I can get the theme...I'm really close; just 40 Crystal Crucibles away. That's only four Diamond Hides, or an assorted few others. I've got tons of Gemstone so I think I should have enough to get there.
ETA: If the spill is ArchDuchess I may pop in to get the Mutated Behemoth mouse (haven't caught him yet); otherwise I will probably skip. Priorities, ya know
I think my strategy for zokor runs will be bailing after getting the eggs I need if I run out of time.
Get into Zokor as quickly as possible; bail once I'm done.
That's what I did yesterday as soon as I got both of my treasury eggs. I have to say though, I was starting to panic as I was through more than half of my stealth before the Zokor Treasury Egg dropped.
So I may tweak my strategy to get more clues before hand, and just retreat as soon as the egg drops.
Just three eggs to go...
~Zokor Tech
~Zokor Scholar
~Zokor Fealty
Working on the Tech Egg now.
ETA: Wow, two people are done already. Kudos to them and their ability to not sleep.