I did go ahead and get the Manticore skin, but other than that, 4 of the super regal charms, and the first gold upgrade for the calibrator, I haven't done anything else. I think the ability to up the prize claims and gifts will be among the last things I do. I'd like to alter the cheese, but I'm kind of hesitant to go for the gg which is so high. I also thought about just going all the way up on the gold, but I'm not sure jumping that high, this fast is a wise idea.
I've gotten two keys so far. One was a rainbow scroll and the other was 50 regal charms.
Oh, I need to do my 2016 MH Update!
Breeds Caught: 657 / 659
Event Breeds Caught: 137 / 137 (caught the High Roller today! Jan 11)
Mice Caught: 128633
Gold Crowns: 41
Silver Crowns: 343
Copper Crowns: 347
Collectibles: 151/158 (missing a few themes, Contaminated Crumb Cake, The Red Button, Z's Sock, and Z's Rock)
Favoritest Trap Setup: Can't decide. Probably the endless laby and fissure base
Favoritest Mouse: Not sure which mouse they released the past year that I got the biggest kick out of or had the best design. Though the Minotaur mouse that I'm still missing is rather humorous. ETA: I forgot the WWRift came out in 2015, and a couple of those mice, particularly the Spirit Fox were some of the prettiest mice I've seen in a while.
Favoritest Area: Labyrinth/Zokor
Goals for 2015:
Finish up the Labyrinth and Zokor. I've got a ways to go as i still need all three top level traps and i need to catch the Minotaur
Get my missing themes (Fungal Cavern, Laby, Relic Hunter)
Rock the Egg Hunt again.
Whatever else there is to do in 2016! Woohoo!
Last year's post: viewtopic.php?p=286749#p286749
I did all of the gold upgrades on the calibrator, 'cause I couldn't think of any reason not to. Also bought the Manticore skin because it looks cool.
I've gotten six keys so far which in turn got me a rainbow scroll, regal charms, ultimate power charms, super regal charms, a super brie supply pack, and king's credits. Also caught my first Snooty mouse.
I've done two gold upgrades and a gift upgrade, changed to GG cheese, and made Radioactive Blue cheese available (will be mostly useful during Toxic Spills). I also bought the Manticore skin and will use it regularly
On the Forum some people discussed whether the "cost" of King's Credits (in terms of time spent to get them, value of similar items in the Marketplace etc.) made it worth it to get the gold upgrades, saying that it might take a couple of years of extra daily gold to cover the "cost" of the KCs we pay for it.
I'm not sure I understand their logic, but as I currently don't have enough KCs left for the third gold upgrade anyway, I have time to think about it.
I got tons of gold during the GWH though! The Stuck Snowball mouse was worth a lot and often even dropped 10K gold, and there were other ways I was given gold as well. At least 8 mil gold during the event.
And then I sold charms and skins on the Marketplace for 5.5 mil gold ...
I'm close to 25 mil gold now, but with all the Laby traps coming up (I've only got the Laby Base) I'm going to need three times that. I've thought about buying the SoS trap - I got the 2 PPs that I needed, and I already had the Sand Dollars (and got 4 hundred more) - but I won't do that kind of major purchase until I have 40 mil.
There may even be interesting offers during the events that I'll want to spend gold on, plus the Laby. And I guess that right now the ELT should be a higher priority than the SoS.
No catches of new prize mice for me yet, only a few Treasurers. But I've seen (and FTCed ) my first Leprechaun!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
For me, there's nothing in the King's Shoppe that I want badly enough to spend KC on. If they had Cavern/Laby supplies I'd be more tempted, but as of right now I have more Sunken City supplies than I'll ever use, I'm pretty sure. So maxing out my upgrades was a no-brainer. I've got my cheese set to GG, but I could see myself setting it to something else that is always handy to have but you never want to take the time to craft...think of it as bonus cheese drops! Such a nice idea from the Devs.
I've been catching a LOT of Treasurers, Snooty's and High Roller's, but of course I'm not even attracting the two prize mice that I'm missing, lol.
Well our treasure map team is down to one mouse, the treasure brawler. I think we had all started on a Laby run so none of us were in any position to make a solid attempt at a treasure run.
For my own part, I have FINALLY had a successful Laby run and here ina couple hours I'll make my first venture into the Minotaur's Lair. (Thanks Devs for all the GWH goodies!) And I Have to say, unless you're lucky, I definitely recommend having at least 10 shufflers cubes and 10 magnets on standby. I burned through 15 cubes this morning desperately trying to get a Long Superior Tech hallway. That probably wasn't necessary but i was NOT going to fail another run when I was so close.
And as of last night, I have, for the first time ever, caught EVERY mouse in the game. !! I snagged the Minotaur mouse with ease (maybe it was the Regal charms?) and wrapped up my primary MHing goal of catching all of the mice.
So now my immediate focus is two-fold.
~Continue to prep for the egg hunt (I'm good in the Fungal Cavern, but Laby/Zokor needs some work)
~Work towards the Base and Traps from the Minotaur.
Oh and my treasure map group bagged the last mouse this morning (way to go Sis!) so that's done. We opted to go with a Labyrinth treasure map because none of us wanted to overlap a Rainbow map with the upcoming CNY/Valentines event. Plus we all want to progress in the game. While those Rainbow maps are fun, they're awfully involved! I'm glad we were only allowed one per person.
And on a final note, I took a look at the King's Calibrator again and noticed something I hadn't before... if I update Gifts, I can claim 12 a day (don't care) and send out 20!! So I did that and now I can send every one of my active playing friends a gift every day.
^^ I'm guessing Rainbow Maps are going to be an occasional fixture to events and giveaways..like maybe once every few months you collect one. I'm glad that they aren't maxed out at 1, which means that I can leave mine unopened and not worry about wasting a potential opportunity to grab one later on.
We're getting close to being done with ours; we have like 10 mice left? All the "pesky" ones left where you have to hunt for like a day and maybe catch one mouse, lol. It's been fun bouncing around the region and catching mice even if it is slightly wrecking my Easter prep haha.
Congratulations, f_k!
Three years and some months ago I was buying only 40 pieces of Brie at a time, as that was all I was sure I could afford before earning more gold with that cheese.
This month I'm reckoning how many million gold I can earn per week ...
I've passed 29 mil now, and I'll stick with my decision not to buy the SoS until I have another 10 mil in my inventory. I don't want to have to wait for more gold when I reach the other goods I need for obtaining the ELT
I'm on a Tech run in the Laby at the moment. Hoping to make it a boss run, but we'll see how it goes. I've caught the Scholar boss, but not the two others. Some way to go before getting the ELT.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
^^ Those were the days, eh? I remember you started playing at a really weird time that made progression pretty lop-sided for you (you started during Event season right), so I can see how there would have been a huge difference in your points and gold. For me, I started playing earlier in the year so I had a few months to play "normal" at my own place so I never remember being incredibly strapped for cash.
Working on my first Retired Minotaur run these last few days, and I had a heart attack this morning when I was 5 Fealty clues away from getting my 30/30/30 and I picked the wrong door by accident. >_< Had some really nail-biters of hunts while I worked through that hallway and hoped I wouldn't have to compass the heck out of my run; ended up arming TACKY GLUE!!! at the end to make sure that I got a guaranteed Dead End clue over catching a two-clue mouse and getting to 100 clues before I could finish my Fealty hall; it was THAT close. I never want to do that again, haha.
Anyway, I'm on my last Fealty hall now and I should be in the Lair of the Minotaur by tomorrow morning at the latest! Woo hoo!
I'm glad that they aren't maxed out at 1, which means that I can leave mine unopened and not worry about wasting a potential opportunity to grab one later on.
Oh, yeah, definitely. I was thinking more along the lines of always getting invites to maps and never being able to finish them because they're so huge and other events would come up (or new areas with maps that give you rewards for said areas). Which makes me wonder... will they update those rainbow maps for when new areas open? HMm....
This month I'm reckoning how many million gold I can earn per week ...
The last time I remember not being able to afford something and having to borrow money was when Ronza brought the Chrome Monstrobot kit upgrade. Kind of crazy how that happens.
A bit early, but congrats on your first minotaur Gymmie! I've caught two so far and haven't had any trap loot drops, so hopefully you'll get one.
As to your scare, if it makes you feel any better, my first two attempts were failures. I didn't have enough supplies to buy the cubes and magnets I needed. The GWH kind of fixed that.
Personal progress report and goals:
~ 2/6 shiny gold for the base
~ 0/3 Zokor traps
~ 4/6 Laby theme scraps (need treasury and farming)
~ 4/9 Relic Hunter theme scraps
~ I actually have all of the supplies needed to buy the Fungal Garden theme scraps, but I'm holding off on buying it until after the egg hunt
Yeah, no trap part drops, but I've got to catch him six times at least before I get the base, so I've got awhile to go. It's not like I desperately need the trap upgrades at the moment so I'm okay with waiting. It *would* have been nice if the first catch was a guaranteed drop ala Warmonger but I guess they figure us Duchess level hunters don't need the help.
Working on my Tech 100+ run right now, and then after that I'll either keep going after keys or try for a Treasure/Farming run if it presents itself. I feel like getting a Farming 100+ run wouldn't be *horribly* hard (just a lot of compass magnets) but a Treasure run sounds awful, lol. Either way, I'm not going to stress it; I bet Ronza or some event brings something that increases the chance of a certain type of door or something. Hopefully. lol.
I feel like getting a Farming 100+ run wouldn't be *horribly* hard (just a lot of compass magnets) but a Treasure run sounds awful, lol.
Well, that happens to be what I'm attempting right now. I'll keep you posted. LOL
No, seriously, I've found that once you hit the 15 clue mark (and 60 in the case of the Fealty, Scholar, and Tech hallways) that the doors that come up are more likely to be in your favor. It's just that first treasure door through 15 clues that's tricky.
I finally got the Endless Labyrinth trap. I'm starting runs to try and recoup needed ingredients like nightshade. I still have 5 compass magnets and 9 shufflers cubes still. I figure this'll likely take me up through Easter with the occasional hunt elsewhere to farm stuff for Easter.
I feel like getting a Farming 100+ run wouldn't be *horribly* hard (just a lot of compass magnets) but a Treasure run sounds awful, lol.
I'll keep you posted.
I did it! And I think Stwin did as well. It wasn't too bad actually, though they were never nice enough to give me the correct door at the end of the hallway, but every time I used one shuffler's cube and every time I got a Long Superior hallway. So it wasn't too bad at all. I won't be doing another treasury run until the egg event though. I just don't need them and don't get anything worthwhile out of them at the moment. The fact that you get Fungal Cavern loot off of the Molten Midas is rather baffling to me.
Anyways, I just need a 100+ Farming run to get the theme.
I actually listened to FBF this morning and it was the longest non-art FBF ever I think. Ironically, there wasn't THAT much news.
~The CNY/Valentine's event starts next week. Same cruise event and the Hollowed Heights can be seen in the distance on the cruise.
~Mousehunt's 8th birthday will see the return of the cupcake event. It was very popular last year so they're bringing it back.
~This year for the Egg Hunt there will be less Chocolate Factory and more plain ol' egg hunting.
~The next permanent content is the Furoma Rift, which is what they're mostly working on.
~Lots of mobile updates coming up since so many MHers play the game on there. They're hoping to get all of the areas fully function on the app. Particularly the Crystal Library and the Gnawnian Express.
~They're still not happy with how the Toxic Spill is working, so they're trying to figure out what to do with it. I think it's fine. It makes me think of an updated Digby Dirt Dweller area. Not required, but you get lots of nice bonus loot if you take the time to join in.
I can't think of any other news right now, but there's always the summary on the forum.