I'm in the same boat. I need nightshade as well.
Sorry. Grand Arcanum Trap.
Well, I may actually get a decent Tech run this time. Onward!
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
We I didn't make it to the Tech boss, so my current status in getting the trap stands here....
Blueprints 1/1
Tech Power Core 97/150
Scholar Scroll 186/150
Plate of Fealty 85/150
Infused Plate 1/1
Powercore Hammer 0/1
Sacred Script 1/1
So I think I'm gonna throw everything I have left at this Tech run to get the hammer, which means my numbers will go down a bit as I will likely buy shufflers cubes, and if needed, magnets. But I plan on keeping the scholar scrolls above 150 because I don't want to do another run there before I get the trap.
Tech boss officially defeated. So I have all three of the boss item drops, I only need 81 more Plates of Fealty to get the trap.
I also learned (and thought I should pass the info on) that if you manage to get 50+ clues towards the farming area, it's definitely worth it. My husband made it in there this weekend and had about 50-60 nightshade drops.
That's good to hear, FK, because I have exactly 50 Farming clues and I'm on my last hallway.
After this, I'll probably do my best to get either a 50+ Treasury or 80+ Scholar run as I'm shortest on Scholar loot and would like to hit at least one boss before the Halloween event.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
We've been working on a Labyrinth/Zokar map and it's taken quite awhile. I think I've hit upon a few thoughts that may help for future runs at a map.
1) Have enough lantern oil in reserve for at least one run at a boss mouse.
2) Everyone make a treasure run 1st to stock up on shuffler cubes and lantern oil.
3) Split up duties and maybe, based on clues the individual members have, break up the boss mice.
4) Do one or more of the tournaments while you are working on the map.
Just a few thoughts on it.
Well, this is the first time ever we've been able to do an area map with a new release. It's going to take a while as we're building up our reserves to even begin to make a run at the bosses and other high level mice. I mean, can you imagine having a Sunken City map with a Tritus on it when we were first starting out there? It took days to farm a paltry amount of oxygen and then days more to even get out of the first 2,000m. Now we can do the latter in four hunts (go water jet charms!).
So I don't think another map will go as slowly as this one will. My bigger concern was finishing in time for the halloween maps. I wasn't about to leave this one. But I THINK I will be able to finish it up today, and if not today, perhaps tomorrow.
Have enough lantern oil in reserve for at least one run at a boss mouse.
Definitely. This is key to getting there.
Everyone make a treasure run 1st to stock up on shuffler cubes and lantern oil.
I haven't had much DLU in regards to treasure areas yet. I'm hoping after I get my trap...?
Split up duties and maybe, based on clues the individual members have, break up the boss mice.
Yeah, I think everybody did a Fealty run first and then nobody needed the Plates of Fealty. I caught the Paladin Weapon Master the day before they released the maps.
Do one or more of the tournaments while you are working on the map.
A definite bonus. But most of us have become so busy anymore that it's hard to set one up. I can try to do better though on the days I'm around.
Crossing my fingers for my Endless Labyrinth Trap today. Either today or tomorrow.
One does not choose a Treasure run; a Treasure run chooses you. I did two back to back and both times I was trying to get into the Farming district of Zokor to stock up on Nightshade so clearly the Labyrinth had other plans, lol.
This current run was also supposed to be a Farming run and I'm having such DLU that I think I may be making a run at the Tech Boss without realizing it...amazing considering what AWFUL time I was having of scraping together a Tech run before this. Like, I seriously retreated at least five times before I finally gave up (and got a Treasure run instead).
Of course the problem with this Tech run is that I am fresh out of Lantern Oil, but I'll figure it out as I go...
Well, my Scholar run was a bust by one little catch. Oh well.
I'm doing Fealty/Treasure this time around. I think I'll try to push for Treasure if I can. It seems that having an abundance of loot to throw at cubes, compasses, and lantern oil will help a run succeed. Having GG would help, too, but my luck with Farming isn't that hot either. :/
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
My to-do list of the labyrinth area just got a little shorter.
~Buy the Labyrinth Base .... Check
~Craft the Endless Labyrinth Trap .... Check
~Craft the Minotaur Key .... 1/3 parts done
~Catch the Retired Minotaur
~Craft the Event Horizon Trap
~Craft the Temporal Turbine Trap
~Craft the Infinite Labyrinth Trap
~Craft the Minotaur Base
All of a sudden I feel like I'm back in the Fiery Warpath. This just feels like it'll take a long time.
The thing that's telling me this will be a long haul ... is that to obtain all the traps, bases, and other equipment associated with this new area, we'll need 33.5 million gold. At minimum.
More than that. I already have the Labyrinth Base and Endless Labyrinth Trap. I put together a spreadsheet for myself and the remaining three traps and one base will require 35.6mil gold.
I'm not sure how I'm ever going to break 80 clues to get the boss mice, much less the 100+ that are supposedly necessary for the theme scraps.
Missed this when you originally posted. Good to note.
I'm about to do my first farming run in Zokor. I currently have 55 clues with 5 more hunts to go.
The thing that's telling me this will be a long haul ... is that to obtain all the traps, bases, and other equipment associated with this new area, we'll need 33.5 million gold. At minimum.
More than that. I already have the Labyrinth Base and Endless Labyrinth Trap. I put together a spreadsheet for myself and the remaining three traps and one base will require 35.6mil gold.
I also need 29 mil for the SoS trap - plus some Rift, at least the Fissure Base ...
And I'm not playing actively, so I don't know how best to play the Labyrinth - I collect oil because I don't know the best way to use it. I don't have any Cubes or Magnets, and I don't really know how they work either.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well, I got my first area boss, almost by accident as I was NOT planning on doing a Tech Boss run but I had great DLU. I'm guessing with a little more careful planning and strategy, I could have had a shot at the 100+...I should have thought about it more, but oh well. I DID get a Long Epic hall at the end which MIGHT have put me over but I decided to conserve oil and GG. Didn't think about the theme scrap. Oh well; next time!
Now I'm fresh out of I need a Farming run and stat.
Something of an oddity here, I'm trying to figure out why I have three Paladin Weapon masters vs one of the other two sub-bosses, but I don't have that many plates of fealty. ?? Not sure how that happened. Anyways, Tech area next (or farming or treasure).
I was quite surprised they didn't open the Halloween area today. I thought for sure it was coming. I betcha tomorrow it'll open up. I'm looking forward to catching as many Mousotaur mice as possible. I just looked and I have 24 extra spooky charms.
35 nightshade
Up to 74 lantern oil (I'm pretty sure I had at least 20 something at the start)
49 gourd charms
1 shadow charm (just because)
25 ultimate power charms
Over 200 pieces of SB...
Came out well this time around. I also picked up a few pieces of GG cheese. I'm heading back to the labyrinth and I'll just stock up on cheeses in what time is left.
Between recent GG ingredients, a farming run, what I had before, and the event I'm up to 254 piece of GG. That should be enough for at least one run at a boss mouse correct?
Edit: Apparently the next item on the list is a pollution spill.