This area has obviously been designed to last until next spring, kind of like the Living Gardens were when they first came out.
Due to the extreme busyness in my life right now, I have done an excellent job at avoiding spoilers with this release. I Haven't even read the news post yet. It's kind of fun feeling my way through and I have no idea what I'm doing. Just like old times.
I"m about to hit 15 Fealty points so I'll be interested to see what "better exits" are available.
Well, this is going to take a while. I'm okay with that, though. If I get bored or frustrated, I have Egg Hunt prep I can work on.
I'm closing in on my first visit to Zokor. I'm not planning to spend loot on oil, magnets, or shufflers. I think I'll take what comes, even if it's not the best (like my current 50% dead end clue run).
The current plan is to make one run through each of the three main factions and then try to build up to a boss mouse of each if I don't get one on the first try. Then I'll aim for the minotaur. This will probably take me 3-4 weeks minimum given the time it's taken for this first run. That's also not including any time I'll need to farm GG (again).
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I won't go to the Labyrinth until I've got the Crystal Crucible Trap - I caught the Crystal Behemoth mouse yesterday with my one and only piece of Diamond cheese, and I've got the Diamonds and Gemstones that I need, so all I still need are just under 500 Minerals.
And it's going to take two thirds of the 9 mil gold I had farmed towards the SoS trap. Seems that Hydro will get a bit on the back burner for a while - I also want to get the Fissure Base from the Rift, and that will take some gold as well. (I mustn't forget that I'm on the edge of a treasure zone in Sunken City, which will give me some gold back )
I'm reading about the Labyrinth, though, and it seems to be one of the most interesting areas MH has had for a long time. As soon as I get the CC trap, I want to try it, although I really need an even better base - fancy the Rift Base being something we pass over because it's sub par
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
My first few runs through the Labyrinth and Zokor have gone fairly well. I finally broke 50 clues on this run (Scholar) but unfortunately I'm still 1 Tech loot short of getting the Labyrinth Base. :/
I'm not sure how I'm ever going to break 80 clues to get the boss mice, much less the 100+ that are supposedly necessary for the theme scraps.
Anyway, here's hoping I can either get a lot of Farming/Treasury clues on this next run or that I can manage my hunts better for the top tier of one of the three basic areas.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I have 82 clues for my first Labyrinth run, haven't been to Zokor yet. I don't really know yet how everything works, but I'm still enjoying it. Oh, and those 82 clues are 15 Fealty, 11 Treasury, 17 Farming and 39 Dead End. Doesn't look all that good - we'll see what it means for Zokor hunting eventually ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
@Varna, At first I thought you were saying you had 82 clues in one category and my jaw was on the floor. "Wow! She's good!"
Well, I've been playing rather passively as I was on vacation in Colorado, despite that, I think I did pretty well...
18 Plate of Fealty; 58 Tech Power Core; 24 Scholar Scroll
I managed to get enough oil in my first two runs through the fealty and scholar areas that I was able to get into the 50+ clue level of the Tech area.
Now that I'm back and I think I know what I'm doing, I'm ready to take this area by storm.
So who all has their Labyrinth Base? I'm expecting it to get it within a week. Just need another Fealty and Scholar area. I really wish I had gotten one more scroll and then I could have skipped an additional Scholar area run.
I haven't got the base yet. I'm missing 1 more Tech core, and it really bothers me that I'm having to do another Tech run that isn't letting me do a Tech run (stupid doors) in order to get the base. But oh well.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
8:06 pm - Labyrinth
I exited the maze and emerged into the Treasure Room.
While I was in the maze, I found:
• 15 Fealty Clues
• 50 Dead End Clues
• 20 Farming Clues
• 17 Treasury Clues
The clues I found for the Treasure Room helped me learn as much as I could about the best hiding spots in this district.
I will have 17 Stealth while in the city, allowing me to evade the guards for some time.
I do not know what I'm doing. I haven't done my first hunt in the Treasure Room yet. I could have gone through the Farming door and got 20 stealth, but I guess that if I can go to a Treasure Room, that's better.
We'll see.
@ fantasia_kitty
No, not all that good
Quite good after all!
17 Stealth in the Treasure Room gave me 25 of each loot, enough to buy the Labyrinth Base after my very first run of Zokor!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'm probably going to be pretty behind on this area; life is going to be very crazy for the next two months and I don't have a lot of time to manage the hallways. I'll just take it as it comes and make what progress I can.
I'm working my way through my third run of the Labyrinth. First run, I randomly picked doors. Ended up in the Fealty district. Second time through, I tried to be a bit more organized. Ended up in the treasure district. Got my base. This time I'm trying to get into the scholar district. Not quite sure I'll make it or not.
So the most organized way to do this appears to be picking "like" doors. I still don't have the whole clues thing figured out other than if you get a certain amount, it increases the chances of getting into that district. Am I missing anything on that?
I dread my running out of valentine's charms. The attraction on the base is lousy.
So the most organized way to do this appears to be picking "like" doors.
Yeah, you want to do the best you can at building up the most clues/hunts in the area you want to go into. For every white dot you hit on that popup, you unlock a new area or harder version of the area.
I dread my running out of valentine's charms. The attraction on the base is lousy.
Meh, you're not penalized here for FTAs, just FTCs.
So I actually hit 88 clues for the Fealty area and got into the Templar's Sanctum. Man is this area hard. For every FTC, I lose 3 hunts, and I have to catch 20 guards/mice to even attract the Paladin Weapon Master. I'm basically throwing everything I have at it and I SHOULD get it, but whew, it's gonna be close. I'm gonna need to restock on supplies after this. I've even been toying with the idea of doing a treasure map here and there to help keep my ancient charms stocked up.
Next step after this though is going to be a farming area. I need more Nightshade. I've been hunting in the FC overnight when I'm close to choosing a door. I don't want to waste hunts.
I noticed there are a handful of Retired Minotaur catches already. I have to wonder how much cash people shell out trying to be the first one to snag that mouse.
I'm having a miserable time farming nightshade lately. Any suggestions for the farming area?
I wasn't catching hardly anything without upping the attraction.
Just snagged the Soul Binder mouse, so I can check off the Scholar area and the Fealty area.
But I am pretty much out of Nightshade. I've been moving to the Fungal Cavern overnight to restock, but it's a slow way to do it. I need to do a Farming door in the maze but when i actually want to go to a farming area, they don't give me the correct selection at maze intersections.
I've also had very poor luck with Treasure areas. Every time i get into one i catch maybe 3 mice at most, and burn all of my resources (literally, lantern oil) to no avail.
Anyways, I'll see what I get for the next areas. I need the Tech stuff, and I need Farming stuff and a treasure area wouldn't hurt. My goal is to get the Endless Labyrinth Trap before Halloween. I think I can do it easily, but we'll see. I have 105 Plates, 21 Power Cores, and (currently) 113 Scrolls. I'll need 150 of each for the trap.
The GAT seems to do better in Farming areas, kat.
FK, I'm doubtful of being able to get even 1 boss before Halloween at this point. I've not had the best luck at all. I'm currently trying to get either a Farming or a Tech run going. We'll see which it is.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Next step after this though is going to be a farming area. I need more Nightshade.
I need more Nightshade, too. I've got some, and used it for cheese as soon as I could. At the moment I've got 415 Fungus and 0 Nightshade. Unbalanced, anyone?
i find that it's possible to play passively, but it's rather slow. I think it's more fun than many other passive areas, though. I use Gouda and cheap or no charms, and take what I get. For the first time (it's only my third run) I have more than 50 clues of the same kind (Tech), which should take me to an area with stronger mice in Zokor.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)