Squee, I have to say I am itching with anticipation for the new treasure maps. FBF this past weekend was mainly demos of the new chests and maps, and the rewards look REALLY nice...basically all the loot is organized by type, so you'll get Warpath stuff from Warpath maps, SC stuff from SC maps, etc. So you can still rack up a hefty amount of area specific loot as you wish; you just have to be on the right kind of map.
And they've upgraded the "Relic Hunter" loot as well...there are Super and Extreme Ancient charms, and a new charm that I have no idea what it's for, lol. The devs did a mass open of a bunch of new common Arduous maps (like 100 of them at once) and the loot was so pretty and huge, lol. I think all of us *wish* we could do a mass open like that but we don't have the patience lol.
I now have enough Crystal Crucibles to get the trap for the cavern, but I still have to gather enough of the rest of the required ingredients. So hopefully soon. After that, I'm going to take a break and go back to some place I can farm some serious gold consistently. Maybe furoma. I've got a bunch of OG. Or the WRift. I don't know that I will buy the trap right away or hold off for a bit, but I want to get all the pieces needed so all I have to do is go and get it.
So, I decided to go after the Relic Hunter for awhile so I can lay in a couple regular treasure maps so I'll be good to go once the new update goes through, and to also loot a few LG maps before they get more "expensive" (in terms of Relics=maps). I have a really decent amount of Relics so I'm not worried about "using them up"; if I'm ever feeling poor I can just jet to a Trench or Lair in the SC and restock there.
I learned an important lesson the hard way, and I figured I'd better share in the hopes I can help other people.
Under no circumstances should you ever buy Gemstone Charms from the General Store to progress in the area. They will get you far fewer gems than if you just use the same amount of minerals to craft cheese. I definitely slowed myself down buying them, and while I figured it out fairly quickly, it would have been a lot faster if I had just looked up the drop rate of gemstones from mineral cheese.
But that's how I roll lol. I don't even know if it's worth the investment to sell them on the marketplace.
Diamond Boost Charms are a different matter entirely.
Thank you for letting us know, fk - it's important information ...
I'm hunting in BRift, green zone, with my new MCL The catch rate with Terre Ricotta cheese is very nice, and so is the accumulation of gold.
I reached 16 mil gold at the same time as I reached 50 Rift Circuitry, but I was still above 9 mil after buying the trap - and now I'm well over 10 mil again.
My next major purchase will be the Fissure Base, but as you say, fk,
... you will easily make the gold to buy the traps while hunting for the supplies for them.
As I have to hunt in WWRift for 4 Widow's Webs, this should be good for gold as well.
And I'm not nearly broke, although 10 mil would not be a lot to meet a certain flying saleswoman with - but it doesn't look as if she would suddenly turn up any day now either. And I'll risk it
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Diamond Boost Charms are a different matter entirely.
Buying/using or selling them? Cuz those suckers are still going for about 1mil a pop and I already have my CCT; You bet that I am going to craft as many as I can as long as they are still selling. To me, 1mil for 1 Crystal Crucible is a no-brainer. And it doesn't take long to earn back 100 Minerals.
But again, I already have my trap and I'm in no rush to get the journal theme. So take this advice at your own discretion, lol.
Theory tested and at least proven for now..
I was hunting with my cupcake trap and getting nightshade like nuts. Almost no fungi.
Switched over to my hydro trap and I'm getting fungi with the occasional nightshade.
So apparently, hydro is good for farming fungi and forgotten for nightshade.
Diamond Boost Charms are a different matter entirely.
Buying/using or selling them? Cuz those suckers are still going for about 1mil a pop and I already have my CCT; You bet that I am going to craft as many as I can as long as they are still selling. To me, 1mil for 1 Crystal Crucible is a no-brainer. And it doesn't take long to earn back 100 Minerals.
But again, I already have my trap and I'm in no rush to get the journal theme. So take this advice at your own discretion, lol.
Yeah, I saw your previous post on how much those are selling for, but since I wanted the journal theme, i'd just been using them.
However, this area isn't getting me hardly any profit ... at all. So I may need to sell my charms, and return to the WWRift where I do make a lot of gold or else I will be in trouble when Ronza comes.
FBF was yesterday...wasn't very long, but they gave some more detailed info on the Treasure Map update which should go through early next week. https://www.mousehuntgame.com/forum/sho ... ost1266329
They also talked about an update that they're working on for the Toxic Spill, and some mobile stuff. Also, our first hint at the Labyrinth!
Currently, I'm hunting the Relic Tracker a bit...figured it wouldn't hurt to get a supply of Treasure Scrolls in hand so I'm ready to go when the update pushes through, and I also wanted to get some LG scrolls while they're still one-for-one with the Ancient Relics. Starting next week they'll be more "expensive" in terms of Relics, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to get some while they're still "cheap".
ETA: I feel really stupid...I've been hunting for a Yeti mouse in the Slushy Shoreline off and on for awhile for a M400 assignment, and I JUST figured out that you can't attract him unless you arm Softserve charms. Doh.
I have 30 Treasure Map Scroll Cases lying around, which will change their name to Relic Hunter Scroll Cases next week. (I also have quite a few event scroll cases, but they don't count right now.) No LG scroll cases, though.
I guess that even more planning will be useful for buying the new area-specific scrolls - planning who wants to join for a map for an area even before buying a scroll for it seems to be a good idea.
But I also guess that doing ordinary Relic Hunter Maps to get the new Season 3 trap will be first priority
They even showed us a list of all the possible mice for each of the maps - on the http://www.hitgrab.com/map-mice.html page. I don't know whether they may still change it, they did ask for feedback, so perhaps the list is not final - especially the list of mice that do not appear on any map (like Drheller and Eclipse).
I only need 10 more Crude Pollutinum to fill up my large barrel. But since the Spill is the best place for ranking up, I guess I'll stay at least until I become Grand Duchess - I'm 99% Duchess now
And I became Grand Duchess before I had filled up my barrel
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
That's nice that they took the Drheller out (he used to be in, right? Or am I hallucinating). He's a bit of a massive pain.
The BW; I don't find so difficult considering that you can go after her with non-SB+ cheese in the Lagoon. I'm a lot warier of true SB+-only mice like the Nibbler. I know that after the Fungal Cavern; I'm a bit cleaned out of SB+ so I'll be hesitant to drop any on a mouse for awhile.
Drheller used to be in. I went for my first Drheller for a treasure map - and had tons of DLU and got him easily. I didn't catch a second one during the Egg Hunt, though, and I won't try again until the next Egg Hunt.
He's a pain indeed.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well I don't know about you all, but I'm loving the new treasure maps. Granted, I loved them to begin with, but having the new mice added is a nice change.
And I also appreciate all of you letting me mooch spots off of your maps because I never did go farm more.
Yeah, I love the new variety and also all the cool new lootz. I'm on the Gnawnian Express for the first time in, oh, who the heck knows. It's been forever. I know I could have caught time mice I needed at the Station, but I still have a few trap parts I need to pick up for my last Train trap, so I figured, might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I'm really enjoying the new maps as well. I want to check out some of the area-specific maps soon, but I also want to get that shiny new journal theme, so I may be a while getting to those.
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