I still have 12 of this year's eggs to catch, plus 7 eggs from earlier years (but out of those I'll ignore Aether, Chrono and Drheller).
I've got all the Living Garden eggs now, but I'm still hunting there to work towards the Rift Base. Currently I'm trying to get 35 Lunaria to go for the Twisted Carmine (where the first will also finish a Treasure map), and even before that I have 2 Gur Essences.
But there's so much fun elsewhere during the egg hunt that I won't stay put in LG. I've got a Tier 7 potion that I want to use while the event still lasts, and then there are the Rift areas.
I did very well in Sunken City - I went through that Oxygen Stream with EACs and got 4 Oxygen eggs and 13 Bubbling eggs.
When I've done more Rift hunting, I'll go back to SC as well ...
With all the charms I need to use for the LG minigames, and with so much passive playing this year, I haven't done any charge cycling yet - and I don't know whether I'll do any at all.
The High Charge eggs were far more important as a source of gold during my first SEH, where I didn't have access to any good gold areas other than Furoma. I think I tripled my amount of gold during that event. I make a million gold much faster now than then
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
My very first Tier 8 potion
Last year my six pieces of Tier 7 cheese didn't give me such a potion - I caught 5 or 6 mice, but none of them dropped it. This year one of them did!
I guess I have more than 95% chance of catching my first Eclipse then At the moment I'm not playing via Facebook, so I'll leave that final hunt until I'm able to share again
The new Stale Cupcake Golem Trap from the birthday event is the recommended weapon, and Eggstra charms are recommended, too.
I'm less than 1mil points away from the requirement to use the SoS trap (which I'm miles away from buying), and quite close to 20 mil gold (which still is far away from what I need, even without Ronza expectations). The Eclipse will be a good help
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I haven't done a review of a FBF in a while but there's enough good stuff from today's FBF that it's worth paraphrasing here.
~Toxic Spill coming soon... looks like maybe... 11am-ish CDT on Monday? (If my math is correct.)
~New expansion to the Sandtail Desert coming soon. They were finishing up the last bit of artwork today and will start playtesting on Monday. Will have an underground theme. 30+ new mice. Return to passive playing with lots of crafting stuff.
~Overhaul to treasure maps. Collecting lots of feedback on the forum and will try to improve them. One thing they mentioned is a way to select which type of map you get.
~A brand new thing, i believe they called it an adventure book? That's more or less a walk-through through the game. More for new users, but also for people who finish up something and forget where they were and what they need to do next.
~Expansions that use Law and Forgotten type-traps.
Ooh! New area spoilers!
I'm still in the Sunken City for now. I have only had 1 deep Predator area, and I'm out of UPCs so I'm not sure what my best Tritus setup would be. At any rate, I'm still missing his egg, but that's the only one from this area. I might go visit one of the Rift areas before the event finishes, but for now I think I'm sticking with the SC since the Treasure eggs are nice and I'd rather keep trying for Tritus anyway.
I'm down to the Chrono, Dhreller, Magmatic Golem, Mystic King, Null Rift, and Tritus eggs, so my goal of being closer to done than at the start of the event is accomplished.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Congrats Gymmie on finishing up your eggs. I think the Bubbling Egg is the hardest one to get this year. My husband is still working on it after using well over 1000 o2.
Congrats on your first T8 potion Varna. I haven't looked, but I assume you snagged the Eclipse.
stwin, I've found that the MH forum peoples were right, if you have extra Empowered Anchor Charms, they work really well in the predator areas too. You've got some tough eggs left to get.
Well, I am in the Toxic Spill collecting my crude pollutinum. I've also been getting a few more King's Crowns on mice. I just joined one of Wren's maps so I'll work on that too. Ready for the next new area.
Okay. I'll definitely arm those next time I get a Predator area.
I haven't had too much trouble with the Bubbling Egg, but I've had 3 or 4 O2 streams this dive, which is very high for me. The toughest egg to get dropped (for me) has been the Sunken Treasure Egg. I went through several treasure areas before I got that one.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I'm down to needing:
Living Salt
Magmatic Golem
I'm on the third warpath level, so I'm doubtful I will get that one. Not planning on the Golem either. Hoping for the Living Salt today or tonight. I'll likely go to the spill and set up there for a couple of days. Then go back to the sunken city. I need predatory processors or another 1500 sand dollars or a LOT of gold.
I did finally get my MBW at the Wrift thanks to advice from st and fantasia. I picked up the first of the bases. I need to go back and get another couple of MBW so I can upgrade the base. I'm trying not to spend too much gold. I'm at 28mil and I'd like to hold onto as much as I can in case Ronza comes.
The Spill was nice; I was able to get the two Grand Duke mice I was missing, so now the only Toxic Spill mouse I lack is the Arch Duke one. It will be a long time before I will be eligible to snag him.
Still working on the Wrift and Sunken City. Haven't done much charging of the Eggscavator because I keep running into charm-necessary areas, but I will probably start charging soon because the gold and loot is pretty nice. And I need gold right now anyway, for my Shark traps.
Congrats on your first T8 potion Varna.
I haven't looked, but I assume you snagged the Eclipse.
Yes, I snagged him easily and got some great charms from his (Eggstra) eggs
Now I've finally got the last cheese ingredient from WWRift and have crafted 4 pieces of LL cheese. What's that piece of advice that I might also need for catching the Monstrous BW? Will I have time to catch her during the event - now with the Spill and everything?
I'd like to go back to the Sunken City too, and I'm somewhere in the middle of 35 Lunaria, so there are some Twisted Carmines calling for me as well. I've caught 2 so far in this run, one to finish a treasure map and one to start another. Still a long way to go to the Rift Base - I'll probably be able to get the Fracture Base first.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
FK has a pretty good strategy for the MBW that I've used the last two times I've gone after her, and it's worked pretty well so far. It maximizes charm usage by not arming charms until AFTER one area is raging (that way you get double rage on every area, not a mix or singles).
For Kat: My personal WWRift strategy (everybody, feel free to offer your own suggestions
Ok, so I'm not 100% sure how many charms I use, mostly because it varies based on how lucky I am with mice attraction/catches, but my MBW runs go like this...
I start out by just catching any and all mice until one area reaches 25. At that point, I arm the charms for the area that's next closest to 25. (So say, CC - 10; GGT - 25; DL - 19, then I arm the charms for the DL.) Once that area hits 25, then I arm charms for the last area. Once they're all at 25, I disarm all charms and let the areas build up until one gets to 47 or so. Then I rinse and repeat the above until they're all even. At that point, I take charms off and let one go to 50. Then I arm my LLC, some uber charm, and snag a MBW.
This isn't the best passive hunting area when you're going for the MBW, so if you can't monitor your levels, it's best to go hunt somewhere else so you don't accidentally catch a sub-boss and reset your rage (I almost did that one night.)
I would say you definitely have enough time to catch her during the event. It shouldn't take you more than 2-3 days; actually it should be significantly less than that but it will depend on how many charms you have and how good your setup is.
I hadn't heard that the event is ending anytime soon; I suspect it will not end until the Spill is finished or close to finished, so it should be at least a week longer.
Finishing up a Treasure section in the SC, and then I think I'm going to the Spill to cycle Charge charms.
Sounds like a very economical way of using the charms. Thank you both! I'll try that (I have the Focused Laser trap and the Tidal base, and quite a few charms from various Rift eggs.)
I'll go there when I can hunt actively, and then run off elsewhere when I need to go passive for a while.
I've been at the Spill since I was admitted (I'm a mere Duchess, you know, unlike some of you ), and I'm less than twenty Soapy Suds away from the Washboard Base - I already have the Blueprints.
And I have a Monster Trench somewhere ahead of me in Sunken City - that's another section I want to explore while the event lasts
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I had to use some charms before reaching 25 rage, because that was the best level for catching the charm specific mice, whom I hadn't caught earlier, and who all were carrying eggs. 3 new mice and 3 eggs to tick off from my lists
Now I'm at CC - 25; GGT - 31; DL - 29, and the areas with least rage are those where I have most charms. Then to get one area up to 47 - and then hunting more actively for the next part.
Sunken City in between - I'm in a Monster Trench and hoping for a Tritus egg!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well, I've spent a lot more time in the SC this year than I had intended, but I'm still holding out for the Tritus egg. I've had no luck with it in the Monster Trenches I've had, but there's a Lair of the Ancients (my first! ) coming up, so maybe it'll happen.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
^^ Sweet! I know the temptation will be to use your most powerful charms in the LotA, but it affects the catch rate so marginally that EAC's are always better. With a whole zone of just Tritus or AotD catches, you should have enough shots at them to catch at least once apiece.
Still working on charging...I'm staying strictly in the High charge zone (no charging down to medium to earn more MM like years past) and I'm STILL barely putting a dent in my Charge charms. I suspect the event will end before I run out of charms.
That must be nice Gymmie. I used all of the charge charms I'm going to use this year, so I'm saving the rest of them (More importantly the cheese) for next year.
Well, I am officially ready for the next new area. I'm just farming gold at the moment and working on a big treasure map when I need something different to do.