^^Yeah... saw DiGs's post on FB. Goodie....
I started off in the Sunken City but then quickly realized that getting the eggs in that area is going to take FOREVER (Unless you're DiGs and you already have all of the hardest eggs ). So I decided to switch tactics and hit up the WWRift. I got lucky and snagged the Gilded Leaf Egg right off the bat, as well as Enlarged Rift Egg and the Rift Venom Egg. I still have more Taunting charms to use up on some MBWs
but I had to run errands so I switched to the BRift where I can hunt more passively. I'm guessing that this area won't take too long to finish up.
Well, I snagged the Deep Mouse and then headed to the Tower to catch my Mystic King. I thought I'd pop in and do a Mystic run without a thought. Instead, I have a potential double run on my hands. I'm up to the Queens. As long as I can get the MK Egg, I'll be happy, but it's been a while since I did a successful double run.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I FTCed my Drheller. Twice.
Now I need to attract a general again, and hope it will be him.
At least I'm in the right position, but it may take some time - and until I see which general I attract, it's not suited for passive playing.
In Sunken City I'm close to an Oxygen section, so I need active playing there as well - and I'm salting for King Grub in the Sand Crypts, so some activity is needed even there. I realised that there are quite a few of the LG eggs that I didn't get last year, so LG is a good area in more ways than one.
I could do more in Burroughs Rift, too, if I'm content with staying in the red or the yellow zone. At the moment I'm on Tier 4 in the Gauntlet and just got a Tier 5 potion. I have some even for Tier 6, but not enough for hours of passive playing ...
So I'm jumping around, and not doing charge cycling at all, not yet. Still, it's going to be fun - and I really hope for some of those Bubbling eggs!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Well, I caught a Technic Queen and King before I could even attract a Mystic King. Then I caught a Chessmaster. I guess I'll save the Mystic King for next time (again). I'm very frustrated, as I'm fairly certain this happened to me last year, too.
I'm hanging out in the Crystal Library for a few hours before a 24-hour train starts, during which I hope to catch my Magmatic Golem mouse.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Sorry for the rotten luck, everyone. I understand having frustrating setbacks...I remember last year (or was it the year before?) I had a similar bit of bad luck with the Tower and ONLY managed to finish it off because the event was extended so I had enough time to do another tower run.
I'm currently out of town all of this week, so I'm trying to hunt in the most passive area possible, which happens to be the Sunken City. Sunken Treasure Eggs are flipin' AMAZING (I've gotten over 17 Sand Dollars from ONE egg) so I am quite happy to hang out here for a good, long time and make some serious progress on my Rune traps. I'm only about 14k deep so I will probably try and jet soon so I can spend as much time hunting for an O2 stream as possible...I've only run across one before, so I know it might take me quite awhile.
Well, I didn't even attract a Magmatic Golem earlier. I have a few charms left, so I'll probably try to snag that egg again on Monday.
Currently, I'm trying for my BBB egg. Then I may focus on some of the new eggs.
I still have Dhreller, Chrono, BBB, Magmagic Golem, Cook, Garga, and Mystic King from previous years to get. I'll be happy if I'm at least no further behind at the end of this year than I was last year (so 9 eggs behind).
Edit: Snagged the BBB. Trying for a Garga now.
Edit 2: That's the Garga, so on to the Cook.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Well, I got some DLU (sorta) and have completed all of the Sunken City eggs except for the Salty Sea Egg, which is, in my not-so-humble opinion, entirely too rare. Has anyone else snagged it besides Kat?
Going to go onto the WWRift and finish up those eggs and then I'll come back later.
I still need the O2 egg and the bubble egg. I'm going to take a break tomorrowand go chase other eggs. I need to go chase the magmatic golem. Not sure I'll hit an O2 stream any time soon. Should I try resurfacing?
Edit: scratch that. Just found a deep O2 section on my hud. If I get this, I'll surface and go after the last sc egg. I hope!
Edit: Got that! Now all I need is the o2 egg. I'm going to stay down a little longer and try and get another bubbling egg before I surface.
Edit: Not resurfacing. I got lucky and got the o2 egg in the Deep Oxygen Stream. I'm heading off to the rift areas to hang out. I'm going to go after the magmatic golem egg tomorrow. Rift eggs for a bit and then I'll go after charge eggs. I wanted to wait until I got through with the areas where I had a lower catch rate before going after the charge eggs.
^^ I got a couple Salty Sea eggs overnight last night...maybe two drops? I have all the Sunken City eggs now...I have to say, Bubbling Eggs are DA BOMB. I didn't realize that each egg has at least one WJC inside; and I even got two out of one egg. Also Sunken Treasure eggs are amazing; I will probably try and spend as much time in the SC during Easter as much as possible because I will probably get enough Sand Dollars to buy both traps.
I'm working on the Brift and then the Wrift...still won't be home for a week so trying to do as much as I can while mobile.
I'll leave Drheller for next year - and after nearly a hundred hunts in Crystal Library, I'll also leave Aether for next year.
My CL hunting gave me the Crown Collector Egg, though! Which also ticks off Tournament Hall and Bazaar as finished
Currently I'm in Sunken City. I've got Mouse Scale and Barnacle so far - and I've just started on a 250m Oxygen Stream. I'll park there with EACs while I go offline.
Then there's Living Garden and the Rifts - and the King's Gauntlet and the train, if there's time for them. But I'll leave Chrono for next year.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'm down to just the Chrono, Dhreller, Mystic King, and Magmatic Golem eggs from previous years now. I'm trying for the MG again later today, and might go for the Chrono and/or Dhreller before the event is over. I'm currently in the SC with 4/10 area eggs. After today's train I'll either come back to the SC or head to one of the Rifts.
Edit: Well, still no luck with the Magmatic Golem. I'll just have to stockpile more charms next year.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Wow, and just like that, I'm done with all of the eggs! After having so much trouble with the last few, they suddenly came back to back to back. I don't think I did quite as well as last year, but the scoreboard has me as the 47th person to finish, which is still quite good.
(I'm currently showing in 19th, but they're ordered by player ID.)
Of course, the trouble now is that I'm not real sure where to hunt. What would be the most beneficial area moving forward? Dunno. Probably the WWRift for gold.
Or perhaps the better question should be, what's the most fun? And that would be a mix of WWRift and Sunken City. So I'll probably switch back and forth as well as peek in the Easter event to farm MM for charge charms.
I've cleared all of the WRift eggs now and all but the Null Egg in the BRift. I'm still cycling through trying to get that one, and then I'll head back to the SC to try finishing up the last 5 eggs there. I'll only attempt the Chrono and other past eggs again if I have time after the new ones.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Got my last egg yesterday! The MBW took me the longest because I had to hunt for the bait before I could try for her, but I got it done so now I'm back in the SC for the next while. Oh, and I got enough webs for my Fissure base so I'm done with the Wrift as well.
And on and on the grind goes underwater, lol. Still about 300 SD, 2 PP and 20mil short of my Shark traps lol.