As we were rollin' in the generous O2 and Calcified Rift Mist loot during this event, it crossed my mind that the Devs might be giving us a little boost for those areas (like how the Hothouse base is a boost for the LG) because they know there will be far bigger areas to concentrate on soon, lol. It would be my luck!
Yep. We know the next area will be in the sandtail desert and it's going to be another farming type, so I'm expecting one that will take some time to complete.
So... egg hunt next
I think I'm in pretty good shape. I'm on my last WWRift run to get in position to catch the boss mice/MBW. After this I might go far a small handful of treasure maps in case I need them for when they do their maps update. It may not be necessary, but hey, might as well be prepared. And then I'll hang out in the BRift because... I don't know what else to do.
^^ FK, howabout you farm Predatory Processors for us less fortunate folks? JK
Working my way through the Gauntlet...T4 Pot drops seem to be super low. I'm concerned that the amount that I'm netting will not be enough to get me a decent shot at T7, but we'll see. Theoretically, all you NEED is one piece of cheese per level but we all know that luck and odds do not typically work that way lol.
I'm working my way through the Gauntlet too. I tend to have patience only for 3 or 4 potions at a time - when I've got that, I convert it and go a level up and use it, and when I'm down to 10-15 pieces of cheese, I go down again to a lower level for more potions.
At the moment I'm down at Tier 2, farming Tier 3 potions with the new Festive Gauntlet Crusher. The drop rate isn't impressive, so it's a good thing to have double drops when something is dropped ... I have 58 Tier 2, 14 Tier 3, 24 Tier 4, 28 Tier 5 and 13 Tier 6 cheese.
I should charge up in Seasonal Gardens as well, and I thought of positioning myself for a Drheller in Iceberg - and the Living Garden eggs would probably be easier to get if I didn't start from the very beginning with the basic cheese. At least I have the LG traps.
There seems to be plenty to do for the rest of March - with the Egg Hunt possibly beginning in early April ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I would imagine the Easter event will start sometime next week, maybe Friday.
If you don't have the Dhreller Egg, definitely cycle for him now because it takes some people a LONG time and you will be dead in the water while you cycle; no catches, no points. I imagine you would like to spend as much time during Easter actually getting eggs or doing the Charge cycle.
I'm trying to remember how long it took me to cycle for Dhreller, but maybe a day, maybe two? I was pretty lucky it didn't take me longer.
I agree about next week, Friday or possibly even Thursday.
I got my (so far) only Drheller for a treasure map, so I still need his egg. I read all about how to set up for him, followed all the things to do and prepared for a long haul - and then caught him on first try
One of my most amazing instances of DLU in MouseHunt
I cannot expect that to happen again
Drheller cycling takes more activity, though - passive Gauntlet hunting has been the thing to do for now, but I hope to have a chance for some more active playing before the end of next week ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Finally got my focused crystal laser trap. I've ventured into the WRift. Just farming charm ingredients at this point. Not quite sure what I want to do for the easter egg hunt other than try and snag the magmatic golem.
Actually cycling for Dhreller only requires checking up on the horn every now and then. If you attract a Dhreller you'll get knocked back, and with your weak setup you won't catch anything so basically you'll be stuck but you won't be jeopardizing your Dhreller catch at all. As long as you don't mind risking a few pieces of cheese and wasted time, it's really pretty passive.
For Kat: My personal WWRift strategy (everybody, feel free to offer your own suggestions )
Ok, so I'm not 100% sure how many charms I use, mostly because it varies based on how lucky I am with mice attraction/catches, but my MBW runs go like this...
I start out by just catching any and all mice until one area reaches 25. At that point, I arm the charms for the area that's next closest to 25. (So say, CC - 10; GGT - 25; DL - 19, then I arm the charms for the DL.) Once that area hits 25, then I arm charms for the last area. Once they're all at 25, I disarm all charms and let the areas build up until one gets to 47 or so. Then I rinse and repeat the above until they're all even. At that point, I take charms off and let one go to 50. Then I arm my LLC, some uber charm, and snag a MBW.
This isn't the best passive hunting area when you're going for the MBW, so if you can't monitor your levels, it's best to go hunt somewhere else so you don't accidentally catch a sub-boss and reset your rage (I almost did that one night.)
If you attract a Dhreller you'll get knocked back, and with your weak setup you won't catch anything so basically you'll be stuck but you won't be jeopardizing your Dhreller catch at all.
But I'll be jeopardizing my Dhreller attraction. I don't want to miss him three times on trap checks and then have to wait for him to turn up again - at least not if he's so elusive as some forum posts seem to suggest.
He hasn't been that elusive to me, though. As I said, the first time I tried to cycle for him, he was the first general that turned up, and I could just catch him - and this evening he was the fourth general to turn up.
He has just pushed me back 6 feet, and I have left the Iceberg and won't go back until I've charged my Eggscavator (?) and am ready to go for his Egg. Preferably with an Eggstra charm armed.
In WWRift I found that passive playing was ok for going for one mini-boss at a time, not even worrying much about which one. I haven't done enough active playing there to be able to go for an MBW yet - but your strategy sounds good to me. I'll try it when I'm able to. I want at least one MBW for a Fracture Base soon (in case I don't want to spend gold on the Rift Base for a while).
At the moment I'm farming Dewthief petals in Living Garden. I was down to 1 before I started
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
^^ How would that jeapordize your Dhreller attraction? Once you attract a General (ANY General), it is the ONLY General you will attract for your next 3 hunts in the General zone. So if a Dhreller knocks you back, you'll be out of the General zone but he will still be there for two more hunts after you hunt back up, full stop; no exceptions. And since your trap setup is so weak, you won't hunt back up to the Dhreller until you get back online and realize that you've been knocked back into the previous zone.
Does that make sense?
Either way, congrats on your Dhreller attraction; nice to have him all lined up for Easter!
Thank you! I thought I would be back in the General zone and attract him and miss him and then attract and miss another general - but as you say, I'd miss the mice in the previous zone as well, and not get back to the General zone. So it does make sense.
I might even get far back - or not so much, if I keep the Sticky charms and the section specific base. Anyway, it was good to attract him while I was still active and could be in control of what I was doing!
Right now I'm in Twisted Garden, with Graveblossom Petals pouring in
The strong weapons and the HotHouse Base really makes a difference - and with the Eggs, I'll get my Icuri all the faster. I've been reading up on the area - and only now has it really struck me that you need a Shattering Charm EVERY TIME you want to catch one of the bosses.
I had only thought of it as a cost to get the Rift Base, and I thought about getting the ingredients and leave the gold for later - but that's only the blueprints, I can leave those for a while. But in order to get the ingredients, I need that charm first in order to catch the mouse! Those are 3 mil that I cannot postpone for "after getting the ingredients" ...
And if I want to bronze a boss, that's one mil per catch. Bronzing them all will cost 30 mil My ambition is to bronze every non-prize mouse in the game. But I'm not putting that ambition as my goal - there are some bronze crowns I won't include in my goal, and these are three of them
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I've been reading up on the area - and only now has it really struck me that you need a Shattering Charm EVERY TIME you want to catch one of the bosses.
If it makes you feel any better, when the area was first released, I thought you would use a Shattering Charm every time you ATTRACTED A boss mouse, not necessary caught. I was both relieved and disappointed at the same time when that turned out to not be the case (I'm still waiting for a really, really hard section... but I think popular player opinion is against that.
I sure hope the egg hunt starts tomorrow. I'm so bored right now.
The Egg Hunt has begun! It's taking me awhile to calibrate my eggscavator. Has anyone finished collecting the eggs yet in the Chocolate Factory?
Not yet... I need 4 more to collect, yet... including the golden one.
Hopefully I get them soon, cuz I'm in a good place in the gauntlet Any new eggs this year?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I have not taken the time to sit down and actually study the new eggs, but after a couple quick glances, I think all of the new eggs are either in the BRift, WWRift, and SC.
There are 10 new ones in the SC and I'm starting off here first. Currently in a Sunken Treasure area so I'm hoping to get the Sunken Treasure egg before I move on to the next area.
There's a Bubbling egg. I hope that's not from an oxygen stream....